84189 MAP 5316 U01  Ordinary Differential Equations (3) TuTh. Time 1825-1940. Room CP 117 (contact: rukim@fiu.edu).
Fall 2007


    Description: Topics include:

  • Existence and uniqueness theorem, matrix formulation, physical applications, regular singular points, autonomous systems, Laplace transform, special topics.

  • Prerequisites: MAA 3200 (Introduction to advanced mathematics), MAA 4402 (Complex variables) and MAS 3105 (Linear Algebra)


  • (Textbook) Carmen Chicone,  Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer, Texts in Applied Mathematics, 34, 1999. (ISBN 0-387-98535-2)
  • (Topics) Existence theory, Flows, Invariant manifolds, Linearization, Omega limit sets, Phase plane analysis, Stability (1.1--1.8), Linear systems theory, Linearized stability; Applications: Origins of ODE: PDE (Section 3.6)
  • (Grading) Two midterms worth 30/100 each and a comprehensive final exam worth 40/100. A final grade of ``A" requires at least 90/100 of the total score; a ``B" requires 75/100, a ``C" requires 50/100. Any score lower than 50/100 will lead to a failling grade ``F".
  • The dates for the midterms are October 4 and November 15.
  • The date for the final examination is Tuesday, December 11, 2007; 2000-2245.

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