Syllabus for MAS 3105.02, Fall 2019 (Ref # 87527) Last modified on

Class Time and Room: TR 4pm to 5:15pm in GC 280
Professor:  Steven M. Hudson. 
DM 419B. Hours: TR 12:30pm to 1:30pm, no appointment required.
: , Home Page:    
Learning Assistant: Javier Castro, TuTh 11:00am to approx 1pm, Green Library 5th floor.
Main Text:
Linear Algebra with Applications, By Steven J Leon, 9th Edn. Optional - the supplementary materials listed in the preface, such as the Student Study Guide may be helpful. 

Course Objectives: We will cover most of Chs. 1.1 thru 6.4, including vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality and eigenvectors. We also want increased skill with abstract reasoning, precise vocabulary and proofs.
Schedule:  Some dates are below tentative. See  the Schedule and Homework page for more details, updates and announcements. See the FIU Calendar for other dates not specific to this course.

8/27 (Tue) - First lecture, 4pm to 5:15pm in GC 280.
9/3 (Tue) - First homework (HW 1) is due. See the Schedule for the HW2 date, the MATLAB homeworks (MHW's), etc.
9/5 (Thur) - Quiz 1. See the Schedule for Quiz 2, etc. They are every 2 weeks, approx, mostly on Thursdays.
11/4 - Last day to drop the course (without refund) But double-check this yourself.
11/28 - No class, holiday.
12/3 - Last day to turn in HW, excuses, grading requests, etc
12/*** - Final Exam, covers the whole course.

The prerequisite for this course is Calc II (MAC 2312). If you have written short proofs in a previous class (Discrete Math, Geometry, etc) you have a small advantage. If you have never multiplied two matrices, or solved a linear system of equations,  try to learn and practice those Chapter One skills ASAP. Prior knowledge of MATLAB is not required, but you will need very basic computer skills. You'll probably spend a couple of hours a week in an FIU computer lab.

Your semester grade will be based on your average score - not on improvement, effort, etc. Incompletes will not be given, except in special cases such as last-minute medical emergencies. Percentages of course grade - Six quiz scores, 10% each. I may sometimes call these "exams" but they last only 20 - 30 minutes. There are two kinds of homework, HW and MHW.  The normal daily HW counts 10% total. The MHW will replace your lowest quiz grade, if that helps you. The final exam is 30%. Each student will have a score between 0 and 100% at the end of the course. Based on past experience, letter grades will be assigned approximately as follows; 

 A 85-100%,   B 75-84 %,   C 65-74 %,   D 55-64 %, F 0-54 %. 

but +'s and -'s may also be used from A- to C+. I will set the official scale after all grades are in, but no higher than this. I will usually give a purely advisory scale after each quiz, included on the answer key. Those are sometimes higher than this scale early in the semester. If interested, check out past semesters on my exam page.

Expectations: You are expected to spend approx 10 hours a week outside of class, on homework and reading the corresponding sections of the text - more if needed. Do NOT fall behind! The lectures are intended to give you a light introduction to the material (with attention to the rough spots). The reading and HW will go a bit beyond the lectures. You are expected to ask questions in my office, after class with our LA or by email. You will need to visit various pages in this website. You will need to do MATLAB problems for homework.

You will be expected to write fairly simple proofs, with clear sentences and good explanations. I will try to help you learn to do this by giving examples in lectures and thru web pages. You may need to spend extra time on this. I can meet with you during office hours, and may place extra books on reserve in the library for this, upon request. I expect you to visit our LA (Javier) regularly for help with HW, general Q+A, special presentations, etc. Attendance is strongly recommended, and I usually give extra credit for regular active participation in LA sessions.

Various Policies:  There will be approx 6 or 7 regular homeworks (HWs), which will help prepare you for the quizzes. The MATLAB homework (MHW) will be assigned separately (see the link below). Both kinds of HW will be colllected and graded briefly. If you are not getting enough feedback this way, bring me or your LA any exercises you have doubts about. Do the problems by yourself. If you get help from our LA or from me, or use software, leave a note on your HW paper. Show enough work, in your own words, to show the grader that your answers are not copied. I sometimes allow students to opt out of the regular HW, but you must see me and send me an email about this during the first week.

Quizzes usually consist of 1-2 problems similar to the previous homework assignment(s), and 1-2 conceptual questions, such as  True-False, a textbook proof and/or a definition. If your grades are low, I may participate in the FIU Early Alert system, and your advisor may contact you. I do not normally take attendance for grading, but reserve the right to do so, especially if FIU requires this, or if unusual problems arise.

The Main Rules:

Cell phones, laptops, etc must be turned off during class.
Turn in all electronics during quizzes and exams.
If you cannot arrive and leave on time, see me and explain.
If you miss a class, get notes from a classmate.
If you must miss an exam, see me beforehand, and/or document your excuse.
In general, there are no make-up exams (but if you miss a quiz, see me).
If you find a grading error, write a note to me at the top of your paper and return it promptly.

I will try to identify any cheating that may occur in the course. To avoid unfounded suspicion, please show all your work, turn in any scratch paper you use in exams, and avoid sitting next to your study partners during exams. This covers the basics, but read over My Policies (the long version) so that you are not surprised by anything, and so you know your options.

Additional Exam Rules:  If you bring any electronic devices (such as cell phones, airbuds, calculators, etc), you must leave them with me before the exam. Keep your eyes and hands on your desk at all times. Barring freaky weather, no hats, hoodies or long sleeves are allowed. Seats may be assigned. No bathroom breaks. Arrive early if possible so we can settle and start on time. If you do not follow these rules you will get a zero. You may also face charges of academic misconduct and/or cheating. If you cannot follow these rules contact me at least 24 hours in advance to discuss them.


Schedule and HW 
Help tutoring, websites, online tutorials, advice etc
Exam Page - practice quizzes, keys, etc 
MATLAB page - MHW lists, FAQs, etc

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