True False. If c is a scalar and v is a vector, then ||c v|| = c||v||.
True False. If two vectors are orthogonal they are linearly independent.
True False. If v ^ w, and v ^ x, then v ^ w + x.
True False. If projuw = w, then w Î span{u}.
True False. If S is a subspace of Rm , then S and S^ have no vector in common.
True False. If S is a subspace of Rm , then S Å S^ = Rm.
True False. If two nonzero vectors are orthogonal they are linearly independent.
True False. The norm of every vector is positive.
True False. If ||u||2 + ||v||2 = ||u+v||2, then u and v are orthogonal.
True False. For any matrix A, N(AT)= R(A)^
Written by S.Hudson
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