MAA 5616 – Real Analysis – Fall ‘07 - TR 17:00-18:15 – PC 331


Textbook: Real Analysis, H. L. Royden, 3rd edition, ISBN 0-02-404151-3


Instructor: Tedi Draghici 

Office: DM 426    Phone: (305) 348‑2028           E-mail:

Office Hours: TR 16:00-16:50, or by appointment  



Pre-requisite: MAA 4211 Advanced Calculus, or equivalent.


Method of Evaluation: Your final grade in the course is based on:

1.    Homework: 100 points. These will be announced in class and on the course website. Late homework may be accepted, but with possible deductions.

2.    Presentation/Project – 50 pts;

3.    Midterm: Thursday, October 25 – 100 points;

4.    Comprehensive final exam – Thursday, Dec. 13 - 150 points.


Grade-scale:  Letter grades will be assigned approximately as follows; 

 A 88-100%,   B 75-88%,   C 60-75%,   D 45-60%, F 0-45%. 

(+'s and -'s will be used). I will set the official scale at the end of the semester, after all grades are in.



NO MAKEUP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. If you have a documented medical or professional excuse for missing the midterm, that percentage of your grade may be made up on the final.


Expectation: Ideally, you should know well the material of the undergraduate

Introduction to Real Analysis (Advanced Calculus). The textbook starts from the basics though and if you have a good enough mathematical maturity you may be able to follow even you haven’t taken Advanced Calculus. Please read the “Prologue to the Student” from the textbook to have an idea what to expect. You must be familiar with conceiving and writing mathematical proofs.


Attendance: I don’t take attendance, but I hope you will find it useful to be in class. Try to arrive and leave on time. No cell-phone/beeper noises during class time, please. If you miss a lecture, get notes from a classmate.


Drop deadline: November 2.


Tentative schedule: I intend to cover Part One of the book plus additional topics, if time remains.




The instructor reserves the right to make any changes he considers academically advisable. These eventual changes would be announced in class and you are responsible to be aware of them.