True-False Quiz; Ch. 5

These are just for practice and don't affect your grade. I'm assuming you've read over the text (and especially the thms) in Anton, Ch.5.1 to 5.3.


True False. xx is increasing on [1,4]

True False. sin(x) is increasing on [p, 2p]

True False. sin(x) is concave up on [p, 2p]

True False. If f¢ is increasing on I, then f is concave up there.

True False. Every inflection point is a critical point.

True False. x4 has an inflection point at 0.

True False. Every relative extrema of f occurs at a critical point of f.

True False. If f¢(c)=0 and f¢¢(c) > 0 then c is a relative minima of f.

True False. Every stationary point of f is a relative extrema of f.

True False. A function can have 3 vertical asymptotes, but cannot have three horizontal asympotes.

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