True-False for Quiz 6, Part B

These are just for practice and don't affect your grade. I'm assuming you've read over Leon, Ch 5.3 - 5.5. For this quiz assume that S and T are subspaces of Rn, that A is an mxn matrix, and that b is a vector in Rn

True False. Rank (ATA) = Rank A, and  ATA is nonsingular.

True False. If S Ç T = {0} then S Å T = Rn.

True False. The columns of I form an orthonormal set.

True False.  N(AT) Å R(A) = Rm.

True False. If x^ is a least squares solution to Ax = b, then A(x^)  = the projection of b onto R(A).

True False. If Ax = b is consistent, then any least squares solution is a solution ("a Ch.1 solution"). 

True False.  The norm of a vector does not depend on the inner product used to define the norm.

True False. Every possible norm on V satisfies the triangle inequality. 

True False. If Q is orthogonal, then QT  = Q -1 , and the normal equations for Qx = b simplify to  x^ = QT b.  

True False. If an inner product is used to define ||v||, then it will satisfy the Pythagorean law.

Written by S.Hudson

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