MAP 2302
1. (1.2), p. 12, 2-4 (classification)
2. (1.3), p. 22, 3, 6, 7 (Initial value problems,...)
3. (2.1). p. 36, 2,5,8,16,17,21 (exact differential equat. and integrating
Quiz 1:
4. (2.2), p. 46, 3,4,6,10,11,13,15,17,19 (separable equat.; homogeneous
5. (2.3), p. 56, 1,15,18,19,25,26,32,35 (linear equat. and Bernouilli equat.)
Last day for drop with DR grade: March 23, 2015
6. (3.2), p. 88, 5-10 (problems in mechanics)
7. (3.3), p. 103, 5-10, 26-28 (rate problems)
Some conversion formula:
1 once =0.0625 lb, (1 lb =16 oz)
1 mile =5280 feet=1.609 kilometers
The gravitational constant g is given by 9.8 meters/second-square or 32
1 pound =0.4536 kilograms
1 foot =0.3048 meters
1 mile=5280 ft=1.609 km
1 nautical mile=1.852 km=6076 ft
Weight density of water 62.4 pounds/cubic-foot=9810 Newton/cubic meter.
1 ton=0.907 t (metric ton)
1 foot-pound= 1.36 Newton-meters ( also called Joules)
1 Newton per square-meter (1 Pascal)=1.45 x 10^-4 lb per square-inches
1 bar=10^5 Pascals
1 atmosphere =760 mm Hg (mercury) =14.7 lb/square-inches=1.013 x 10^5 Pa
8. (4.1), p. 122, 10-13; p. 132, 1-11 (linear differential equations)
Exam I:
9. (4.2), p. 143, 10-20, 40-45 (homogeneous linear constant coefficients)
10. (4.3), p. 160, 20-25, 41-44 (method of undetermined coefficients)
11. (4.4), p. 170, 10-20 (variation of parameters)
12. (4.5), p. 176, 18-22 (Cauchy-Euler equation)
13. (5.1-5.4), p. 197, 5-9, p. 208, 1-5, p. 217, 1-5 (spring vibrations,
electric circuits problems)
Exam II:
14. (6.1), p. 249, 10-20 (power series solutions about ordinary points)
15. (6.2), p. 269, 20-25 (solutions about singular points, Frobenius method)
(8.3), p. 438, 5-8 ( successive approximations)
Skip 8.5-8.8
(8.4), p. 447, 5-10 ( Numerical method I: The Euler method)
8.5 Improved Euler method, 8.6 Runge-Kutta method, 8.7 The Adams-Bashforth/Adams-Moulton
(ABAM) method, 8.8 Numerical methods for higher order equations, systems.
16. (9.1),(9.2A), p. 504, 1-20 (Laplace transform and applications, inverse
L.T. and First Translation Theorem)
17. (9.4B), p. 530, 1-10 (second translation theorem)
18. (9.2 B), p. 509, 1-5 (convolution)
19. (9.1, 9.3A, 9.3 B), p. 519, 10-20 (application to IVP)
20. (9.4D), p. 539, 1-5 (Dirac delta function)
21. (9.4A), p. 527, 10-24 (step functions), (9.4C), p. 534, 5-10
continuous forcing)
22. (9.5), p. 542, 6-10 (Laplace transform solutions of linear systems)
Final Examination: