Florida International University
Department of Earth Sciences
GLY 1010: Introduction to Earth Science
Practice Quiz (Not for credit)

1. Which of the following substances is considered a mineral?
A. mineral water
B. rock salt
C. coal
D. cubic zirconia

2. Isotopes of an element have different numbers of __________.
A. electrons
B. neutrons
C. protons
D. All of the above.

3. The atomic mass of an element is equal to ______.
A. the number of protons
B. the number of neutrons
C. the number of protons plus neutrons
D. the number of protons plus neutrons plus electrons

4. Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are no longer electrically neutral and are called __________.
A. ions
B. polymorphs
C. electrons
D. isotopes

5. Sodium has an atomic number of 11. How many electrons will the sodium ion Na+ have?
A. 1
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

6. Diamond is an example of what type of bonding?
A. covalent
B. ionic
C. metallic
D. nuclear

7. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Cations are generally larger than anions.
B. Cations are generally smaller than anions.
C. Cations and anions are approximately the same size.
D. Cations may be larger or small than anions.

8. Chemical substances that have exactly the same chemical formula but different crystal structures are called _____ .
A. ions
B. polymorphs
C. electrons
D. isotopes

9. Which of the following is common to all silicate minerals?
A. silicate tetrahedra
B. metallic bonds
C. good cleavage
D. light color

10. Most common rock-forming minerals are ______.
A. carbonates
B. oxides
C. silicates
D. sulfides

11. The two most common elements in the Earth's crust are:
A. calcium and carbon
B. chlorine and sodium
C. iron and sulfur
D. silicon and oxygen

12. What type of minerals are calcite and dolomite?
A. carbonates
B. oxides
C. silicates
D. sulfates

13. Mica is a common example of a ________ silicate.
A. framework
B. single-chain
C. double-chain
D. sheet


Which silicate mineral contains tetrahedra linked together as depicted in the diagram above?
A. amphibole
B. mica
C. pyroxene
D. quartz

15. What type of mineral is gypsum, the primary component of plaster?
A. carbonate
B. oxide
C. silicate
D. sulfate

16. What type of mineral is pyrite, also known as "fool's gold"?
A. silicate
B. carbonate
C. oxide
D. sulfide

17. What form of iron is the chief iron ore?
A. iron carbonate
B. iron oxide
C. iron sulfide
D. native iron metal

18. Which of the following minerals has the greatest hardness?
A. calcite
B. orthoclase
C. quartz
D. talc


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