Genetics and Epigenetics
We are interested in studying how the hereditary material evolves, how is it packed and organized in the chromosomes and how is it regulated during the response to environmental signals.

Our research involves an innovative and multidisciplinary combination of molecular methodologies, evolutionary analyses and bioinformatic tools to tackle the study of the hereditary material.

We aim to contribute to the advancement of science by publishing our results in peer reviewed journals, books and book chapters, as well as presenting our work in Symposia and Congresses.

Starting in spring 2014, Dr. Eirin-Lopez will be in charge of teaching the courses “Evolution” (PCB 4674) and “Epigenetics and Chromatin” (BSC 5935) at Biscayne Bay Campus.

We believe in the scientific method as the best way to promote educational and human values in the community, helping approach cutting-edge science to the general public and students.

If you are interested in joining Chromevol in the adventure of science, please contact us with a brief biosketch and your reasons for pursuing a scientific career in Biological Sciences.