All tests are offline! See the syllabus for dates and times, so as not to schedule any other classes in this timeblock.
Students in South Florida will take these tests on FIU's Maidique campus (room for test #1 is VH 131, for test #2 GC 280, and for test #3 CP 151). Students outside South Florida must find a school, community college, or university in their locale where a proctor can administer the test on the same day (not necessarily at the same time) and fax the completed test to me. This site may help you find a testing center outside South Florida. If you finish the test early, you may turn it in and leave. There is no need to sit around waiting for the class to end.
What to bring: Students taking the tests at FIU must use a pencil. Students who will have a proctor fax the tests to me may use pen, but must be very careful not to correct errors by writing one thing over another. Graphing calculators are prohibited on tests. A calculator with a square root button is required. You must bring your driver's license or government-issued photo ID to all tests!
The tests will be very similar to the homework problems. To get full credit for a problem on a test, you must not only have the correct answer but show all the work you did in obtaining the answer. Problems must be done the way I showed in the movies, unless you have prior approval from me to do a problem in a different manner.
There will be two problems (worth 3 points each) at the end of each test labeled as extra credit. You do not have to do these. If you do all of the non-extra credit problems correctly, you will get a 100 on the test. The extra credit problems make it theoretically possible to get a grade of over 100 on a test. Extra credit problems are no risk to you. They will count if correct and be ignored if incorrect. For example, suppose on the non-extra credit portion of the test, I deduct 2 points for an error. Ordinarily, your grade would be 98. But suppose you attempt both extra credit questions and get one right and one wrong. For the problem you answer correctly, I will add 3 points to your grade. I will ignore the one you got wrong, making your final grade 101. Extra credit problems are not necessarily similar to homework problems.
As soon as I have finished grading the tests, I will post all the grades on my Blackboard site. I will also post my answer key to the test. Students in South Florida should come to the math department to obtain their graded tests and see what mistakes were made. If you don't pick up your test, it will be returned to you at the next test. For students taking the tests outside South Florida, I will send you an email outlining the errors you made.