Syllabus for MAA 3200 U01, Fall 2018 (Intro To Adv Math, Ref # 80563) Last modified on

Professor:  Steven M. Hudson. Phone: 305-348-3231 (but email is better). 
Office Hours:
TR 12:30pm to 1:30pm or by appt, in DM 419B.  
E-mail:, Web Page:
Teaching Assistant: Giancarlo Sanchez, [or], WF 10am to noon in DM 413A.
Required Text 1: Writing Proofs in Analysis, by J.M.Kane, 1st Edn, Springer (most of Chs 1-4, some of 9, etc)
Required Text 2:
How to Prove It,  by D. Velleman, 2nd Edn, Cambridge Univ Press (most of the book).
Further reading options;   Foundations of Higher Mathematics, by Fletcher and Patty; Elementary Real and Complex Analysis, by G Shilov, Dover Books; Bridge to Abtract Mathematics, by Morash; Discrete Mathematics, by K Rosen (or similar D.M. books).

Goals: Proofwriting skills, familiarity with the basic tools and structures of advanced mathematics such as sets, relations, functions, limits, induction and cardinality (Chs 1-5 and 7). We'll outline the construction of number systems such as R. To get the flavor of advanced mathematics, we will learn some basic topology and enough real analysis to prepare you for courses like MAA 4211.

Schedule:  See  the Schedule and Homework page for more detail and updates, though as of 8/18/18 it is incomplete.

8/21 - First lecture, in PC 438, 11am to 12:15pm
8/23 - Second lecture, in GL 245 [turn left twice after the 2nd floor turnstile]
9/6 - Likely due date for Homework 1 (or "HW1". See the Schedule for the problems, updates, HW2 etc)
9/27 - Exam 1 
10/25 - Exam 2 
10/29 (check!) - Last day to drop the course
11/22 - T Day, no class
11/27 - All late work, settlements, requests, are due
11/29 - Last lecture day.
12/4 [12pm to 2pm] - the final exam covers the entire course. Room GC283A

The prerequisite for this course is Calc III (MAC 2313). If you have written proofs in previous classes (Calculus, Discrete Math, Geometry, Linear Algebra, etc) you have a small head start. If none of your previous professors required proofs, plan to work extra hard on this skill in the first 4-5 weeks.

Your semester grade will be based on your average score - not on improvement, effort, etc. Incompletes will not be given, except in special cases such as last-minute medical emergencies. Percentages of course grade - 2 Exams at 25% each, Final exam, 35%, HW 15%. If I give any short quizzes, they will be averaged into the HW, counting at most 5% each. This breakdown assumes the Math Dept assigns us a TA /grader, as promised. Each student will have a score between 0 and 100% at the end of the course. Letter grades will be assigned as follows; 

 A 85-100%,   B 75-84 %,   C 65-74 %,   D 55-64 %, F 0-54 %. 

(+'s and -'s will be used for grades above C). I may lower this scale at the end, if the grades seem too low. I usually announce a new unofficial and approximate scale after each exam. Regardless of that, the final scale will not be higher than the one given here.

Expectations: You are expected to spend 10-15 hours a week outside of class, on homework and reading and asking questions. DO NOT fall behind! You will visit various pages in this website. I will assign about 20 problems per week, assuming they will take you about 20 minutes each on average. You are expected to ask questions, of me and of our Learning Assistant, when stuck. Please come by my office at least once during the first 3 weeks. You will be expected to write simple proofs within the first few weeks, with clear sentences and good explanations. A major goal is to write moderately difficult ones by the end of the term.

Various Policies:  There will be about 6 homework lists, which will prepare you for the exams, and which count into your grade. They will be graded briefly. Do them by yourself [or at least acknowledge any help] and turn them in on  stapled loose leaf paper. For maximum credit be neat, show all your work, and explain your reasoning clearly. Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Late homework (up to 2 weeks) is worth half the normal credit. In certain cases, I may waive the HW requirement, but if so, this needs to be settled in writing by Friday 8/24/18.

The Main Rules:

Any beepers/cell phones, etc must be turned off during class.
If you cannot arrive and leave on time, see me and explain.
If you miss an entire class, get notes from a classmate.
If you must miss an exam, see me beforehand, and document your excuse.
But there will be no make-up exams.
If you turn in homework late for a good reason, write a note of explanation at the top.
If you find a grading error, write a note to me at the top of your paper and return it promptly.

I will try to identify any cheating that may occur in the course. To avoid unfounded suspicion, please show all your work, turn in any scratch paper you use in exams, and avoid sitting next to your study partners during exams. This covers the basics, but read over My Policies (the long version) so that you are not surprised by anything.


Schedule and HW 
Help tutoring, websites, online tutorials, advice etc
Exam Page - practice quizzes, keys, etc 
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