Suzanne's activities in
Schoolyard Ecology
Guide to
Plants of Ludlam Elementary [pdf]
by Sarah Rawlings, edited by Janet Holmes,
Johnson Joseph, and Suzanne Koptur
As an independent study, after taking classes with
me (Ecology, Local Flora, Nature Teaching), and volunteering as a
gardening leader in the "After School Gardening Gang", Sarah
Rawlings put together a guide to the plants of Ludlam
School. This guide begins with a map of the schoolyard and
of what plants can be found in which garden area, then lists all the
native plants (most of which we planted over the last five years), then
the non-native plants. Sarah gleaned photos and drawings from
various books and websites, and used black-and-white so the guide is
easily and economically photocopied. Janet Holmes and Johnson
Joseph, former classmates in Ecology and Nature Teaching, and ASGG
gardening leaders, made the guide more readable and interesting with
their editing and addition of human uses (supported by college
work-study funds).
Botany for Kids
These are handouts for activities I have done with my son's classes as
he moved through elementary school, and I post them here so others
might use them, teachers in Miami or perhaps other places on
earth! If you see any errors or omissions please contact me.
1) Botany Word Jumble
2) Fruits and Vegetables
3) How Plants Grow
4) Leaf Fantasy [pdf]
5) Light and Plants
6) Looking at Light
7) Photosynthesis
8) Plant Math [pdf]
9) Seeds Review [pdf]
10) What are flowers for?