

Let’s get clear about some definitions first:


            Naturalist: One who tries to understand "Good" in "NATURAL" terms.  One who reduces "Good" to something that can be investigated by science (empirically).


Aristotle is a naturalist because he argues that "good" is what is efficient in achieving it's ends (a quasi-empirical concept).


            Hedonism: an ethical theory which states that pleasure and pleasure alone of intrinsic value.


            Intrinsic Value: Something has intrinsic value if it is valuable for itself and not merely for some other reason.


            Instrumental Value: Something has instrumental value if it is valuable to means of some other end (e.g. money).


But it cannot be that everything is valued (or have value) for some other reason for that would lead to an infinite regress.   Thus, if we value anything at all there must be something we value intrinsically.  And this thing (or things) of intrinsic value is what motivates all our actions.  The Hedonist is claiming that one does not value pleasure for some other reason, but rather values it simply because it is what it is and has the qualities it has (intrinsically).


Some point out that there is distinction between valued and valuable.  The first is straight forward empirical claim, especially if “valued” means value-behavior.  The meaning of the second is less clear.  It implies that what is valuable is the object of rational desire.  Something might be valuable to John, whether John values it or not.  Going to the dentist is valuable even if I don’t in fact value it.  But whether something is valuable or not may differ from person to person given different objectives.


Note: Some maintain that nothing can be valuable intrinsically if valuable is defined instrumentally.  These claim that it would be better to say that something has intrinsic value if it is valued in and of itself and something has instrumental value if it is valuable as a means to some other end.


Now. while many people would agree that pleasure has intrinsic value, what distinguishes the Hedonist is the claim that pleasure is the only thing of intrinsic value.


[P]leasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends; and . . . all desirable things . . . are desirable either for the pleasure inherent in themselves, or as means to the promotion of pleasure and the prevention of pain.[1]


If this is true, it would simplify Ethics greatly.  The ONLY thing that can make an action right is that it leads to pleasure (or diminishes pain).  The ONLY thing that can make an action wrong is the is increases pain (or diminishes pleasure).  There is only one “coin of the realm” so to speak.  All actions can be compared and evaluated according to one and one variable: pleasure.  The ethic (practical consequence) implied by this statement of value is that the right thing to do in a given situation is to maximize pleasure (the thing of value) or minimize pain.


Hedonistic Ethical Directive: An action is right if and only if it results in the greatest pleasure (or least pain)...


But the question immediately arises: Whose pleasure and pain?


Two variants: Egoistic Hedonism and Social Hedonism


1.     Egoistic Hedonism


            Egoism: An action is right if and only if it results in the greatest good for the agent (himself or herself)


Some philosophers would be Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), Ayn Rand (1905–1982) and Epicurus (341-270 B.C.).  While all would agree that your moral responsibility is to look out for yourself (Egoism), they would disagree as to what "good" means or implies. 


By itself, Hedonism is an incomplete moral theory. since it leaves unspecified whose pleasure is to be pursued.  And Egoism is also an incomplete moral theory since it leaves unspecified what “good” the individual is to maximize.  But put the two together and you get…


            Egoistic Hedonist (Epicurus): an action is right if and only if it results in the greatest pleasure for the agent (himself or herself).


Epicurus was the most celebrated hedonist of classical times.


Now, it should be mentioned that contemporarily, “Hedonism” carries with it a negative connotation. If someone describes you as an Hedonist, he or she is likely insulting you, charging you with excessive indulgences, decadence and perhaps licentiousness.


But while Epicurus was an Egoist Hedonist, he did NOT recommend a lascivious, decadent life-style.  This is because many things we find pleasurable can come back to haunt or damage us, especially if we overindulge immodestly.  Years ago, there was an item on Dairy Queen’s menu called an Epicurean Delight. This was an over-the-top banana split sundae that had different kinds of ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, cherries and sauces and fudge and brownies and, well, basically everything. It was named this as an homage to the classic hedonist of antiquity Epicurus. (We were at the time a somewhat more literate society I believe.)



However, the irony is that Epicurus the philosopher would probably not have recommended you eat an Epicurean Delight. Or at least not very often, and even the you should probably split it with someone.  Why is that? Why would an egoistic hedonist who tells you that you ought to go out and secure as much pleasure for yourself as possible and you needn't worry about anyone else. recommend that you NOT eat this decadent desert?  Well because he said “Go out and live as pleasant a life as possible.”  He did not say. “Go out and be an idiot.”


  ex.  Dairy Queen’s Epicurean Delight ‑ Don't eat (often) because it's not healthy. 


Similarly with Beer Too‑ don't drink too much.


Ultimately, Epicurus recommends a modest, moral life.  (Don't lie, cheat, steel, because it will take pleasure away from you eventually.)  You must consider the consequences of immoral antisocial conduct: (Consequences- prison, social isolation, worries).  On balance, I live lives in accord with traditional moral values will be the most pleasurable life, according to Epicurus .


The “Good Life” = Moral, moderate life because this is the most pleasant.


If true, then morality is simply a subset of prudential rationality. (I.e. what is moral is ALWAYS what best for YOU.)


Three key presumptions which result in this:


1. Long term consequences (pleasures/pains) are as important, if not more important, than short-term consequences (pleasures/pains).


2. "Pleasure" is not merely instant gratification or positive sensation, but is the absence of annoying things.


Pleasure or the "Good Life" defines not as instant gratification, but as tranquillity.  Distinguishes



a.     kinetic pleasures (such as eating) which coincide with activity and endure only so long as the activity continues, and


b.     catastemic pleasures (not being hungry) which coincide with a stable state and as such are capable of indefinite prolongation.


There is nothing wrong with chara, the delights experienced in kinetic pleasures, but they are by their nature ephemeral.  One ought rather to seek ataraxia.


Ataraxia:  A term used by Epicurus which means serenity or blessed-ness.  To be free of pain and aggravation.


3. A life devoted to the acquisition of pleasure (the positive kind) is NOT pleasant.  In fact, it's aggravating.  (i.e. There's always a nice newer BMW then yours.)


Notice that if you set for yourself the goal of “just a little bit more” you will never achieve satisfaction.  Such a goal in never realizable and in fact, exhausting.  (I had a student one time who referred to this as being on the “hedonic treadmill.”) There is an affinity with Buddhism here, I think,  ‑holds the idea that the world (or rather our attachment to things in the world) is the source of our pains and suffering.  One must retreat from the world to attain tranquillity.


Pleasure or the "Good Life" defined not as instant gratification, but as tranquillity.


The traditional virtues (justice, temperance, courage, etc.) are among the means for living a

pleasant life.  They have no other value/ justification.




1. We just don’t believe him.  That is we don’t believe that a life devoted to the acquisition of delights is itself an unsatisfying or frustrating life.  Further, each of his three presumptions are up for debate.  If I don’t think I HAVE a long term future, then postponing immediate gratification is just silly.


(Thinks of the 60’s Cold War era where there was a great deal of emphasis on immediate delights –sex, drugs and rock&roll or inner-city gang populations where the future is considered very uncertain, or the death row inmate being told that “smoking is bad for your health.”)


2. More generally, Epicurus is trying to make morality is simply a sub-set of prudential rationality; that is, he’s trying to claim that doing the moral thing is always in your best interest and doing what is in your best interest is always what is moral.  (All egoists make this claim.)  However, this runs counter to a very strong moral intuition that we have which suggests that acting morally, at least occasionally, requires that we sacrifice our best interest for the interest of others.  It seems patently false to claim that being moral is just a matter of doing what good for oneself.


[1] John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, (London, 1861), ch. 2