A course outline for Numerical analysis (MAD 3401)

Coordinator:  Dr. Theodore Tachim Medjo, Office: DM 431B

Text: Numerical Analysis (10th edition), RL. Burden and J.D Faires. 

Office Hours:  MF:   1:30 PM  to 2:30PM  (other times by appointments)

Tel: 305 348 2591,       e-mail: tachimt@fiu.edu

Class schedule:  MWF:  12:00 PM -12:50 PM 

Room:             Comp, Arts, Sci & Educat 136



This course is an intoduction to many basic methods used in numerical  analysis. The main topics include: Interpolation and approximation of  functions, numerical integration and differentiation, solution of non-linear equations, acceleration and extrapolation, solution of systems of linear equations, eigenvalue problems, initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, and computer programs applying these numerical methods.

The basic material to be covered in one semester is contained in Chapters 1-4 and 8. Special topics, time permitting, wil also be included. It would be reasonnable to begin chapter 5.

Chapter 1: Review of calculus, roundoff errors and compuer arithmetic.

Basic sections are: 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

Chapter 2:  Solutions of equation in one variable.

Basic sections are: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6.

Chapter 3: Interpolation and polynomial approximations.

Basic sections are 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

Chapter 4: Numerical differentiation and integration.

Basic sections are 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6  and 4.7.

Chapter 8: Approximation Theory

Basic sections are: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4

Chapter 5: Sections 5.1 to 5.3 are of interest and easily accessible.

Programs: Students will be assigned to write programs; perhaps one for each method, throughout the course.

Grades: Grades will be assigned on the basis of 400 points distributions as follows:

Exam 1   75 points    Part 1: 09/20/2021 and Part 2:  09/24/2021

Exam 2   75 points   Part 1: 10/18/2021 and Part 2:  10/22/2021

Exam 3   75 points   Part 1:  11/19/2021 and Part 2:  11/22/2021

Homeworks/Projects  50  points

Final Exam  125 points         (Please check Panthersoft for the schedule )

Final course grades will be assigned as follows:  Divide your total score by 4 (in order to get your score out of 100) and if you get

90 or above A 

87-89 A- 

84-86 B+ 

80-83 B 

77-79 B- 

74-76 C+ 

70-73 C 

60-69 D 

Below F 

 Suggested Problems: Numerical Analysis (10th edition), RL. Burden and J.D Faires

Chapter 1: 1.1:   1-26 odds,  1.2:   1-24  odds,  1.3:   1-16   odds.

Chapter 2: 2.1:   1-18 odds, 2.2:  1-24 odds,  2.3:   1-30   odds, 2.4:   1-12  odds, 2.5:   1-15 odds, 2.6:  1-12  odds

Chapter 3: 3.1:  1-29   odds, 3.2:   1-17   odds, 3.3:   1-9   odds, 3.4:  1-27   odds

Chapter 4: 4.1:   1-23 odds, 4.2:  1-15   odds, 4.3:   1-21  odds , 4.4:  1-15  odds , 4.5:  1-14  odds , 4.6:   1-9  odds , 4.7:  1-7  odds

Chapter 8:   8.1:   1-14  odds, 8.2:  1-15  odds, 8.3:   1-9  odds , 8.4:   1-14  odds

Monday August  30:   Deadline to drop a course with a DR grade  


REMINDER: There is never a penalty for asking. There is no shame in trying and
not succeeding; however, there is shame in not trying at all.

There will be an homework before each exam.  All homeworks assigned will be collected on time.

Please silent your bipper/celullar during the entire lecture. Cheating is forbidden by university law and will not be tolorated.


There are many students who come to the Advising Center because they thought they were in and attended classes for which they were NOT registered or conversely stopped attending courses for which they were registered but thought they had successful dropped.   In the first case they lose the credits for work completed; in the second case they received F0s and are held fee liable for courses they thought no longer concerned them.  Both of these misfortunes could be avoided if student would merely review and print their class schedules to make certain the estimation of their current enrollment matches reality.

 Please   review and print your class schedule this week  and thereafter if any changes are made to it (e.g. add/ drop/ swap, etc.). 


Syllabus Honesty Statement:


FIU defines academic misconduct in the Student Conduct and Honor Code (Code) as, “any act or omission by a Student, which violates the concept of academic integrity and undermines the academic mission of the University in violation of the Code.” Code violations include, but are not limited to: academic dishonesty, bribery, cheating, commercial use, complicity, falsification, and plagiarism. The Code is available here: https://studentaffairs.fiu.edu/get-support/student-conduct-and-academic-integrity/student-conduct-and-honor-code/index.php



Assessment Honesty Statement:


FIU defines academic misconduct in the Student Conduct and Honor Code (Code) as any act or omission by a Student, which violates the concept of academic integrity and undermines the academic mission of the University in violation of the Code. Code violations include, but are not limited to: academic dishonesty, bribery, cheating, commercial use, complicity, falsification, and plagiarism. By checking the box below, I am giving my word that I have not committed academic misconduct.

There are many students who come to the Advising Center because they thought they were in and attended classes for which they were NOT registered or conversely stopped attending courses for which they were registered but thought they had successful dropped.   In the first case they lose the credits for work completed; in the second case they received F0s and are held fee liable for courses they thought no longer concerned them.  Both of these misfortunes could be avoided if student would merely review and print their class schedules to make certain the estimation of their current enrollment matches reality. 

                                                FREE MATHEMATICS TUTORING SERVICES

The mathematic department has a (free) tutoring program in GL 120, please contact the department for the schedule. No appointment is needed for the tutoring program.

 PS: In an effort to help you succeed in your academic courses, FIU utilizes an Early Alert system. Instructors are now able to notify students' academic advisors if there are concerns about class performance. If an alert is submitted, your academic advisor will send you a message via your Student Dashboard (accessed via your MYFIU page) to discuss ways to improve your performance. Please respond to any communication you receive from your academic advisor about an early alert. Our goal with this program is to help you to be successful by identifying any issues as early on as possible and working to address them


Panther Book Pack Information 

Every student is automatically enrolled for the Panther Book Pack (http://bookpack.fiu.edu/) at the time that you register for classes. The program will cover your textbooks for each course at a charge of $20 per credit hour.  We suggest that you compare this to the cost of all your required course materials. If this total is higher than the Panther Book Pack Cost, you can opt out at any point from the day you receive your Panther Book Pack email until three days after the add/ drop date on the Academic Calendar for that term. For the Fall 2021 this day is September 2.


All students must opt out if they do not wish to participate. 


You may opt-out via MyFIU by clicking on the Panther Book Pack tile and then clicking the opt-out / opt-in toggle for the session you would like to change your participation status for. If you have any further questions, please check out the link above.