Some Questions and Criticisms of Sagan:

1. Raised at p. 58, but applies passim: is it appropriate to apply psychoanalytic terms, theories, practices, evaluations, and values to societies?  That is, in particular, can societies be paranoid?

2. Regarding p. 66: Sagan contends that “evolving toward equality is, by definition, moral.  Plato (and others) disagree.  What makes him so sure of his “values,” and conception of “normality” and “morality.”  Is there a possible confusion between his psychological account and his moral one (can one equate “non-psychotic” with “moral?”

3. Regarding p. 77: he contends that “eros binds society together.”  While he may be right for the MTV generation (sorry for the character assassination), is he right generally?  

4. Regarding p. 77: he contends that the positive transition from love of hierarchy to true citizenship “involves a transfer of love from the ruler to [love of] one’s country.”  Why not say “a transfer of love from the ruler to [love of]  the citizens?”  Is loving the country what he wants?  Is it what we want?

5. Regarding p. 309: he contends that our greatest anxiety is in regard to the dissolution of the self.  Is it?

6. Regarding p. 313: he contends that honor is a bad moral guide because it is “external” to us—justice is better because it is internalized.  Well, what makes "external" standards lesser than internal ones?

7. Regarding p. 319: sexuality and “perversion”—is he right here?  Moreover, is the application of this point to societies and mental health, etc. correct?

8. Regarding p. 332: he says that "overcoming the paranoid position is "imminent in all men," and that "the end of education in a free society is the creation of an environment in which the democratic spirit may thrive."  Are these claims right?  What is his argument for them?  

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