Spring 2025

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Thursday, January 23rd Walter Carballosa Torres (Florida International University) Learning design in Discrete Mathematics

Video Recording
Abstract:Discrete Mathematics is a critical progression course for undergraduate computer science and mathematics majors.  In this talk, we describe the redesigned online modality of this class at Florida International University.  This process includes guidance, resources, and support from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching’s Gateway Program. In addition, we present a recently developed learning tool CalcLogic, whose tasks aid students in transitioning to understanding and engaging with mathematical proofs.  Finally, we share results on the impact on student performance.

Fall 2024

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Friday, September 6th Anurag Katyal (Palm Beach State College) A Solution, a Clicker, and the Zero Product Property Walk into a Bar...

Video Recording
Abstract:Students often learn algorithms for solving various equations and inequalities in Algebra courses leading up to the Calculus sequence without deeply understanding what they are finding or what it means for some mathematical object to be a solution. In this talk, we will discuss the ‘What is a Solution?' activity developed in Doenet, an open-source interactive platform facilitated by a Team-Based Inquiry Learning framework in Active Learning Studios, where students work collaboratively to build a more nuanced understanding of solutions without first needing to know how to solve the equations or inequalities themselves. We will also discuss the benefits of such an alternative sequence of content presentation to the long-term persistence of the notion of a solution evident in student assessments. Pending time and interest, other activities created as part of a reimagined Intermediate Algebra course can be previewed.
Friday, September 27th Deborah Goldwasser (Florida International University) Integration of Lab-Based Hands-On Learning in Teaching Introductory Statistics: Overview of the Savannah Math Labs™ Approach

Video Recording
Abstract:Statistics is a core STEM subject undertaken by students across a range of academic disciplines such as Business, Finance, Biology, Engineering, Psychology, and more. I will show several examples of lab-based projects that can enhance and deepen the experience of learning key statistical concepts such as The Law of Large Numbers, Expected Value, Discrete Random Variables, The Central Limit Theorem and Statistical Bias. Lab-based projects model the process of producing a scientific paper, whereby students perform a computational analysis and subsequently reflect on the results in a short, written report. Completion of lab assignments develops technical skills in scientific writing as well as Microsoft® Excel®, transferable skills applicable to a future career, campus research project or internship. Students are challenged to develop new abilities while simultaneously being supported by video-based tutorials detailing data analysis steps and animated video tutorials reinforcing statistical concepts. A complementary set of in-class active learning activities further enhances the student experience through promoting positive peer interactions.
Friday, October 18th Antonio Martinez (California State University-Long Beach) Course Coordination in Undergraduate Mathematics: Lessons Learned and Future Directions

Video Recording
Abstract: At many institutions across the United States, course coordination has evolved from a system of disconnected individual efforts into a more cohesive mechanism for improving instruction and student outcomes in undergraduate mathematics courses. Initially focused on logistical support, recent literature highlights the potential for structured guidance and professional development, with coordinators acting as "choice architects" who indirectly influence teaching practices through curated resources and support. In this talk, I will review the current landscape of research on course coordination and discuss emerging ideas and avenues for future exploration.
Friday, November 8th Zac Bettersworth (Western Kentucky University) Examples of Interactive Digital Activities Designed to Elicit Mathematical Meanings

Video Recording
Abstract:The design of applets, animations, and other digital resources (such as digital learning games or augmented and virtual reality) have become of increasing interest to mathematics education researchers. Supporting students in making connections between digital visualizations and the corresponding mathematical ideas takes time and care to develop. While animations can illustrate dynamic phenomena, this research project focuses on designing applets that promote students’ engagement with some aspect of the activity to promote student thinking. In this talk, I will provide examples of interactive digital activities (IDA) designed to support students in constructing mathematical connections in various instructional formats. More specifically, we will consider examples of IDAs designed for pre-service elementary teachers enrolled in a geometry course, STEM majors enrolled in a multivariable calculus course, and in-service secondary teachers enrolled in an asynchronous, graduate-level real analysis course.

Spring 2024

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Wednesday, January 17th Anne Ho (University of Tennessee) In Between High School & College: A Qualitative Study on Educators’ Self-Reported Teaching Practices

Video Recording
Abstract: Past research typically assumes that an instructor is a high school or college instructor, but not both. The mechanisms to obtain teaching credentials for each are also traditionally separate, but there exist instructors who operate in between secondary and postsecondary institutions. In some cases, these instructors teach dual enrollment courses, which are ones that count for both high school and college credit at the same time. In other cases, instructors teach at both types of institutions simultaneously or transition between them during their careers. To better understand these educators, our team conducted a qualitative study centered around the Pedagogical Content Knowledge domains within Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (Ball et al., 2008; Shulman, 1986). In this talk, I will primarily focus on the dual enrollment component to our project as well as some mentions of the high school vs. college comparisons reported by our research participants.
Wednesday, February 7th Brian Rickard (University of Arkansas) We Don't Talk About Math Tutoring Centers... But We Probably Should

Video Recording
Abstract: Mathematics tutoring centers exist in varying forms at universities across the country. Despite having similar goals, these centers vary a great deal in their practices, resources, and organizational structures. This is, in part, due to limited research-based evidence regarding the aforementioned aspects. These centers often seem to exist simply due to universities thinking they should have one. While resources are provided to create the centers, there is often inadequate effort to ensure that they have an achievable strategic mission and continued resources and administration necessary to be successful. In this talk, we will review a national survey of mathematics tutoring centers, examine research on effective organizational structures, and discuss research on the effectiveness of tutoring centers.
Wednesday, March 6th Yat Sun Poon (University of California-Riverside) Principles of Calculus -- A New Mathematics Gateway

Video Recording
Abstract: Our undergraduate education institutions face multiple challenges. It is particularly so at the freshmen level. Funded by the State of California, a group of four mathematicians and two mathematics educators conceive a one-year program to meet some of the most fundamental challenges in teaching calculus to freshmen, including those with minimum preparation. This program is materialized as a set of Open Education Resources with adaptive and collaborative learning opportunities. It is currently piloted in both in-person and online modes in three different institutions in California. In this presentation, we touch upon our specific challenges, define our approaches, layout the mathematical Principles, and sample some of the learning materials. Cognitive and efficacy research results are forthcoming.
Wednesday, March 27th Franklin Yu (Virginia Commonwealth University) Promoting Productive Understandings of Rate of Change in Calculus 1: What does it mean to have a Rate of Change at a Point?

Video Recording
Abstract: A productive understanding of rate of change is essential for constructing a robust understanding of derivatives. There is substantial evidence in the research that students enter and leave their Calculus courses with naive understandings of rate of change. In this talk, I discuss my findings about how students interpret the value of a derivative and the implementation of a short unit on "What is Rate of Change" in a Calculus 1 course that indicated shifts in student thinking about rate of change. In particular, I designed the unit to purposefully combat the common conception that a rate of change is the amount of change in the output for a 1-unit change in the input. (For example, a speed of 47 miles per hour means that "For each hour that passes, your distance changes by 47 miles").
Wednesday, April 17th Tim McEldowney (West Virginia University) Barriers to Marginalized Students Pursuing Graduate Mathematics Education

Video Recording
Abstract: The percentage of doctoral degrees earned by women and minoritized students is greatly skewed from their representation in the US population. Despite this disparity there has been minimal research on equity and access in graduate mathematics education. To begin understanding the causes of this disparity I created the NSF funded Undergraduate Knowledge of the Mathematics Graduate School Application Process (Knowledge-GAP) project, which studies barriers undergraduate students face in applying to graduate school. We surveyed over 500 mathematics majors and analyzed their responses to determine their knowledge and perception of the graduate school application process. In this talk we cover results from our recent papers showing how the Graduate Record Examination and the costs of applying serve as to marginalized students applying to graduate school in mathematics.

Fall 2023

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Wednesday, September 6th Houssein El Turkey (University of New Haven) Teaching Actions to Foster Mathematical Creativity

Abstract: In this seminar presentation, I will share results from an NSF project on fostering students’ mathematical creativity in Calculus 1. Specifically, I will share teaching actions that students reported as actions fostering their sense of mathematical creativity. Through qualitative analysis, these actions were themed into 4 categories: Task-Related, Active Learning, Holistic Teaching, and Teacher-Centered. I will elaborate on the Task-Related category to discuss the features and design principles of creativity-fostering tasks. I will also share some examples of such tasks. If time permits, I will present on the affective outcomes of those teaching actions, as reported by students.
Wednesday, September 27th Alan Garfinkel (UCLA) Teaching Dynamics to Biology Undergrads

Video Recording
Abstract: There is a need to reform how we introduce math to beginning students in Life Science. The usual “Calculus for Life Sciences”, which is a watered down version of Calculus I, possibly including some trivial biological examples, has failed to inspire students. Even worse, the math gateway courses into the life sciences serve as powerful filters keeping women and under-represented minorities out of the life sciences and medicine. Recently, there have been calls, from all the leading voices in US biology and medicine, for a new approach to mathematics for biology. We designed such a course, and are currently teaching it to ~2000 students/year. The course introduces students, on day 1, to the concept of modeling a system that has multiple interacting variables and nonlinear relations. The student quickly learns that models give rise to ‘change equations’ and that these differential equations can always be “solved” (that is, simulated numerically) using Euler’s method. They learn to program their own code for Euler’s method in a Python-like environment. Throughout, there is an emphasis on biological applications of these concepts, such as feedback behaviors in physiology and ecology, oscillations in insulin and glucose levels and in biological populations.
Wednesday, October 18th Rafael Martínez-Planell (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez) A survey of our work on the teaching and learning of two-variable functions

Video Recording
Abstract: We will present a survey of several of our studies dealing with the teaching and learning of two-variable functions. The presentation will start with a brief and informal discussion of some of the main ideas of APOS theory: the notions of Action, Process, Object, Schema, and genetic decomposition. Examples will be given. Then, we will discuss how to do research using this theory, particularly the idea of research cycles and the methodology we commonly use. Then, we will describe various cycles of research dealing with basic issues: three cycles for basic issues of two-variable functions (geometric understanding and definition), two cycles for the differential calculus, and two cycles for the integral calculus of these functions. When discussing the results, we will focus on practical aspects.
Wednesday, November 8th Katie Johnson (Florida Gulf Coast University) Reimagining MGF 1106: A Guided Inquiry Approach

Video Recording
Abstract: Come on a journey through a decade of teaching MGF 1106 (Finite Math) with me. I'll share how I've evolved the course with engaging Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activities. We'll discuss the course's goals, why POGIL works so well, and dive into a hands-on Logic POGIL activity. Plus, I'll share what I learned from teaching this class online last summer using POGIL.
Wednesday, November 29th Brendan Kelly (Harvard University) Making Mathematics Meaningful for Students

Video Recording
Abstract: Introductory mathematics courses have the potential to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to solve important problems our world faces. Despite this incredible potential to create transformative educational experiences, students often encounter introductory mathematics courses as a burdensome requirement. In this presentation, I will share my experience of reimagining my introductory calculus course as a mathematical modeling course. I will discuss leading design principals, share concrete tasks, and provide some data on student outcomes. I am eager to collect feedback, find inspiration, and meet new collaborators.

Spring 2023

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Wednesday, January 18th Bryan Dewsbury (Florida International University) Inclusive teaching practices - Lessons from Bob Moses and the Algebra Project

Abstract: In this talk we will reflect on the ways in which civil rights activist Bob Moses leveraged lessons from voter registration to found the Algebra Project and the Young People's Project, both geared towards improving math literacy and agency among disadvantaged youth. I will discuss the lessons that this has for how we think about inclusive teaching practices, and our own role in fostering excellence among all students.
Wednesday, February 8th Adrian Mims (The Calculus Project) The Calculus Project: Creating Pathways for Black, Hispanic, and Low-Income Students to Earn Degrees in STEM

Abstract: The Calculus Project (TCP) was developed in 2009 at Brookline High School from the findings of a dissertation written by Dr. Adrian Mims Sr. entitled, Improving African American Achievement in Geometry Honors, in response to: 1) the historical and ongoing dismal data at Brookline High, replicated nationally, on the math achievement of African American students; 2) the predictive power of success in high-level mathematics in high school – particularly calculus – on overall graduation rates from college, and increased enrollment and success in the STEM disciplines at college; 3) the very positive prospects for employment in the STEM professions in our nation where millions of STEM positions are going unfilled, and where there are continued low numbers of STEM professionals of color. TCP is defined by its comprehensiveness, high expectations, cultural awareness and commitment to sustainability. Calculus Project programs begin in the middle schools and expand to high schools over a five to six-year period engaging students, parents, and educators. The research-supported components that anchor the work include: 1) The Summer Academy; 2) The Academic Center; 3) The Pride Curriculum; 4) Student Cohorts; and 5) Peer-teaching. Since its inception, TCP has served over 10,000 students in over 100 middle and high schools in Massachusetts and Florida. Today, students who have completed TCP are successful STEM professionals.
Wednesday, March 8th Kathy Quadrokos Fisher (Florida International University) Lessons-Learned from Building a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Community Among Two-Year College Mathematics Faculty

Abstract: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) consists of classroom-based investigations and the sharing of results with others. The purpose of SoTL is to build practitioner-driven knowledge around the pragmatic application of educational theories and findings. In this talk, I will give an overview of Project SLOPE (Scholarly Leaders Originating as Practicing Educators). This NSF-funded project built a SoTL community for Two-Year College Mathematics Faculty within the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). I will highlight lessons-learned from working with faculty as they completed their first SoTL project and highlight one SoTL Fellow’s project. Finally, I will highlight SoTL opportunities at FIU.
Wednesday, March 29th Heather Johnson (University of Colorado Denver) Modeling a Relationship Between College Algebra Students’ Graph Selection and Graph Reasoning

Abstract: I address a problem being taken up by a growing number of mathematics education scholars: How to scale up results from interview-based studies investigating students’ mathematical reasoning? Together with the project team, I have led the development of a six-item, fully online measure of students’ graph selection and reasoning for dynamic situations (MGSRDS), accessible on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. The measure contains six items; for each, students are to view a video animation of a dynamic situation (e.g., a toy car moving along a square track), confirm whether they understand the situation, select a Cartesian graph to represent a relationship between given attributes in the situation, and explain their graph choice. Using a mixed methods approach, our team analyzed the responses of 673 undergraduate college algebra students. We qualitatively coded students’ responses, then quantitized those codes to examine connections between students’ reasoning and their graph selection. To theorize students’ graph reasoning, we drew on Thompson’s theory of quantitative reasoning, which explains students’ conceptions of attributes as being possible to measure. To code students’ written responses, we appealed to Johnson and colleagues’ graph reasoning framework, which distinguished students’ quantitative reasoning about one or more attributes capable of varying (Covariation, Variation) from students’ reasoning about observable elements in a situation (Motion, Iconic). Using structural equation modeling, we explored a predictive relationship between the latent variables of student reasoning and graph selection. Findings were significant; the pathway’s standardized regression weight was 0.64 (p < 0.001), indicating that the student reasoning variable is explaining 40% of the graph selection variable. I situate this study within our larger research project (NSF 2013186; https://itscritical.cu.studio/), discuss the design and validation of the MGSRDS, describe our data analysis methods, and elaborate on our findings.
Wednesday, April 19th Jim Fowler (The Ohio State University) Lessons from the Calculus Knowledge Assessment

Abstract: This talk examines affective surveys alongside the Calculus Knowledge Assessment (CKA), a multiple-choice test administered to students both before and after completing a calculus course. Our findings demonstrate an improvement in student performance from pre-test to post-test. Additionally, we establish a correlation between the CKA and traditional in-class exams, supporting the CKA's validity as a useful assessment tool in measuring students' understanding. To further explore the CKA's potential, we will introduce Item Response Theory (IRT) as a framework for evaluating exam items. Finally, we compare human performance on the CKA to that of ChatGPT, an AI language model.

Fall 2022

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Friday, September 9th Melinda Lanius (Auburn University) Lol this is gonna be bad: Developing Personas of Stress during Classroom Problem Solving

Abstract: In this talk, we will explore the capacity of heart rate fitness trackers (e.g. Fitbit, Apple watch, Garmin watch) to assist in differentiating students' experiences of stress during classroom problem solving. I cluster N=26 students' heart rate variability plots based on categories of description created using a phenomenographic analysis of their reported emotional experiences during a scripted lesson on roots of polynomial functions. “Lol this is gonna be bad” is the response of one participant when assigned a challenging problem to solve. Using this data, we will discuss if fitness tracker data can be a valuable indicator of student classroom distress and how one might use fitness trackers in education research.
Friday, September 23rd Zackery Reed (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University) Analyzing final exam items in Calculus I with an eye towards instructional design

Abstract: A basic model for teaching characterizes the phenomenon as being composed of an instructor’s intended, enacted, and assessed curriculum. The interdependence of these triad elements allows us to discuss the implications of one element for the entire practice of teaching. I will use results from a study of the assessed curricula in Calculus I as a lens through which to discuss and make recommendations for the intended and enacted Calculus I curricula at U.S. institutions. I will begin by discussing insights gained from an analysis of a large sample of Calculus I final exams from U.S. colleges and universities. This analysis sheds light on the intended calculus curricula of U.S. undergraduate institutions, and allows us to consider the alignment of this intended curricula with recommendations from the mathematics education literature. I will offer recommendations for creating exam items that do require the application of productive mathematical meanings identified in the mathematics education literature, and will conclude with a discussion of some recently designed activities and formative assessments developed to support students’ adoptions of recommended mathematical meanings.
Friday, October 7th Susan Peters (University of Louisville) CODAP and Other Resources for Teaching Introductory Statistics

Abstract: CODAP (Common Online Data Analysis Platform) is free, open-source software for dynamic data exploration that can aid students in developing deep understandings of introductory statistics content. In this session, we’ll explore how CODAP can be used to facilitate the teaching and learning of statistics. We’ll also consider other freely-available, engaging, and educative resources that we can use to enhance students’ enjoyment of and appreciation for statistics.
Friday, October 21st Billy Jackson (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Using GSIs’ Training as a Mechanism for Reform Efforts in the Mathematics Classroom

Abstract: In this talk, we will look at examining ways of using graduate student instructors’ (GSIs) professional development opportunities as a mechanism for enacting change efforts in the entry level undergraduate mathematics classroom. In particular, I will discuss current ongoing efforts within the Mathematics Department at UW Madison to develop a long-term professional development program for our graduate students as they transition from being TAs with principal responsibility of leading recitations to becoming instructors of record with responsibility for their own courses. The interplay between curricular developments, pedagogical innovations, and construction of mathematical knowledge for teaching will all receive some attention. I will also discuss how teaching faculty have a crucial and central role to play in graduate students’ professional development experiences as they make the transition to becoming instructors in their own right. Key in these efforts is understanding the balance that is required in being responsive both to the undergraduate students’ needs as learners while GSIs are building their professional selves, while also being responsive to the GSIs themselves in helping them progress from where they are in their development.
Friday, November 4th William McCallum (Illustrative Mathematics & University of Arizona) Building a Coherent Instructional System Around Open Educational Resources

Abstract: In this talk I will describe the work of Illustrative Mathematics, a non-profit I cofounded in 2013. In 2019 we completed development of a core K–12 mathematics curriculum released under a Creative Commons license, long with aligned professional development for teachers implementing the curriculum. We are now moving into partnerships, products, and services that will provide a comprehensive and coherent set of supports for districts using the curriculum.
Friday, November 18th Tenchita Alzaga Elizondo (Portland State University) Collective Proving Activity in Synchronous Online Environments Abstract: Given the well documented fact students often struggle with proof and proof related activity, educators have shifted to incorporating pedagogies involving collaborative learning given their benefits to student learning. However, there is still surprisingly little research focused on the nature of students’ collaborative proving activity. Moreover, the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and subsequent shift to remote learning, forced educators and students to adapt and learn how to work within a new learning environment. With this in mind, I investigated how students engage in collaborative proving activity while working on a variety of proof-related tasks in an online inquiry-oriented introduction to proofs course. For this presentation, I will first present a case study of two students working together on a conjecturing activity and study the role that the students’ listening activity (i.e., how they listen to one another) played in the co-construction of a shared solution. Findings from this study reveal many rich ways that students can contribute to the co-construction of a shared solution without being the one to appear to be leading the mathematical ideas. Second, I shift the focus to the role of technology in the students’ activity by presenting results from a study where I investigated how students operationalized the technological tools available to them to work collectively in small groups. For this study, I identified several uses that the students developed for the tools available to them. I discuss the implications these uses have on students’ collective proving activity. Overall, this presentation will provide several insights into the nature of students’ collective activity in proof-based courses from both a mathematical and technological perspective.

Spring 2022

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Monday, January 24th Nancy Kress (University of Colorado Boulder) Student-Focused Instruction: What, Why and How?

Video Recording
Abstract: This talk will start with an introduction and overview of what I refer to as "student-focused" instruction, including how it is similar to and distinct from what we think of as student-centered instruction. I'll present evidence for why this matters to students specifically with regard to how it supports more equitable and inclusive learning environments. We'll conclude with significant time allocated for considering how to implement student-focused instruction without redesigning your course or individualizing every assignment.
Monday, February 7th Keith Gallagher (University of Nebraska Omaha) Gesture, Struggle, and Progress: Examples from the Undergraduate Topology Classroom

Video Recording
Abstract: Non-verbal communication can tell us a lot about what students are thinking, particularly when they are still learning formal mathematical language. Furthermore, research has shown that gesture use can influence the selection of problem-solving strategies in mathematics. I will present evidence from an introductory topology course that, during times of struggle, undergraduates may gesture more frequently when they are engaged in productive struggle – that they produce more gestures when they’re making progress on a difficult task than they do when they’re stuck. We will then discuss how the interplay of gesture and diagram usage facilitated proof construction for one of these students in topology, and we will conclude with a discussion of the implications of these results for classroom mathematics teaching.
Monday, February 21st Kasia Winkowska-Nowak (Florida Atlantic University) GeoGebra for Calculus

Video Recording
Abstract: GeoGegra is a dynamical mathematical software for teaching and learning mathematics. The virtual presentation will focus on examples of how GeoGebra can be used for teaching Calculus.
Monday, March 14th Cory Wilson (University of Oklahoma) Student Understanding of Domain and Range in Calculus I

Video Recording
Abstract: We report on a study of college Calculus I students’ understanding of domain and range prior to instruction on derivatives. This study used nontrivial domain and range tasks on which students often were able to earn partial, but not full, credit. Results suggest students are familiar with domain and range but lack a deep understanding of either. For the analysis, 4 general categories (with 17 subcategories) were used to help pinpoint student difficulties. This study also considered whether the presence of a) symbolic or graphical representations or b) certain types of functions (trigonometric, piecewise-defined, etc.) impact student performance, but no patterns were found for either. Findings suggest that students performed slightly better on range tasks than on domain tasks often due to issues related to understanding continuity. However, the study concludes that even though many students did not demonstrate a deep understanding of domain or range at the beginning of the semester, this did not impact their performance on the final examination when compared to students who performed well on the domain and range tasks.
Monday, March 28th Rachid Ait Maalem Lahcen (University of Central Florida) Integrating Spaced Repetition in Math Course Redesign

Video Recording
Abstract: Professors often see that students do not remember key concepts from prerequisite courses. This could be due to students’ studying habits of cramming information right before exams. Cramming is the worst way of learning math. So, what can we do to help students with learning how study and to approach a great deal of concepts and skills that math courses contain? In this presentation, I’ll discuss implementation of spaced repetition or distributed practice strategy in a math course redesign. I’ll use Calculus I and/or college algebra to show great positive results.
Monday, April 11th Michael Oehrtman (Oklahoma State University) Advanced students’ operationalization of quantification in analysis Abstract: We characterize meanings and purposes for quantification invoked by students while proving a theorem in functional analysis. We call these operationalizations of quantification "quantops" and present a framework based on student reasoning while interpreting statements and writing proofs. Each quantop flexibly appeared in forms that strategically foregrounded or backgrounded the quantification in different contexts to focus problem-solving on portions of a statement relevant in the moment.

Fall 2021

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Monday, September 13th Steven Clontz (University of South Alabama) Free (in many senses of the word) tools for generating randomized assessments for mastery grading

Video Recording
Abstract: One of the barriers perceived by many instructors to adopting mastery grading is the workload of authoring, administering, and grading multiple assessments and re-assessments. The presenter developed the CheckIt Platform to provide a free (in as broad a sense as possible) mechanism for authoring and generating problems intended for use in assessing understanding of specific learning outcomes. In this talk, the presenter will show how to take advantage of existing banks to generate LaTeX/PDF assessments and import randomized exercises into Canvas for use with the Learning Mastery gradebook. He will also show how to author custom outcomes or banks from any web browser using CoCalc.com's free project tier.
Monday, October 4th Mary Nelson (George Mason University) A Tale of How Oral Reviews Morphed into Active Learning Classes

Video Recording
Abstract: The use of oral reviews to improve grades, understanding and retention proved very effective, but prohibitively time consuming. Reserving rooms and scheduling facilitators and students was no small task. At Mason we have used the original ideas in new ways that have produced similar results. Our plan includes a two semester Calculus I course that is gradually replacing our precalculus course; acceptance of AP Calculus credit for scores of 3; Calculus recitations conducted like oral reviews, and a steady change to more active learning classes in the department (supported by Learning Assistants.)
Wednesday, October 20th (Joint with the DBER Seminar) Christine Andrews-Larson (Florida State University)

Victor Kásper (Florida State University)
Linear Algebra in the context of undergraduate STEM Education research: Recent developments, active learning, and equity Abstract: The first part of this talk will feature a brief presentation of findings from a recent US/Canada survey of linear algebra instructors (to appear in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society in August 2022). These findings will then be contextualized relative to current research around inquiry-oriented instruction in linear algebra. The second part of the talk will highlight findings regarding improved but uneven student outcomes in the context of active learning, more broadly conceived, in undergraduate STEM. This will foreground findings from recent literature that specifically examines how active learning relates to outcomes for minoritized student groups – and offer a theorization of core constructs likely to shape these outcomes. The talk will close with recent research that illuminates the experiences of racially minoritized STEM majors at a Predominantly White Institution (PWI).
Monday, November 8th Steve Benoit (Colorado State University) Mastery Precalculus with Integrated Math Placement

Video Recording
Abstract:The Precalculus Program at Colorado State University is based on a flexible structure of five 1-credit courses, with a tightly integrated math placement system focused on moving students efficiently and quickly through their required math courses. This talk describes the philosophy and design of this mastery-based program, the course delivery system that CSU has developed to support these courses, the Precalculus Center facility, and the operational practices we use to deliver these courses to a large population with diverse backgrounds and preparation, including a growing distance population. The program serves approximately 6,000 students each year.
Tuesday, November 16th Brittanney Adelmann (Florida Atlantic University) LAs in Calculus at FAU

Video Recording
In this presentation, we share details on the FAU redesign of Calculus 1 & 2 to implement the Learning Assistant (LA) model. Information will be provided on the logistics of designing and running the program, the essential partnership between the Math Learning Center (Undergraduate Studies) and Department of Mathematical Sciences, and the impact on course outcomes for all students.

Spring 2021

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Friday, January 29th Jason Martin (University of Central Arkansas)

Videos Developing a Conceptual Foundation for Calculus

Video Recording
Abstract: This talk reveals some of the design principles guiding the development of over 30 sets of instructional videos for first-semester calculus from the Calculus Videos Project (calcvids.org). Two overarching principles supporting video design were informed by intellectual need (see work by Guershon Harel) and quantitative reasoning (see work by Patrick Thompson). Particular focus will be given to video design supporting a coherent calculus curriculum rooted in quantitative reasoning. By quantitative reasoning, we mean a characterization of the mental actions involved in conceptualizing situations in terms of measurable attributes and relationships between those attributes. Core videos from the Calculus Videos Project begin by developing students’ notions of constant rate of change as an invariant multiplicative relationship between changes in covarying quantities’ measures. We will demonstrate how the development of this type of reasoning can be leveraged to support reasoning about instantaneous rate of change (derivative), accumulation (definite integral), and ultimately, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. While the Calculus Videos Project contains procedural type videos, these core videos separate this project from many other sources of calculus instructional videos. We conclude with a brief discussion of what we have learned so far while implementing these videos.
Friday, February 12th Kyeong-Hah Roh (Arizona State University) On the teaching and learning of mathematical registers

Video Recording
Abstract: In sociolinguistics, a register refers to a variety of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular communicative situation. My research team has conducted mathematics education research on a special type of registers, mathematical registers or registers of mathematics (Pimm, 1989), which is a set of meanings, together with the words and structures expressing these meanings in mathematics contexts. In particular, we focused on mathematical language (especially quantifier words) and mathematical representations (especially graphical representations) in calculus texts. In this presentation, I will illustrate some examples from the studies that my research team has conducted on undergraduate students’ interpretation and evaluation of statements in undergraduate calculus texts, including the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Definition of Convergence of a Sequence. This presentation will also include how students’ meaning of language and representations used in mathematical texts are similar to/ different from mathematical registers. I will also discuss some practical implications of these research to the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.
Friday, February 26th Deb Hughes Hallett (University of Arizona & Harvard Kennedy School) Does Data Have a Place in a Calculus Course?

Video Recording
Abstract: The world outside calculus courses is using more and more data. Many of our students want to know about AI, big data, and machine learning—and some will go on to be successful in these fields. While continuity is central to calculus, let’s think about how we can include discrete data in Calculus I and II. Does it have a place? Does it provide interesting examples? What does it add mathematically? We will talk about the benefits—and challenges—of using data, with examples from the pandemic, sustainability, and climate change.
Friday, March 12th David Lippman (Pierce College) IMathAS: What, why, how?

Video Recording
Abstract: IMathAS is an open-source math assessment and course management platform. The creator of IMathAS will talk about the origins of the platform and the evolution of the system and its open-source community. Some useful features to enhance assessment and online course delivery will be shared.
Friday, April 16th Hanna Bennett (University of Michigan) Developing a mastery assessment structure for Michigan Math

Video Recording
Abstract: The University of Michigan Introductory Program (Calculus I, Calculus II, and a course before calculus) has been using a "reformed" pedagogical model since the calculus reform movement in the mid-1990s. Our courses are taught in small sections and have a strong emphasis and collaborative problem solving. Most of students' time in class is spent working together on challenging problems that emphasize conceptual understanding and students' ability to communicate mathematics. We have in recent years begun looking at ways we can improve the degree to which our courses are inclusive and equitable. This work has focused especially on course assessment, course grading structure, and instructor training. One of the largest changes has been a movement away from high-stakes exams to mastery-based assessments that are a large component of students' grades. I will discuss what changes we've made so far, what effects we've seen as a result, and where we're hoping to go from here.

Fall 2020

Time Speaker Title (Click for Abstract)
Friday, October 16th Oscar Levin (University of Northern Colorado) Teaching with an Open Discrete Math Textbook Abstract: Discrete Math is my favorite math class. It is the reason I went to grad school and became a professor. I get to teach the course often, and each time I find a new interesting way to think about some of the topics. How to share these new ideas with my students? Put it in the textbook! This is possible because the textbook I wrote and use is open source. As an added benefit, others can assign the book, modify it, and all our students get it for free. In this talk I will share how the book came to be, highlight some of my favorite features, especially those that lead to an inquiry rich course, and explore where the book might be heading.
Friday, October 30th Eddie Fuller (FIU)

Charity Watson (FIU)

Adam Castillo (FIU)

Pablo Duran (FIU)
Developing, Implementing and Assessing Active Learning Approaches in Calculus:
An overview of the Modeling Practices in Calculus Approach and Some Results
from an NSF Study

Video Recording
Abstract: An NSF funded project lead by developed a curriculum for MAC 2311, Calculus 1, that has been shown to resonate well with students. After a two-section pilot in the Spring of 2018, the team has conducted randomized trials of this curriculum in the Fall of 2018 (3 sections) and Spring of 2019 (6 sections) and Fall 2019 (8 sections). The curriculum employs active learning strategies throughout that facilitate student development of concepts and skills by modeling mathematical inquiry as used by mathematicians to solve problems. The Modeling Practices Curriculum (MPC) relies on a high-touch environment and peer-learning supports that is implemented by in-class activities each day with undergraduate Learning Assistants as well as the lead instructor facilitating learning in a group structured, studio model. In this talk we will give an overview of the framework of the research results that support the MPC structure, discuss the use of that framework to develop materials, and present results from the study related to student success as well as some related to student affect from the first year of the project.
Friday, November 13th Darryl Chamberlain Jr. (University of Florida) Multiple-choice assessments as practical diagnostic tools

Video Recording
Abstract: Multiple-choice assessments are widely used for their ease of implementation and grading. Yet, these assessments are largely criticized as being unable to provide diagnostic information about student knowledge for a variety of reasons. In collaboration with an industry expert in machine learning, we have proposed a method to utilize current research on student knowledge in unison with augmented intelligence to make diagnostic multiple-choice assessments possible. This presentation describes the results of developing and implementing this assessment generation method, Auto-DIG, in a College Algebra course over a three-year span. Quantitative and qualitative analysis suggest these assessments associate student knowledge with their choices and thus can be used as practical diagnostic tools.
Friday, December 4th Lotfi Hermi (FIU) The Random Walks of a Mathematician: Reflections on a Career

Video Recording
Abstract: This talk will offer examples of an active interest in STEM education programs by a research mathematician. Our effort spans more than two decades, with a variety of programs and initiatives to expand — through national and international partnerships — US model education and programs in the Middle East and Africa. The running theme is an attempt to answer the question: “How should we, as mathematicians and educators, offer students life-long employable skills that transcend the (mathematics) courses we teach?”

The adventure started with involvement in the teaching of a University of Arizona redesigned business math course ("Mathematics for Business Decisions", or MBD) for over 7 years. The year-long-course combined correct mathematical knowledge, fluency with information technology tools in the mathematics classroom (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), and focused on solving one business question per semester, group work, final reports, and project presentations attended by the local business community.

The 'periplus' meandered through the course ways of promoting MBD in the Middle East and North Africa (Turkey, Oman, Tunisia), and morphed into developing parallel tools to understand the mathematical aspects the Electoral College and the voting systems of the world - course materials developed and revised through 2013 for use at the Kennedy School of Government. I will also talk about the "Arizona Teacher Initiative" (ATI) experience, and the pleasure of interacting with K-8 teachers.

This metamorphosis is still underway: Mathematics is making a difference in Africa and the world, transcending traditional boundaries, and offering new horizons and solutions. We should pay close attention, get involved, and celebrate the genius of the mother of science, in creating alternative possibilities and pathways.

The talk will be peppered with “random” facts, and concrete examples. For instance: What is the least fraction of the popular vote that will elect a candidate to the office of president in the US? This is in our notes “On Voting Systems”.

All meetings are 3:30pm-4:30pm (Eastern Time) at this link Zoom

For any questions or additional information please email the organizers: