Color versions of figures 2 and 6 from:

Whitman, D., 1999, The isostatic residual gravity anomaly of the central Andes: 12 to 29 degrees S: A guide to interpreting crustal structure and deeper lithospheric processes, International Geology Review, v. 41, p. 457-475.

Fig. 2. Whitman, 1998

Color shaded relief map of the central Andes. Relief was generated from a 1 km resolution DEM using an artificial sunlight to the west at an elevation of 45° above the horizon. On land data is from the 30 arc-second DEM for South America (USGS, 1997). Bathymetry was resampled from the 5 arc-minute ETOPO5 global dataset.


Fig. 6. Whitman, 1998

Isostatic residual gravity anomaly map of the central Andes. The isostatic regional was calculated at station level by assuming local Airy compensation, a zero elevation crustal thickness of 35 km, a topographic density of 2670 kg/m3, and a density contrast at the crust-mantle boundary of 350 kg/m3. 9-Sept-1998