Project Outline


To prepare and present a team presentation to one or more real-world decision makers at the college or in the local community that will address a current issue that the group deems to be problematic or potentially problematic.


Your group will consist of 5 to 7 seven members. Your instructor may provide some in-class time for your group to prepare. However, your group should make arrangements to meet with one another outside of class to prepare and practice your presentation. Every group member must participate in the final presentation.

Assignment Requirements
  • Presentation Topic: Your group should prepare a team presentation related to a campus or community issue. The team presentation should describe the problem and its significance to critical decision makers and present recommendations for solutions. The topic must be approved by your instructor. Arrangements should be made to make the presentation to the decision maker(s) your group has identified. Topic examples: What should be done to improve the class registration process? How can local citizens help take a “bite out of crime”?
  • Research: The group must conduct research to prepare for the team presentation. Research must include interviews with relevant college or community officials as well as surveys and/or interviews with students or community members.
  • Agenda: Your group must develop a common agenda for the presentation. Copies of the agenda must be distributed to the instructor, the entire class, and the audience of decision makers. You are responsible for developing an outline for your individual presentations.
  • Delivery: Your group should deliver a well-prepared and thoroughly rehearsed team presentation. Presentations may take place in the classroom or in decision makers’ place of business. All presenters should use an extemporaneous delivery. The team presentation should include at least three presentation aids. Plan a 20-minute team presentation followed by a short question-and- answer session.


Grading Criteria:

Your grade will be determined by combining a shared group grade and an individual performance grade based on the following criteria:

Shared Group Grade Criteria

Individual Grade Criteria

  • clear presentation of overall purpose (Group Thesis Statement)
  • sufficient and appropriate research
  • organization of overall team presentation
  • ability to work as a coordinated team
  • quality of written materials and presentation aids (include the 2 paragraph fallacy arguments)
  • clear purpose for individual presentation
  • sufficient and appropriate research individual bibliography
  • organization of individual presentation (Key Points Summary)
  • effective delivery of individual presentation
  • quality of written materials and, if applicable, presentation aids

A packet will be submitted by each group consisting of the following:

1 - Group Thesis Statement & 2 paragraph fallacy arguments

2 - Each member should present the following (student name):

* Purpose of the individual section of the presentation

* Key points summary of individual section

* Formal bibliography (MLA or APA style) of individual section