Florida International University

Department of Biological Sciences

Biscayne Bay Campus

OCB2003L – Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory

Summer A 2018

Updated  May 28th



Contact Information:

Lab Coordinator

Richard Brinn


Lab Instructor

Valeria Paz



Course Texts:

No text require although students must print out task sheets and bring to lab. You will be provided witha task sheet on the first lab.

 Lab Supplies:

·         Lab coat (Long sleeve shirts are not acceptable substitutes for proper lab coats)

·         Closed-toe shoes, preferably waterproof but MUST be able to be worn in water (no flip-flops or sandals)


Grading Breakdown:   Grades will not be curved and based on the following:

Midterm Practical Exam – 25%

Final Practical Exam – 25%

Quizzes – 20%

Lab Task Sheets – 20%

Participation - 10%









Letter Grade


Letter Grade



above 92


76 - 78.9


89 - 91.9


70 - 75.9


86 - 88.9


60 - 69.9


82 - 85.9


< 59.9

B- 79 - 81.9    




Participation also includes wearing proper attire for lab work (closed-toe shoes and lab coat) and outdoor field work (getting wet from the head down if it is raining and from the feet up when we wade into the adjacent Biscayne Bay to collect samples) and cleaning up after each lab.  There will be a required half-day snorkeling field trip on Saturday. Other trips on and off campus will also be held during lab hours.


You are required to print out, read and bring to lab each assigned task sheet(s) before the lab period.  It is highly recommended to maintain a lab binder containing your observations, detailed drawings of all specimens and answers to exercise questions. 

Practical Exams

There will be a midterm and a cumulative final practical exam.  Due to the nature of the laboratory practical exams, you will also receive a grade of zero if you are late or miss the exam.  You may not attend any other lab section if you miss an exam and no make-up exams are available.


There will be several quizzes and dates are indicated in the schedule of this syllabus.  Quiz material is based on material presented in the previous lab as well as that day’s activities.  You will be expected to recall major concepts and results discussed from the previous lab and background introductory information from the current lab.  You must be present at the beginning of the class in order to take the quiz.  If you are late or absent, you will receive a zero and no make-up quizzes are available.


Lab Task Sheets:

Each lab has an associated task sheet that can be found online at faculty.fiu.edu/~brinnr.  It is your responsibility to print out, read and bring to lab each assigned task sheet(s) before the lab period. The questions within the task sheet(s) should be completed and turned in at the beginning of the next lab session. No late materials will be accepted.


Help:  If you need additional assistance with the information presented in this course, contact your TA, instructor or lab coordinator.  If the office hours are inconvenient, other arrangements can be made.


Important Policies:

All students should follow all policies as stated in the University Handbook, Undergraduate Manual and posted within fiu.edu.  Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the course and possibly the University. 

Sexual Harassment:     http://www.fiu.edu/hr/eop/Forms/Policies/Sexual_harassment.pdf

Plagiarism:  Cheating is unacceptable and will be reported to University Officials

Emergency and Excused Absences:  “Emergency” is determined as an unpreventable event such as:

·         Medical emergency with Medical Doctor/emergency room’s note.

·         Automobile accident with police report (lack of ride is NOT an emergency)

·         Death of immediate family members.

·         Natural events causing the closing of FIU-BBC

·         Emergency situations also include problems with late registration.  However, your instructor reserves his/her right to deny you a seat in this course. 

You will only be excuse of your absence if an email is sent to your Instructor or the Lab Coordinator within 48h of the occurrence. This should be followed by the proper documentation within one week of the occurrence. Emergency also covers natural events such as hurricanes, floods, or fires that causes the closure of FIU-BBC. Please note that the lab will be closed for the whole week if one of the week’s lab sections is closed/affected. Your instructor will do his/her best to inform you in advance via email. But it is your responsibility to find out the status of emergency. You may contact following numbers for information campus-wide, not specific to Biology Department.


   The task sheets below may be compacted in zip format with multiple sheets each.

Section B51



Task Sheets

May 9

Think Like a Scientist

Scientific Method   Task Sheet Lab 1 Lab Rules

May 11

Seawater Chemistry (quiz 1)

Seawater Chemistry    Task Sheet Lab 2

May 16

Microscopic Marine World (quiz 2)

Microscope Use Phyto and Zoo  Plankton Guide Task Sheet Lab 3

May 18

Organisms and their Environment (quiz 3)

Fish ID   Organism and Environment    Task Sheet Lab 4

May 23

Evolution of Appendages and Feeding Behavior (quiz 4)

Invert Morph   Task Sheet Lab 5

May 25



May 30

Rocky Intertidal Diversity

Task Sheet 8

June 1

Kayak trip and Mangroves, Seagrasses and Algae (quiz 5)    Blank Key  DEP Field Guide  Marine Plants  Task Sheet Lab 6

June 6

Living Organisms (quiz 6)

Task Sheet Lab 7
June 8 No Class since we have a Saturday field trip.  
June 9 Saturday Field Trip (quiz 7) Florida's Reefs   Reefs at Risk  Release Forms  Task Sheet Field Trip
June 13 Comparative Morphology of Shark vs. Bony Fish (quiz 8) Shark versus Fish  Fish Dissection
June 15 Final