Leslie Gallardo found these sites: [I have not visited all these myself, and have tried to summarize her reviews in a few words - S. Hudson, 6/15/02]
A) The Geometry Online Learning Center http://www.geometry.net has 20 links including
B) http://matwww.ee.tut.fi/mathematics/linkit/javalink/lin_algebra.html (many links, good for beginners)
C) http://lagrange.la.asu.edu/VirtualClass/Algebra/ (tutorials - good)
D) http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~helena/linalg/linalg.html (Lots of notes and exercises; other explanations)
E) http://www.millers.edu/~bikenaga/linalg/linanote.html (Notes - like 2?)
F) http://pax.st.usm.edu/~kolibal_html/mat326_html/linal.html (Notes, tutorials + Java solver)
G) http://nacphy.physics.orst.edu/lapack (Fortran 77 routines, for LA, free downloads)
H) http://www.math.odu.edu/~bogacki/cgi-bin/lat.cgi (LA Toolkit - very good)
I) http://rib.cs.utk.edu/cgi-bin/catalog.p1?rh=226&tem3!/ (software exchange, big)
J) http://www.2.gvsu.edu/~sorensej/proj.html (has 3 good projects)