Presentations: Severine Biard: Non existence of smooth Levi-flat hypersurfaces with positive normal bundle in compact Kahler manifolds of dimension >2 Paulo Cordaro: Lower order perturbation and analytic vectors for globally analytic hypoelliptic operators in the torus Paulo Dattori: Global solvability and global hypoellipticity for a class of vector fields on the torus Makhlouf Derridj: On microlocal regularity for involutive systems of complex vector fields of tube type Julian Edward: Exact controllability for 1-D wave and Schrodinger wave equations with strong singularities Alex Himonas: Ill-posedness for a family of nonlinear and nonlocal evolution equations Howard Jacobowitz: Left-invariant CR and pseudo hermitian structures on the 3 sphere. Vladislav Kravchenko: Efficient construction of transmutations and a new representation for solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations Patrick McDonald: Heat Content and Dirichlet Spectrum Bao Qin Li: Estimates on zeros and poles of Dirichlet series Gerardo Mendoza: Friedrichs extension of semibounded elliptic operators on a manifold with singularities Nordine Mir: Artin approximation and CR geometry Ahmed Mohammed: Harnack inequality for non-divergence structure semi-linear elliptic equations Laurent Stolovitch: Big denominators and analytic normal forms Yuefei Wang: Dynamics of Newton Map and Complexity