True-False Set A, for Quiz 5

These are just for practice and don't affect your grade. I'm assuming you've read over Leon, Ch 3.6. For this quiz assume that: 

A is an arbitrary mxn matrix.
B is a square nxn matrix
C is a nonsingular square nxn matrix.
R(A) = Col (A) is the "range", or column space of A.

True False. Rank (A) £ n and Rank (A) £ m.

True False. Rank (B) = Rank (C) = n.

True False. R(A) is a subspace of Rm

True False. The columns of A are a basis of R(A).

True False. If the columns of B are linearly independent, then so are the rows of B.

True False. Rank (AT ) = Rank (A).

True False. The dimensions of the row space and the column space of A are equal.

True False. If the nullity of B is 1, then the rank of B is n+1.

True False. R(C) = Rn.

True False. If A is row equivalent to B, then m = n, and they have the same row space.

Written by S.Hudson

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