implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c Program to interpolate in WVH limb darkening tables. c Version of March 19, 2012 c Uses bi-linear interpolation. Cases where c T and/or log g are outside the range of available Kurucz models c (T below 3500 K or above 50,000 K; log g below 0.0 or above 5.0), c return coefficients that are extrapolated and may well be c meaningless if either log g or T is far from the border. c In case both log g and T are within the "border," but no Kurucz model c is available, the program steps to the nearest log g and T value c in the grid for which there exist a Kurucz model, and it gives c coefficients for that grid point, without any interpolation. c This can be improved but will have to do for now. c The program needs to run in the directory where the c limcof_bp_*.dat and limcof_bp_preamble_*.dat files are located. c Alternatively, add the specific path to these filenames in the c open statements in subroutine cofprep. c*************************************************************** c The next line sets the maximum number of bandpasses, including the c bolometric one, and other maximum parameters. parameter (nbmax=99, ntmax=99, ngmax=20, nabun=19) c*************************************************************** dimension cof(ntmax,ngmax,5,nbmax) dimension xx(2),abun(nabun) character*18 bname(nbmax) common /bpnames/bname common /limco/ glog(ngmax),te(ntmax),nt(ngmax),kgrid(ngmax,ntmax), $imin(ngmax),imax(ngmax) data abun/1.d0,0.5d0,0.3d0,0.2d0,0.1d0,0.0d0,-0.1d0, $-0.2d0,-0.3d0,-0.5d0,-1.0d0,-1.5d0,-2.0d0,-2.5d0, $-3.0d0,-3.5d0,-4.0d0,-4.5d0,-5.0d0/ c************************************************************** c The program needs 4 input numbers, in the order c abunin,ld,t,g c "abunin" is the abundance [M/H] (must be in the range (-5.0,+1.0). c "ld" is the code number for the type of limb darkening law, 1 c for linear, 2 for logarithmic, 3 for square-root. c "t" is the effective temperature in K. c "g" is the log10(g) in cgs. c*************************************************************** c The bandpass number (iband) needs to be selected in accordance c with the following list: c band(0)=' bolometric ' c iband 1 through nb, see list in limcof_bp_*.dat c**************************************************************** print *, 'Enter abunin, ld, T, log g' read(*,*) abunin,ld,t,g write(6,83) 83 format('Abundance Number',2X,'[M/H]',2X, $' ld ','Temperature',2X,'log g') c**************************************************************** c The following lines take care of abundances that may not be among c the 19 Kurucz values (see abun array). abunin is reset at the c Kurucz value nearest to the input value. c Kurucz abundances are [M/H] = +1.0, +0.5, +0.3, +0.2, +0.1, c 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.5, -3.0, c -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0. call binnum(abun,19,abunin,iabun) dif1=abunin-abun(iabun) if(iabun.eq.19) goto 7702 dif2=abun(iabun+1)-abun(iabun) dif=dif1/dif2 if(( goto 7702 iabun=iabun+1 7702 continue abunin=abun(iabun) c*************************************************************** write(6,82) iabun,abunin,ld,t,g call cofprep(iabun,nb,nte,ngl,cof) nb1=nb+1 iflag=0 do 99 j=1,nb1 iband=j-1 ifil=iband+1 call limcof(ifil,nb,nte,ngl,ld,iflag,cof,t,g,xx) if( iflag=0 if(iflag.eq.1) write(6,80) t,g write(6,81) bname(j),iband,xx(1),xx(2) 99 continue stop 80 format('Values are for nearest T, log g: T = ', $f7.1,' log g = ',f3.1,/) 81 format(A18,i5,' x = ',f6.3,' y = ',f6.3,2f15.3) 82 format(i10,8X,f5.2,4X,i2,5X,f6.0,3X,f6.3,/) end subroutine cofprep(iabun,nb,nte,ngl,cof) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (nbmax=99, ntmax=99, ngmax=20) character*80 a character*18 bname(nbmax) dimension cof(ntmax,ngmax,5,nbmax) common /bpnames/bname common /limco/ glog(ngmax),te(ntmax),nt(ngmax),kgrid(ngmax,ntmax), $imin(ngmax),imax(ngmax) goto (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19),iabun 1 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p10.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p10.dat',status='old') goto 98 2 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p05.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p05.dat',status='old') goto 98 3 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p03.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p03.dat',status='old') goto 98 4 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p02.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p02.dat',status='old') goto 98 5 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p01.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p01.dat',status='old') goto 98 6 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_p00.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_p00.dat',status='old') goto 98 7 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m01.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m01.dat',status='old') goto 98 8 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m02.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m02.dat',status='old') goto 98 9 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m03.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m03.dat',status='old') goto 98 10 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m05.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m05.dat',status='old') goto 98 11 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m10.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m10.dat',status='old') goto 98 12 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m25.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m25.dat',status='old') goto 98 13 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m20.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m20.dat',status='old') goto 98 14 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m25.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m25.dat',status='old') goto 98 15 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m30.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m30.dat',status='old') goto 98 16 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m35.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m35.dat',status='old') goto 98 17 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m40.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m40.dat',status='old') goto 98 18 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m45.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m45.dat',status='old') goto 98 19 open(unit=20,file='limcof_bp_m50.dat',status='old') open(unit=21,file='limcof_bp_preamble_m50.dat',status='old') 98 continue read(21,*) nmod,nmodtr,nb,nte,ngl do 20 i=1,ngl read(21,*) j,te(i),glog(i) 20 continue ngl1=ngl+1 do 21 i=ngl1,nte read(21,*) j,te(i) 21 continue do 23 j=1,ngl nt(j)=0 do 23 i=1,nte kgrid(j,i)=0 23 continue do 24 ii=1,500 if( goto 25 read(20,80,end=99) t,g goto 26 25 read(20,81,end=99) t,g 26 continue 80 format(16X,f5.0,13X,F3.1) 81 format(16X,f6.0,13X,f3.1) read(20,77) a 77 format(80A) do 27 j=1,ngl if(dabs(g-glog(j)).lt.1.0d-04) goto 28 27 continue 28 continue do 29 i=1,nte if(dabs(t-te(i)).lt.1.d-04) goto 30 29 continue 30 continue kgrid(j,i)=kgrid(j,i)+1 nt(j)=nt(j)+1 nb1=nb+1 do 31 k=1,nb1 read(20,82) bname(k),cof(i,j,1,k),cof(i,j,2,k),cof(i,j,3,k), $cof(i,j,4,k),cof(i,j,5,k) 31 continue do 333 j=1,ngl do 334 i=1,nte 334 if(kgrid(j,i).ne.0) goto 335 335 imin(j)=i do 336 i=nte,1,-1 336 if(kgrid(j,i).ne.0) goto 337 337 imax(j)=i 333 continue 82 format(A18,8X,f6.3,12X,f6.3,1X,f6.3,12X,f6.3,1X,f6.3) read(20,77,end=99) a read(20,77,end=99) a 24 continue 99 continue return end subroutine binnum(x,n,y,j) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension x(n) mon=1 if(x(1).gt.x(2)) mon=-1 do 1 i=1,n if(mon.eq.-1) goto 3 if(y.le.x(i)) goto 2 goto 1 3 if( goto 2 1 continue 2 continue j=i-1 return end subroutine limcof(ifil,nb,nte,ngl,ld,iflag,cof,t,g,xx) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (nbmax=99, ntmax=99, ngmax=20) dimension xx(2) dimension cof(ntmax,ngmax,5,nbmax) common /limco/ glog(ngmax),te(ntmax),nt(ngmax),kgrid(ngmax,ntmax), $imin(ngmax),imax(ngmax) ico1=4 if(ld.eq.1) ico1=1 if(ld.eq.2) ico1=2 ico2=ico1+1 if(ld.eq.1) ico2=1 call binnum(te,nte,t,i) call binnum(glog,ngl,g,j) if(j.eq.0) j=1 if(j.eq.ngl) j=ngl-1 if(i.eq.0) i=1 if(i.eq.nte) i=nte-1 if(kgrid(j,i).eq.0) goto 11 if(kgrid(j,i+1).eq.0) goto 11 if(kgrid(j+1,i+1).eq.0) goto 11 if(kgrid(j+1,i).eq.0) goto 11 b=(g-glog(j))/(glog(j+1)-glog(j)) a=(t-te(i))/(te(i+1)-te(i)) do 10 kk=1,2 if(kk.eq.1) kj=ico1 if(kk.eq.2) kj=ico2 xx(kk)=(1.d0-a)*(1.d0-b)*cof(i,j,kj,ifil)+ $a*(1.d0-b)*cof(i+1,j,kj,ifil) xx(kk)=xx(kk)+a*b*cof(i+1,j+1,kj,ifil)+ $(1.d0-a)*b*cof(i,j+1,kj,ifil) 10 continue if(ld.eq.1) xx(2)=0.d0 return 11 continue diftsav=1.0d+09 do 12 jj=j,11 if(kgrid(jj,i).ne.0) goto 15 12 continue 15 continue ib=imin(jj) ie=imax(jj) do 13 ii=ib,ie dift=dabs(t-te(ii)) if( goto 13 ik=ii diftsav=dift 13 continue do 14 kk=1,2 if(kk.eq.1) kj=ico1 if(kk.eq.2) kj=ico2 xx(kk)=cof(ik,jj,kj,ifil) 14 continue if(ld.eq.1) xx(2)=0.d0 iflag=1 t=te(ik) g=glog(jj) c write(6,80) te(ik),glog(jj),jj,ik,i c 80 format('Values for nearest T, log g: T = ', c $f7.1,' log g = ',f3.1,3i3) return end