Dr. Alex Stepick

Alex Stepick, Professor
Ph.D., University of California at Irvine, 1974
Director, Immigration and Ethnicity Institute

Dr. Stepick has researched the impact of immigration on Miami for the past 20 years. His coauthored book, City on the Edge, on how immigration has changed Miami, won both the Robert Park Award for the best book in Urban Sociology and the Anthony Leeds Award for the best book in Urban Anthropology. A recent work is Pride Against Prejudice: Haitians in the United States. The AAA and the Society for Applied Anthropology awarded him the Margaret Mead Award for his research on Haitian refugees. He received the largest grant ever in Cultural Anthropology from the National Science Foundation. He recently served a National Academy of Sciences Committee on Immigrant Children and Health and on the Cultural Anthropology Panel of the National Science Foundation. Dr. Stepick has testified before the U.S. Congress and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee Affairs and his work has been used by the British House of Commons.

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Syllabus for Research Methods

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Email: stepick@fiu.edu

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Last Updated March 14, 2008
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