Department of Earth and Environment


GLY 6061-U01 Geoscience Systems

Fall 2015, Tu/Th 11-12:15, AHC4 202


Course Description:  Geoscience systems function in the deep Earth, shallow Earth, Earth’s surface and Earth’s atmosphere. They form one great dynamic system in which each is a part of other systems. We will compare and analyze each of these systems as well as read and discuss recent research, discoveries and debates.


Course Objectives:  to examine major concepts in geologic and atmospheric sciences, and read important scientific articles on those subjects


Learning Outcomes:  an in-depth understanding of the interaction of Earth’s dynamic systems and how they have changed through geologic time, as well as the latest research topics in these areas


Instructors and contact information (in order of appearance): 




Office Hours

Dr. Grenville Draper


AHC5 386 MTWR 9.00-10.00

Dr. Laurel Collins


AHC5 377, M 9-10:30, Th 12:15-1:45

Dr. Michael Sukop


AHC5 369, M 1:30-2:30, Th 1:30-2:30

Dr. Ping Zhu


AHC5 234 Tu/Th 12:30-2:00PM


Course structure:  Students read and discuss 1-2 scientific articles that are assigned for every class. Before the class discussion, the instructor provides background for understanding the article, and textbook readings give a fundamental basis of concepts and terminology for that discipline. The scientific articles cover classic research debates and principles, as well as the latest breakthroughs and discoveries. During the last week of class, students become lecturers on their own areas of research.


Grading:  Grades on the scale A-F will be based on:

·         periodic pop quizzes and/or assignments (30% of grade),

·         class participation (20%),

·         participation in two field trips (20%), and

·         a presentation (30%).


Grades use the scale:  A = 93-100%, A- = 90-92%, B+ = 87-89%, B = 83-86%, B- = 80-82%, C+ = 77-79%, C = 73-76%, C- = 70-72%, D+ = 67-69%, D = 63-66%, D- = 60-62%, F = 0-59%. Class participation is evaluated by how much you contribute to the conversation. Students who contribute during each class will earn full credit. The student presentation is given in the style of an instructor on a subject that is part of their area of research and is related to the course.



-        Two field trips will be held on weekends in November. Any absence may only be excused with a doctor’s note verifying an illness or condition that prevents physical activity.

-        You are expected to arrive to class before the class begins, and to stay for the entire class.

-        The use of cell phones in class is prohibited. Cell phone rings must be silenced.

-        You are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty. Any student found in violation of these standards will earn an automatic F and be reported to the Deans Office, no exceptions made. In accordance with FIU's policy on academic honesty, as set forth in Section 2.44 of the Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures Manual (, it is expected that students will neither submit the academic work of another as their own, nor provide work they have done for another student to be submitted as that other student's work.



Class Schedule


Aug.    25        Introduction to course and instructors


Part 1:  Dr. Draper – The Earth’s Interior

Aug.    27        A crystal planet: minerals and rocks

Sept.     1        Deformation of rocks; earthquakes

              3        Interior of the earth, geomagnetism/palemagnetism, origin of the Earth

              8        Continental drift, plate tectonics, plate boundaries

            10        Divergent and transform boundaries

            15        Convergent plate boundaries


Part 2:  Dr. Collins – Evolution of the Earth

Sept.   17        Stratigraphic record: interaction of tectonics, climate and biosphere

            22        Early Earth: lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere

            24        Sedimentary basins and accumulation of organic-rich deposits

            29        Sea-level change: causes and detection

Oct.       1        Mass extinctions

  6        The (last) Ice Age: Earth's orbital cycles, glaciation, human evolution, animal extinctions


Part 3: Dr. Sukop – Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Oct.       8        Atmospheric radiation and energy budget (Dr. Zhu)

            13        Global Hydrologic Cycle   

            15        Aquifers and aquifer properties with a focus on Biscayne Aquifer

20        Groundwater modeling: analytical steady-state solutions

            22        Groundwater modeling: numerical steady-state solutions

            27        Groundwater modeling: numerical transient solutions

            29        Saltwater intrusion and sea level rise



Part 4: Dr. Zhu – Atmosphere and Meteorology


              5        Hydrostatic balance and balanced winds

            10        Atmospheric general circulation and oceanic currents

            12        Atmospheric instabilities and mid-latitude weather systems

            17        Tropical dynamics and tropical cyclones

            19        Climate and climate impacts on extreme weather events


Part 5: Wrapup with All Instructors           

Nov.    24        Summary of geosystems, discussion on giving talks

            26        Thanksgiving – University Closed


Part 6: Student Presentations

Dec.      1        Student talks, part 1

              3        Student talks, part 2



Weekend Field Trips        

Two weekend field trips in November:  Miami’s limestone outcrops, local geology and karst topography:

-        Nov. 7 –  Different processes, conditions, and sea level changes exposed at Brickell Metro station, Montgomery Center, Alice Wainwright Park: Drs. Draper and Sukop

-        Nov. 21 – Fossil and living corals, mollusks and sediments of the Florida Keys: Windley Key quarry and John Pennecamp State Park: Drs. Collins and Zhu