                  Contains the name of the textbook, prerequisites for the course, relevant sections of the
          textbook, exam policy, schedule of exams, grading scheme, and other pertinent information.


          Homework sheet                           
Contains the list of HW Problems for the course including the assigned supplementary problems.
         You can find solution to most of the assigned problems in the textbook & in the supplementary HW
          just below under Solutions to Homework Problems.  


         Textbook:  Introductory Combinatorics (Fifth Edition) by Richard Brualdi (Prentice-Hall Inc., 2012)


         Solutions, Answers, or Hints:  to the assigned HW Problems




         Review Sheets: 

               Most of the questions in the exams usually come from the topics in the Review but this cannot

          always be so because everything we do cannot always fit on one page.

                     Review for Test#1                             Review for Test #2

         The Review for the Final just consists of all the Reviews for Tests #1 & #2.


         Modified Class notes

                    Ch.0 -


         Past Exams: 

         Future exams cannot always be very similar to the past exams because things have to change.

                   Spring 2006 Test #1,                             Spring 2006 Test #2


                   Fall 2014 Test #1,                                 Fall 2014 Test #2


         Learning Assistants:

               Andres Cubas is the designated LA for this course.  He can be reached via e-mail at
   and will respond to e-mails during his designated working hours provided 

         there are no students who needs his help at that time.  His designated hours are tentatively set as

         below but these may be adjusted later on.   Times & days:  To be announced (6 hours / week).

         Place:  in DM409A or just outside, near the tables & white board or on the patio (DM 4th floor).


         Tutoring services:     

                  You can get help in Calculus from tutors at the Math Department Tutoring Laboratory, and

         from other University sources such as the Learning Center for Mathematics & Statistics, GL 120 

         (305-348-2180, 305-919-5927) & Minority Student Services (305-348-2436).


         The Math-Stats department, with support from the College of Arts and Science, is opening a

         study hall.  As well as other students, there will be Learning Assistants available to extra provide help.

         The learning assistants will be knowledgeable in the following subjects: Intermediate Algebra,

         College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus 1,2,3& Diff. Eq.  The location is VH 180.


         1. Useful links for all Math Students:

         2. Help for Multivariable Calculus students:

         3. Online Math Help for Students:

         4. Free Mathematics Tutoring:


         Miscellaneous (mostly irrelevant/funny stuff):

         Puzzles & Games          Before Calc II,                  After Calc II
           Ante MAC 2312                  Post MAC 2312               1 year after  MAC 2312      2yrs after MAC 2312
           Before Calculus II               During Calculus II           After Calculus II                  1 yr after Calculus II