PHY 2048, Section U01A
Summer A 2016

Description of the Course

PHY 2048 is the first half of a calculus-based introductory physics course intended for science and engineering majors. It covers the subjects of one and two dimensional kinematics, forces, work and energy, momentum, rotational motion, gravity, static, equilibrium, fluids, oscillatory motion, and mechanical waves.

Note that Summer A is an ACCELERATED TERM. You will be completing a regular 15 week semester in just 6 weeks. It is therefore essential that you do not get too far behind, as you will find it extremely difficult to catch up. You should not attempt this class if you are working more than 20 hours per week or if are taking another time consuming class in the Summer A term.


Although Calculus I is listed as a corequisite for this course, it is a bad idea to attempt both Calculus I and Physics I in the same abbreviated summer term, as this would be like taking 20 credits during a normal semester. For this reason, I have listed MAC 2311 as a pre, rather than co, requisite. Calculus will be employed in the lectures fairly early on, so prior exposure to the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus will be highly advantageous to successful completion of the course.

Text Book

H.D. Young and R.A. Freedman
University Physics
Fourteenth Edition
ISBN 13:978-0-321-97361-0
ISBN 10:0-321-97361-5

Course Links

Course Outline

Reading Assignments

Problem Closing Dates

Using Mastering Physics

Test solutions


Grades will be based on the homework and three tests. The homeworks will count 15% of your total grade, the average of your two best tests will count 70% of your total grade, and your worst test will count 15% of your total grade.

A passing grade (C or better) will require approximately (but not more than) 50% of the total points possible; an A grade will require approximately (but not more than) 85% of the total points possible.

All tests must be taken on the scheduled date. Makeup tests will not be given. If you miss a test, you will receive a zero grade for that test.


Incompletes will be given only in the event of an emergency occurring immediately prior to the date of the last test. To receive an incomplete, a student must present documentation to support the claim of an emergency. Students who do not have a passing grade at the time of the last test (C grade or better) will not be considered for an incomplete under any circumstances. Incompletes normally have to be made up within one month of the end of the semester. They cannot be made up by retaking the course the following semester.

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments consist of a reading assignment and a problem assignment, both of which constitute essential parts of the course.

The reading assignment should be carried out before the corresponding material is discussed in lecture.

The problem assignment should be carried as soon as possible after the relevant material is discussed in class and will be graded using a web based homework grading system. To work on the problems you must first go to the web site to purchase access to the system. Once you have gained access to the system, you will need to specify the course ID number, which is MAXWELLSUMMER16. You should then be able to access the problems in each set and submit solutions. There are a total of 10 problem sets. All sets are currently open, but they have different closing dates. You will not be able to submit solutions to a problem set for credit past the closing date, but you will still be to access the problem set for review purposes.

Each problem set consists of two types of problems: practice problems and end-of-chapter (EOC) problems. The practice problems carry no credit and are step-by-step problems that are designed to help you learn the concepts presented in the text and lectures and to test your understanding of these concepts. Even though these problems do not have any points associated with them, I strongly encourage you to look at them, especially if you are having trouble with the EOC problems. The EOC problems are identical to or very similar to the problems at the back of each chapter in the text and are the problems that will determine your homework grade for the course.

For some helpful hints in using the on-line problem system go here.