Current Research Projects

Using remote sensing techniques to map Everglades vegetation and estimate hydrologic requirements
Determining the hydrological requirements of Everglades aquatic slough vegetation
Hydrologic constraints on establishment of the invasive fern Lygodium  microphyllum
Biology of wetland plant species, especially members of Everglades ridge and slough vegetation
Everglades plant community invasibility
Sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) reproductive biology and population genetics
Mapaniid sedge spikelet structure and evolution
Spikerush (Eleocharis species) morphology and population biology
Biology of Florida endangered and invasive species
Eleocharis elongata culm vascular bundle Slough mesocosms on FIU campus WCA 2A percent wet days estimated from the Natural System model and using EDEN Eleocharis cellulosa horizontal shoot (B2) bud