MGF 1106 U02 Finite Mathematics MoWeFr 15:00-15:50
Room DM 100 (
FALL 2014
Description: Study of concepts and applications involving
finite mathematical processes such as sets, combinatorial techniques,
formal logic, discrete probability, linear systems, matrices, linear
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of high school algebra.
Text: Finite Mathematics,(Lial, Greenwell, Richey) Custom version for FIU,
with Mylabsplus code, Pearson Custom Publishing.
Office hours and phone: 14:00-15:00 on Tu and 12:00-13:00 on We, DM 436A, Ph: 305-348 2224
Material to be covered:
Chapter R: sections 4 & 5
Chapter 1: Sections 1 & 2
Chapter 2: Sections 1 & 3
Chapter 3: Sections 1-3
Chapter 6: Sections 1-5
Chapter 7: Sections 1-5
Chapter 8: Sections 1-5
Chapter 9: Sections 1-3
Tests and Homeworks:
There will be four (4) midterms, weighted 15% each. The dates are:
Exam 1: Week 3,(Sept. 12) Sections 6.1-6.5, 7.1, 7.2
Exam 2: Week 6,(Oct. 3) Sections 7.3-7.5, 8.1, 8.2
Exam 3: Week 9,(Oct. 24) Sections 8.3-8.5, 9.1, 9.2
Exam 4: Week 13,(Nov. 21) Sections 9.3, R4, R5, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2
Final: A mandatory comprehensive, final exam weighted 25%. The
date and time are Wednesday, 12/10/2014: 5:00PM-7:00PM; CBC 155
Mylabsplus homeworks, weighted 15%.
Grades: Grades will be assigned on the basis of 100 points.
Midterms: 60
Final: 25
Homeworks: 15
Instructions for Mylabsplus:
To get started
1) go to fiu.mylabsplus. com
2) enter your Panther ID as username
3) click on "Forgot your password?" link to reset your password (you will need to enter your Panther ID again)
4) record your new password
5) go back to, enter your username and password and click on the "sign in" button
6) you will be taken to your homepage where you will see your course listed
7) in the upper right corner, you will find the link "My Profile"; click on it to change your password to one that you can easily remember
8) click on the title of the course to enter the course site
Once in your course:
1) Accept terms and conditions
2) Click on the Homework button. You may be asked to enter an access code. Access code can be purchased at FIU bookstore
(make sure that the access code says Mylabsplus) or directly from the course site by using a valid credit card.
3) If you are not able to purchase an access code immediately, you can utilize a temporary access code by clicking on the "Temporary access code"
button on the left pane. Keep in mind that the temporary access code expires after 21 days from the beginning of the semester.
After that, you will be prompted to enter a permanent code and until you do so, you will not have access to the course.
It is your responsibility to have a continuous access to the course and no consideration will be given for interruption due to your negligence.
If you encounter difficulties using MyLabsPlus, you can also access the
online knowledge base or contact the Pearson Education support teams 24
hours per day by going to and clicking on the
Support link.
Good luck in your course!