True-False practice for Diff Eq's.

These are just for practice and don't affect your grade. I'm assuming you've read over Ross, Chs 1-2. For this practice quiz, DE means differential equation.

True False. y ' + y = x y3 is a Bernoulli DE.

True False. x2 + y2 -25 = 0 is an implicit solution of : x dx + y dy = 0.

True False. (x2 + y2) dx + 2xy dy = 0 is a separable DE.

True False. The substitution v = y1-n is mainly used for homogeneous DEs.

True False. Every DE with linear coefficients is a linear DE.

True False. (x2 -3y2) dx + 2xy dy = 0 is a homogeneous DE.

True False. For 1st order linear DEs, we apply an integrating factor.

True False. Every DE of the form y ' = f(x,y) has a solution.

True False. The method of grouping is for exact DE's.

True False. Separable DEs should be transformed into homogeneous DEs.

Written by S.Hudson 9/02

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