84189 MAP 5316 U01 Ordinary Differential Equations
(3) TuTh. Time
1825-1940. Room CP 117 (contact: rukim@fiu.edu).
Fall 2007
Description: Topics include:
Existence and uniqueness theorem, matrix formulation, physical applications,
regular singular points, autonomous systems, Laplace transform, special
Prerequisites: MAA 3200 (Introduction to advanced mathematics), MAA
4402 (Complex variables) and MAS 3105 (Linear Algebra)
(Textbook) Carmen Chicone, Ordinary Differential Equations,
Springer, Texts in Applied Mathematics, 34, 1999. (ISBN
(Topics) Existence theory, Flows, Invariant manifolds,
Linearization, Omega limit sets, Phase plane analysis, Stability
(1.1--1.8), Linear systems theory, Linearized
stability; Applications: Origins of ODE: PDE (Section 3.6)
(Grading) Two midterms worth 30/100 each and a
comprehensive final exam worth 40/100. A final grade of ``A"
requires at least 90/100 of the total score; a ``B" requires 75/100,
a ``C" requires 50/100. Any score lower than 50/100 will lead to a
failling grade
The dates for the midterms are October 4 and November 15.
The date for the final examination is Tuesday, December 11,
2007; 2000-2245.