COM 3110: Business and Professional Communication

The entire work world is changing dramatically. The kind of work you do, the tools you use, the form of management, the environment, and the people with whom you interact � all are undergoing a profound transformation. Flatter organizations demand that every employee be a skilled communicator. E-mail, voice mail, fax, video conferencing, and the Web are revolutionizing the way we exchange information. Communicating with workers who differ in race, ethnicity, gender and age, and lifestyle requires new attitudes and skills. As you can see, many of these changes in this dynamic workplace revolve around processing and communicating information. As a result, the most successful players in this new world of work will be those with highly developed communication skills. In fact, employers rank the ability to communicate as the most important skill for their potential employees. With these facts in mind, the readings, discussions, assignments and exercises in this course are designed to improve your business communication skills.

Syllabus                                                                      PowerPoints


Sample Student Project                                           Supplemental Grammar Material