Department of Anthropology & Sociology

                                                                                                                                                                     Florida International University

                                                                                                                                                                                     Miami, Florida 33199

                                                                                                                                                                                               (305) 348-2247

                                                                                                                                                                                      FAX: (305) 348-2241




Ph.D.                                                                University of California at Irvine, Social Sciences, December 1974.


University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Anthropology, Predoctoral Fellow, 1970‑72.


B.A.                                                                  University of California at Santa Cruz, Anthropology, March 1970.


Professional Appointments

August 1994 - Present



June 1993 - Present


September 1994 - August 1995


August 1991 - August 1994


March 1984 ‑ August 1994


September 1990 - June 1991



July - December 1987



August 1981 ‑ 1984


May ‑ September 1981




September 1980 ‑ August 1981



November 1979 ‑ August 1980


August 1975 ‑ August 1981



1974 ‑ 1975


1973 ‑ 1974



Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Fl.


Director, Immigration & Ethnicity Institute, FIU.


Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY.


Director, Comparative Sociology Graduate Program, FIU.


Associate Professor of Anthropology & Sociology, FIU.


Visiting Fulbright Professor, Centro de Investigaciones de Antropología Social - Oaxaca, Mexico.


Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Md.


Assistant Professor of Anthropology & Sociology, FIU. 


Research Director, Alien Rights Law Project and National Forum on Immigration and Refugees, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, D.C.


NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow, Program in Immigration and Ethnicity, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.


Congressional Fellow, American Anthropological Association,


Assistant Professor of Political Economy and Anthro­pology, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas


Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of California at Irvine


Faculty Associate, School of Social Sciences, University of California at Irvine

Grants and Awards

2006                        Immigrant Faiths: Transforming Religious Life in America. Edited with Karen Leonard, Manuel Vasquez and Jennifer Holdaway. AltaMira Press, 2005. Choice Outstanding Academic Title, Social & Behavioral Sciences  for 2006.

2006                        Colombian Studies Institute from Government of Colombia with María Aysa and Carol Dutton Stepick, for research on Colombian population in South Florida., $10,000.

2004-2005               The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, “Civic Engagement among Immigrant and Native Minority Youth,” Principal Investigator, $25,000.

2001-2004               Annie E. Casey Foundation, “Immigration Law and Reform,” Co-Principal Investigator, $50,000.

2001-2004               Annie E. Casey Foundation, “Welfare Reform in Miami and Los Angeles: A Proposal for a Co-Edited Book,” Principal Investigator, $52,000.

2002-2003                      Human Health and Services, U.S. Government, “Immigrants, Their Faith, And Those Who Serve Their Material And Spiritual Needs: Researching Faith-Based Organizations In Miami,” Co-Principal Investigator, $210,000.

2000-2001               Kellogg Foundation, “Needs Assessment of the Haitian Community,” Principal Investigator, $25,000.

2000-2003               Pew Charitable Trusts, “Religion, Immigrants and Civic Engagement,” Principal Investigator, $600,000.

2000-2004               Annie E. Casey Foundation, “Strengthening Immigrant Families and American Communities,” Principal Investigator, $40,000.

2000-2001               U.S. Census Bureau, “Civic Engagement and Generation X,” Co-Principal Investigator, $44,000.

1999-2000               Spencer Foundation, “Immigrant and Native Minority Adolescent Education,” Principal Investigator, $34, 905.

1998-2003               Manpower Development Research Corporation, “Ethnographic Evaluation of Welfare Reform in Miami,” Principal Investigator, $402,544.

1996                        Metro Dade County Cultural Affairs, “Adolescent Inner-City Visions,” Principal Investigator, $4,000.

1996-1998               Carnegie Corporation, “Interaction among Immigrant and Native Minority Adolescents,” Principal Investigator,, $165,000.

1995                        Anthony Leeds Award for Best Book in Urban Anthropology, awarded for City on the Edge.

1995                        Robert E. Park Award for Best Book in Urban Sociology, awarded for City on the Edge.

1995-2000               National Science Foundation, “Producing Human Capital: Social and Cultural Capital in the Academic Orientation of Minority Adolescents.” Principal Investigator,. $369,000.

1995-1999               Andrew Mellon Foundation, “Academic Orientation Among Immigrant and Native Minority Adolescents,” Principal Investigator, $130,000.

1994-1995               City of Miami, "Preliminary Needs' Assessment of South Florida's Haitian Community," Principal Investigator,  $13,350.

1992-1994               National Science Foundation, "Immigrant Adjustment and Interethnic Relations in South Florida," co-investigator. East Carolina University. $158,720

1990-1991               Fulbright Fellowship, Oaxaca, Mexico.

1989                        Excellence in Research Award, Florida International University.

1989-1991               U.S. Census Bureau, "Alternative Enumeration of Haitians in Miami for the 1990 U.S. Census." Principal Investigator, $14,978

1988                        Margaret Mead Award of the American Anthropological Association and the Society for Applied Anthropology for work on Haitian Refugees in the United States.

1988                        Distinguished Service Award from the Miami Haitian Community, La Nuit des Trophées, September 1988.

1988-1990               U.S. Census Bureau, "Ethnographic Research on the Reasons for a Possible Undercount of Haitians in Florida." Principal Investigator, $38,689.

1988-1990               Ford Foundation-Changing Relations Board, "Newcomer and Established Residents: The Case of Miami."  Principal Investigator.  Ford Foundation: $150,000 -- Total Budget: $409,000.

1987-1989               Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, "Adaptation of Cuban and Haitian Refugees," co-investigator. $15,000.

1985‑1986               College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University, "The Informal Sector Among Haitians in South Florida." Principal Investigator, $500.

1984-1987               Ford Foundation, "Immigration Policy and US Foreign Relations with Latin America," Co-investigator. $250,000.

1984‑1985               Ford Foundation, "Economic Adaptation and Integration among Haitians in Miami: Working Conditions in the Secondary and Informal Sectors." Principal Investigator.  $12,000.

1983‑1986               National Science Foundation, "The Adaptation Process of Cuban and Haitian Refugees in the US," Co-Principal Investigator, $300,000.

1983‑1984               Florida International University Foundation, "Business Development among Haitians in Florida." Principal Investigator, $500.

1982-1983               U.S. Catholic Conference, "Adaptation of Haitians Released from Krome Detention Center." Principal Investigator, $2,500.

1982                        College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University, Faculty Development Support Grant for research on Miami Haitians. Principal Investigator, $500.

1982                        Multilingual Multicultural Center, Mini‑Grant "Community Building Among Florida's Haitians."  Principal Investigator, $2,500.

1982-1983               Phelps Stokes Fund grant for "Preliminary Study of Community and Economic Opportunities in Little Haiti, Miami." Principal Investigator, $10,000.

1981                        College of Arts and Sciences, Florida  International University, Faculty Development Support Grant for research in Oaxaca, Mexico. $500.

1980-1981               Ford Foundation, "Causes of Haitian Migration‑August 1981 to the U.S." Principal Investigator, $5,000.

1980‑1981               National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellowship, Program in Immigration and Ethnicity, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

1979‑1980               American Anthropological Association, Congressional Fellow. 

1980                        U.S. State Department, Scholar‑Diplomat Seminar on Latin America.

1979                        University of Texas at Dallas, Organized Research Award, "Towards a Policy on Undocumented Aliens."  Principal Investigator, $1,000.

1976‑77 University of Texas at Dallas, Organized Research Award, "Housing the Urban Poor in Mexico."  Principal Investigator, $750.

1974                        Southwestern Anthropology Association, First Prize, Graduate Student Paper.

1973                        University of California at Irvine, Graduate Student Research Award.

1973‑74 University of California at Irvine, Chancellor's Patent Fund Research Award. 

1973‑75 National Institute of Mental Health Training Grant, Predoctoral Fellowship, University of California at Irvine. 

1971‑73 National Science Foundation Traineeship, University of Texas at Austin. 

1971                        National Science Foundation Anthropology Field School Traineeship, University of Texas at Austin program in Oaxaca, Mexico. 


Publications and Papers


2008       Churches And Charity In The Immigrant City. Co-editors Sarah Mahler and Terry Rey.  Contract with Rutgers University Press. Based upon research supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts this volume ethnographically examines the civic engagement in immigrant and native minority congregations in Miami.

2005       Immigrant Faiths: Transforming Religious Life in America. Edited by Karen I. Leonard with Alex Stepick, Manuel A. Vasquez, and Jennifer Holdaway. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Selected as Choice Outstanding Academic Title, Social & Behavioral Sciences  for 2006

2003       This Land Is Our Land: Power and Interethnic Relations in Miami with Guillermo Grenier, Max Castro, and Marvin Dunn. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

2002       La Cabeza de Jano: La Desigualdad Social en Oaxaca (Translation and Revision of Social Inequality in Oaxaca). Arthur D. Murphy, Alex Stepick, Earl W. Morris, Mary Winter. Oaxaca, Mexico: Fondo Editorial de la Unidad de Proyectoc Estratégicos, Instituto Estatal de Educación Públca de Oaxaca.

1998       Pride Against Prejudice: Haitians in the U.S. Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

1994       Newcomers in the Workplace. edited with Louise Lamphere and Guillermo Grenier. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

1993       City on the Edge: The Social Transformation of Miami with Alejandro Portes. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. Winner of the Anthony Leeds Award for Best Book in Urban Anthropology and the Robert E. Park Award for Best Book in Urban Sociology.

1992       Miami Now edited with Guillermo Grenier. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.

1991       Social Inequality in Oaxaca: A History of Resistance and Change with A. Murphy.  Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.



1986       Haitian Refugees in the United States, New York: Minority Rights Group, Revised, Second Edition. First Edition, 1982.


Refereed Articles

2006       'There Is More to Life than a Glass of Water': Immigration in the Contemporary United States. American Anthropologist, Vol 108, no. 2: 392-396

2002“Becoming American, Constructing Ethnicity: Immigrant Youth and Civic Engagement,” Applied Developmental Science, volume 6, Number 4: 246-257.

2001       “Social Welfare and Welfare Reform: Contemporary Issues Forum,” Guest Editor with Jo Anne Schneider and Rae Bridgman. American Anthropologist, Vol. 103, No. 3 (September): 705-795.

2000 “Voices from the Welfare Vortex: A Descriptive Profile of Urban, Low-Income African American Women on the Eve of Devolution.” Stan L. Bowie, Carol Dutton Stepick and Alex Stepick III. Race, Gender & Class in Social Work and Practice, vol. 7, no.:36-59.

1998       Diversity and Division: Ethnicity and the History of Miami. Stan L. Bowie and Alex Stepick. Research in Urban Policy 7:19-32.

1991       "Oaxaca's Cycles of Conquest," with Arthur Murphy. Urban Anthropology, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1991: 99-107.

1991       "The Haitian Informal Sector in Miami," City and Society, Vol 5, No. 1 (June): 10-22.

1990       "Miami, La Capital del Caribe," Oaxaca Población y Futuro. Vol 1, No. 4.

1990       "People in the Shadows: Survey Research among Haitians in Miami" with Carol Dutton Stepick. Human Organization, Vol. 49, No. 1, Spring 1990:  64-77.

1989       "Shading Objective Reality: Public Presentation on Haitian Boat People" Human Organization, Spring 1989, Vol. 48, No.1:  91-94.

1986       "Flight into Despair: A Profile of Recent Haitian Refugees in South Florida," with Alejandro Portes. International Migration Review, Spring, Vol. 20, No. 2: 329-250.

1986       "Three Years Later: A Report of the Adaptation Process of (Mariel) Cuban and Haitian Refugees in South Florida," with Alejandro Portes and Cynthia Truelove. Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 5: 83-94. 

1986       "Unwelcome Immigrants: The Labor Market Experiences of 1980 Cuban and Haitian Refugees in South Florida," with Alejandro Portes. American Sociological Review, Vol. 50, August:  493-514.

1983       "New Perspectives on Immigrant Adaptation, Journal of Children in Contemporary Society, Vol. 15, No. 3: 15-26.

1982       "Haitian Boat People: A Study in the Conflicting Forces Shaping U.S. Refugee Policy," Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University Law Journal, Vol. 45, No. 2: 163-196.

1982       "Anthropology and Congress," Human Organization, Vol. 41, No. 4, Winter: 366-369.

1980       "Comparing Squatter Settlements and Government Self‑Help Projects as Housing Solutions in Oaxaca, Mexico," with A. Murphy. Human Organization, Vol. 39, No. 4, Winter: 339-343.

1979       "Housing and Government Intervention Among the Urban Poor," with A. Murphy. Ekistics, Vol. 46, No. 279, November‑December:  374-377.

1978       "Economic and Social Integration of Urban Peasants," with A. Murphy. Human Organization, Vol. 37, No. 4, Winter:  393-396.

1978       "Urbanization, Regional Development and Inequality in Latin America: A Review of Recent Literature." Comparative Urban Research, Volume VI, No. 1: 59-68.

1977       "Extending the Scope of Formal Analysis: A Technique for Integrating Analysis of Kinship Relations with Analyses of Other Dyadic Relations," with J. Lave and L. Sailer. American Ethnologist, Vol. 4, No. 2, May:  321-337.


Book Chapters

2007       “Haitian Americans” with Lisa Konczal in Mary C. Waters and Reed Ueda, editors, The New Americans. Harvard University Press,  445-457.

2004       “God is Apparently Not Dead: The Obvious, the Emergent and the Unknown in Immigration and Religion,” in Immigrant Faithers: Transforming Religious Life in America. Edited by Karen I. Leonard with Alex Stepick, Manuel A. Vasquez, and Jennifer Holdaway. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. 11-37.

2003       “Becoming American: Immigration, Identity, Intergenerational Relations, and Academic Orientation” with Carol Dutton Stepick in American Arrivals: Anthropology Engages the New Immigration, edited by Nancy Foner. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press: 129-162.

2001       “Shifting Identities,” co-authored by Carol D. Stepick, Emmanuel Eugene, Deborah Teed, and Yves Labissiere in Ethnicities: Children of Immigrants in Immigrant America, edited by Rubén Rumbaut and Alejandro Portes, co-published by University of California Press and Russell Sage Foundation: 229-266.

2001       “Power and Identity: Miami Cubans” with Carol Dutton Stepick in Latinos: The Research Agenda, editors Marcelo Suarez-Orozco and Carola Suarez-Orozco. University of California Press, 75-92.

2001       “Ethnic Succession and Failed Restructuring: A Case Study of an Apparel Plant in Miami,” with Guillermo Grenier in Unraveling the Rag Trade, Jan Rath, ed. New York: New York University Press: 103-114

2000       "Voices from the Welfare Vortex: A descriptive profile of urban, low-income African American on the eve of devolution., with Stan L. Bowie and Carol Dutton Stepick in Early Implications of Welfare Reform in the Southeast .  New York: Nova Science Publishing.

1999       “A Year to Remember: The Riot and the Haitians,” in Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States: Readings for the 21st Century, eds. Christopher G. Ellison and W. Allen Martin. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company: 419-426. Reprint of Chapter 3 of City on the Edge.

1998       “Diversity and Division: Ethnicity and the History of Miami,” in Solving Urban Problems in Urban Areas Characterized by Fragmentation and Divisiveness, eds. Fred W. Becker and Milan J. Dluhy. Stamford, Conn.: JAI Press: 19-32.

1997       “A Repeat Performance? The Nicaraguan Exodus” in Challenging Fronteras: Structuring Latina and Lives in the U.S., eds. Mary Romero, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, and Vilma Ortiz. New York: Routledge: 135-153. Reprint of Chapter 7 of City on the Edge.

1997       “Brothers in Wood” in Challenging Fronteras: Structuring Latina and Lives in the U.S., eds. Mary Romero, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, and Vilma Ortiz. New York: Routledge: 265-277. Reprint of Chapter 7 of Newcomers in the Workplace.

1996       “Three Forms of Capital in Immigrant Adaptation” in Immigrants and Immigration Policy : Individual Skills, Family Ties, and Group Identities, eds. Hariet Orcutt Duleep and Phanindra Wunnava. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press: 133-146.

1994       "Brothers in Wood," with Guillermo Grenier, Steve Morris, and Debbie Draznin in Newcomers in the Workplace, eds. Louise Lamphere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

1994       "Grounding the Saturn Plant," with Guillermo Grenier, and Aline LaBorwit in Newcomers in the Workplace, eds. Louise Lamphere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

1994       "The View from the Back of the House," with Guillermo Grenier, Hafidh Hafidh, and Sue Chafee in Newcomers in the Workplace, eds. Louise Lamphere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

1993       "Cubans in Miami," in In the Barrios: Latinos and the Underclass Debate, eds. Joan Moore and Raquel Rivera. New York: Russell Sage Foundation: 79-100.

1992       On Machines and Bureaucracy: Controlling Ethnic Interaction in Miami's Apparel and Construction Industries," with Guillermo J. Grenier, Debbie Draznin, Aileen LaBorwit, Steve Morris in Structuring Diversity: Ethnographic Perspectives on the New Immigration, ed. Louise Lamphere. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press:65-93.

1992       "Unintended Consequences: Haitian Refugees and Destabilizing Duvalier," in U.S. Foreign Affairs and Immigration Policy, ed. Christopher Mitchell. Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania State University Press: 125-155.

1992       "Introduction," in Miami Now, eds. G. Grenier and A. Stepick. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press: 1-17.

1992       "The Refugees Nobody Wants: Haitians in Miami," in Miami Now, eds. G. Grenier and A. Stepick. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press: 57-82

1992       "Blacks in Miami," in Miami Now, eds. G. Grenier and A. Stepick. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press: 41-56.

1990       "Community Growth versus Simply Surviving: The Informal Sectors of Cubans and Haitians in Miami," in Perspectives on the Informal Economy, ed. M.E. Smith,  Washington, D.C.: University Press of America: 183-205.

1989       "Miami's Two Informal Sectors" in The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries, eds. A. Portes, M. Castells, and L. Benton. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press: 111-131.

1984       "Roots of Haitian Migration," in Haiti: Today and Tomorrow, eds. Albert Valdman and Charles Foster, Lanham, MD: University Press of America: 337-349.

1984       "The Haitian Informal Sector in Miami," in The Urban Informal Sector: Recent Trends in Research and Theory. Conference Proceedings. Baltimore: Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University.

1980       "Somos Gente Humilde: Failed Urban Social Movement?" with M. Higgins. Serie de Conferencias, Numero 6, Centro Regional de Oaxaca, Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Oaxaca, Mexico, Summer.

1979       "Cultural Interdependencies of Chronic Health Problems: Oaxaca, Mexico," with C. Dutton Stepick. In Transcultural Nursing Care: The Adolescent and Middle Years, Madeleine Leininger, ed. Salt Lake City: University of Utah.

1978       "Values and Migration Decision‑Making" In Urbanization in the Americas, Selected Papers, N.S. Kinzer  and R.P. Schaedel, eds. the Hague, Netherlands: Mouton Press: 620-631.


Non-refereed Articles

1994       Comment on Verena Stolcke's "Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe," Current Anthropology, Vol 36, No. 1, February:14-16

1994       Comment on Josiah Mc C. Heyman's "Putting Power in the Anthropology of Bureaucracy: The Immigration and Naturalization Service at the MexicoUnited States Border," Current Anthropology:282.

1992       "Miami: Los Cubanos Han Ganado!" NACLA: Report on the Americas. Vol. 26, no. 2, September:39-47.

1987       "Haitian Refugees in South Florida, 1983-1986," with Alejandro Portes. Dialogue no. 77, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, February:1-13.

1984       "Haitians in the United States: Prospects of Adaptation and Integration," Migration News, Volume 33, No. 2, April‑June: 3-4.

1984       "Haitians Released from Krome: Their Prospects for Adaptation and Integration in South Florida," in Dialogue no. 24, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, March.

1984       "The Business Community of Little Haiti," in Dialogue no. 32, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, February:1-45.

1982       "Haitians in Miami: An Assessment of Their Background and Potential," in Dialogue no. 12, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, December.

1982       "U.S. Refugee and Immigration Policy and Its Effect on South Florida," in Dialogue no. 6, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, August.

1982       "U.S. Refugee Policy: An Instrument of the Continuing Cold War," Anthropology Resource Center Newsletter, Volume 6, number 2, June.

1982       "The New Haitian Exodus: The Flight from Terror and Poverty," Caribbean Review, Volume 11, number 1:14-17,55-57.

1982       "Haitians Released from Krome: Their Prospects for Adaptation and Integration in South Florida (Dialogue #24)" with Tom Brott, Dan Clapp, Donna C., Tehoe and Jockesta Megi.  LACC Occasional Paper series. Florida International University. Available at


1981       Haitians in Miami: An Assessment of Their Background and Potential (Dialogue #12)" with Tom Brott, Dan Clapp, Donna Cook and Jockesta Megi. LACC Occasional Paper series. Florida International University. Available at

1981       "Structural Determinants of the Haitian Refugee Movement: Different Interpretations," Dialogue no. 4, Occasional Papers Series, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, August.

1980       "Symbols and Myths Influence House in Aid to Nicaragua," Anthropology Newsletter, American Anthropological Association, Volume 21, number 5, May.

1980       "What Can Anthropology Do for Congress?" Anthropology Newsletter, American Anthropological Association, Volume 21, number 7, October.

1980       "Immigration and Refugee Policy, Plank of the National Democratic Party Platform, approved and included without modification by the Democratic National Convention, New York, August.

1974       "Predicting Behavior from Values," with G. Hendrix. Southwestern Anthropology Association Newsletter, February: 10-40.


2007       Miami Voter Dispositions toward the Development ‘Boom’ and Economic Development Policy: A Report on the First Round of Focus Group Research, with Marcos Feldman. Research institute on Social and Economic Policy, Florida International University, February 5, 2007.

2006       Migrant Family Resiliency:Principles, Values and Practice. Final Progress Report to The Annie E. Casey Foundation  with Carol Dutton Stepick and Alex Stepick IV

2006       Propuesta Metodológica para el estudio de la migración colombiana, Report for Colombian Studies Institute, FIU to conference in Baranquilla, Colombia. February 2006.

2003       “Syphilis and Men Who Have Sex with Men, Miami-Dade County,” With Carol Dutton Stepick and Alex Stepick IV. Report to the Miami Dade County Public Health Department. Immigration and Ethnicity Institute, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.

2003       “Welfare Reform in Miami: Implementation, Effects, and Experiences of Poor Families and Neighborhoods.” With Thomas Brock, Isaac Kwakye, Judy C. Plolyné, Lashawn Richburg-Hayes, David Seith, and Carol D. Stepick. MDRC, New York, October.

1995       “Cultural Anthropology and Human Capital: Anthropology’s role in the NSF Initiative on Human Capital,” Report from National Science Foundation Workshop on the Human Capital Initiative, June 27-28.

1994       "A Preliminary Needs Assessment of Haitians in South Florida," Report to the City of Miami.

1992       "Alternative Enumeration of Haitians in Miami, Florida," Final Report for Joint Statistical Agreement 90-08, U.S. Bureau of the Census, March.

1991       "Changing Relations Between Newcomers and Established Residents: The Case of Miami," Final Report to the Ford Foundation, Changing Relations Project.

1990       "What's in it for me? What's in it for you?  Ethnographic Research on the Possible Undercount of Haitians in Miami," Final Report on research conducted under a Joint Statistical Agreement JSA 88-26, U.S. Bureau of the Census, April.

1982       "Immigration and Refugee Policy and Legislation," Final Star Grant Report to Health and Rehabilitative Services, State of Florida, September.

1982       "Root Causes of Haitian Migration," Immigration Reform, Committee of the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. Serial Number 30, part 1:698-753.

1982       "Reforming Asylum Hearings," Immigration Reform, Committee of the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. Serial Number 30, part 1:1345-1346.

Book Reviews

1993       Haiti: A Research Handbook by Robert Lawless. Reviewed in New West Indian Guide, Volume 67, numbers 3/4.

1990       Haiti's Influence on Antebellum America: Slumbering Volcano in the Caribbean by Alfred N. Hunt. Reviewed in International Migration Review, vol. 24, no. 2, Summer:397-8.

1990       The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier by Amy Wilentz.  Reviewed in Hemisphere. Winter/Spring, Vol. 2, no. 2:42-44

1990       Becoming Black American: Haitians and American Institutions in Evanston, Illinois, by Tekle Woldemikael. Reviewed in Contemporary Sociology, Volume 19, no. 5 (September).

1986       Fieldwork: The Human Experience edited by Robert Lawless, Vinson H. Sutlive, Jr. and Mario d. Zamora. Reviewed in South Eastern Latin Americanist: 28.

1985       Le Commerce du Cafe en Haiti: Habitants, Speculateurs et Exportateurs by Christian A. Girault.  Reviewed in Caribbean Review, Volume 14, no. 2, Spring: 51.

1985       American Odyssey: Haitians in New York City by Michel Laguerre.  Reviewed in Nieuwe West‑Indische Gids, Volume 59, number 1/2.

1983       The People of Buena Ventura by Douglas Butterworth. Reviewed in  Nieuwe West‑Indische Gids, Volume 57, number 1/2:87-88.

1982       Industrial Development and Migrant Labor in Latin America by Julian Laite.  Reviewed in International Migration Review, Volume 16, Winter.: 911-912

Books in Progress

Immigrant and Native Minority Family Development, Neighborhood Transformation, and Welfare Reform in Miami and Los Angeles. Co-editor Abel Valenzuela. Under review by Russell Sage Foundation Press. While there are numerous studies of immigration and others of welfare reform, this analysis uniquely focuses on immigrant and minority family development and neighborhood transformation in specific low-income neighborhoods. Using longitudinal ethnographic data this study follows the lives and neighborhoods of sixty families over four years in Miami and Los Angeles. The volume will specifically focus on two themes: 1. structural racism and 2. family strengthening and erosion. Based upon research supported by MDRC.

Haitian Religion in South Florida with Terry Rey. Based upon research supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts this volume examines the diversity of Haitian religious experience.


        Over 100 papers presented at numerous professional meetings, including the American Anthropological Association, Society for Applied Anthropology, Latin American Studies Association, American Ethnological Society, International Studies Association, invited papers to special conferences sponsored by Center for American Studies, Havana, Cuba; Museum of Anthropology, Oaxaca, Mexico, U.S. Census Bureau, and numerous U.S. and foreign universities.

Referee of Journal Articles and Research Proposals

American Anthropologist

Current Anthropology

Human Organization

Latin American Research Review

Social Problems

International Migration Review

National Science Foundation, Anthropology Division

National Science Foundation, Law and Society Division


National Cancer Institute, Special Review Panel on Acquired‑Immune Deficiency Syndrome



Research Methods, Urban Anthropology, Race & Ethnicity, Refugees & Immigrants, Anthropology of Latin America, Anthropology of Mexico, Community Action Research,


Multi-ethnic and cultural sensitivity training for Dade County Schools, Broward County Schools, Community Relations Service of the U.S. Department of Justice, Dade County Bar Association, Miami Urban Ministries, Lutheran Refugee Program

Community Talks

Speeches on ethnic relations and immigration to over thirty organizations in the greater Miami area, including Aspen Institute, Board of Directors of the Ford Foundation, Kellogg Foundation, National Coalition of Christians and Jews, Kiwanis Club, Democratic Club of North Dade, editors and journalists, and community organizations


1985-present         Miami's inter-ethnic relations, religion, ongoing fieldwork with African Americans, Cubans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, Jamaicans, Mexicans and white Americans.

1981‑present         Haitian migration, ongoing fieldwork in South Florida with Haitian migrants.

1971‑present         Oaxaca, Mexico continuing research on social inequality, the urban poor, migration.

Service (partial list)


Member, Advisory Board, Little Haiti Neighborhood Team, City of Miami, 1999.

Expert Witness in over 200 Haitian asylum hearings, 1981‑present.

Member Board of Directors, Haitian Community Association of Dade County, 1982-1991.

Advisor and grantwriter for the Haitian Task Force, 1981-1988.

Consultant (unpaid) to Greater Miami United, 1981-1990.

Program Chair, Southeastern Regional Conference on Immigration and Refugees, co‑sponsored by Catholic Services Bureau, Archdiocese of Miami; National Forum on Immigration, Citizenship, and Refugees; and, Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, November 1983.

Cuba, with Congressman Mickey Leland to discuss with Cuban President Fidel Castro and other Cuban officials current status and methods for improving U.S.‑Cuba relations, September 1980.

Jamaica, as a member of an Independent Commission of Inquiry into allegations of U.S. destabilization of Jamaica, August 1980.

Testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, 1982-83.

Frequently interviewed and quoted in media stories on Haitian refugees or Miami inter-ethnic relations, including New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Miami Herald, All Things Considered, and The Morning Edition. 

Featured in a nationally broadcast television (The Discovery Channel) special on Haitian Refugees. 

Work used and quoted by the British House of Commons, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.


Member, American Anthropological Association Task Force on Public Policy, 1996-99.

Advisor, Forum on Adolescence, National Research Council, 1998-1999.

Member, National Research Council, Committee on Immigration, Children and Health, 1996-1998.

Member, National Science Foundation, Cultural Anthropology Program Review Committee, 1996-1999.

Chair and Convener, National Science Foundation Conference on the Human Capital Initiative, June 1995.

Chair, Special Task Force on Haiti, Latin American Studies Association, 1993-present.

Member Program Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology, 1988.

Councilor, Society for Latin American Anthropology, American Anthropological Association 1985-1987.

Program Committee Chair, Society for Latin American Anthropology, American Anthropology Association, 1987.

Member Program Committee, American Anthropology Association, 1987.

Chairperson, Resolutions Committee, American Anthropological Association meetings, Los Angeles, California, December 1981.

Member, Resolutions Committee, American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, D.C. December 1980.


Member, Academic Senate, FIU 2006-07.

Director, Immigration & Ethnicity Institute

Director, Comparative Sociology Graduate Program, 1991-1994

Chair, Mexico Working Group, 1992-1994

Research Committee of the Accreditation Study, FIU, 1988-1990.

Member Advisory Council, Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU, 1980‑present.

Member Advisory Committee of the Graduate Program in International Studies, FIU, 1981-present.

Member Advisory Committee for the Center for Labor Research and Studies, FIU, 1987-present.

Author of B.A. proposal in Latin American Studies, FIU, Fall 1983.

Prepared: April 2007