Environmental Geology Project

This project deals with two parts: 1) an investigation and 2) a written report. You are tasked with choosing a local to regional scale issue, and to explore the "where, when, and whys?" Specific issues are listed below:

The above list is brief, but these are the areas I would like you to focus on; if there is another topic you would like to address, please consult with me first.

What you need to do —

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Begin to do some research on the topic to gain background needed to begin the project.
  3. Meet with me to set up a preliminary outline (after you have done step #2).
  4. Write a draft.
  5. Have second meeting with me to check on progress and consultation.
  6. Turn in final project — a complete scientific paper.
  7. Present main results to class.

The final paper you turn in must be in its most complete form following the standard scientific paper format (text, tables, figures/illustrations, acknowledgments and references). Yes, your paper must be properly referenced! To get full credit you must include over 10 references in your paper.

The bottom of this web page (GSA) has the format you should use for your cited references: http://www.geosociety.org/pubs/geoguid5.htm


DUE December 2nd in class NO EXCEPTIONS!