Dr. Sneh Gulati 


Vice Chair and Director of Resource Integration

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Florida International University

Miami, FL 33199

Tel:    (305)348-2065

Fax:   (305)348-6895

E-mail: gulati@fiu.edu


Sneh Gulati received her PhD in Statistics at the University of South Carolina in 1991 and has been working at Florida International University since her graduation. She was the chair of the Department of Statistics from 2005-2009 and thereafter, the director of the Division of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 2009-2013. She served as the chair of the Florida Commission of Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology from 2001 until 2004 and as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Statistical Computation and Simulation and Computation. She has also served as the President of the South Florida American Statistical Association on two occasions and as the secretary of the International Indian Statistical Association.


Fall Teaching Activities


STA 4234/5236– Regression Analysis



This a web assisted classes and you must be enrolled in it to view the course



Research Interests:


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