Syllabus for MAC 2312 U10, Fall 2020, TR 2pm [#82460] Last modified on

This syllabus assumes that we will meet on campus all semester, with little or no Zooming. If FIU closes completely I will provide a new syllabus and you will need the usual equipment - a laptop, camera, wifi, a room for tests, etc.

Professor:  Steven M. Hudson. Phone: None. Email is recommended. The Math Dept phone is 305-348-3769.
My Office:
DM 419B. Hours: TR 1030am to 11:45pm in DM 419B or by appt. After class is usually OK too.
: , Website:
Learning Assistant:
Melissa Venedicto, Her Zoom office hours are Mondays 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm at Also, Wednesdays 10:00 am to 11:00 am at And she writes "If needed, I can also hold a session on the weekend."
Text:  Thomas' Calculus [ET] - 14th Edition, by Hass, Heil and Weir. The MLP software is not required, but it includes the electronic textbook and it might help with some homework. 
New Room: VH 131.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, students should demonstrate:

(1) An understanding of how to model physical situations with definite integrals using limits of Riemann sums.
(2) The ability to use calculus to compute areas of planar regions, volumes of solids of rotation, arclength of planar curves, and the work generated by a force.
(3) The ability to compute some indefinite and improper integrals and to approximate definite integrals numerically.
(4) The ability to determine convergence of infinite series, use power series to approximate functions, and apply the technique of power series to compute integrals.
(5) An understanding of the use of polar coordinates.
(6) The ability to use deductive reasoning in all these areas and understand several proofs.

We will cover most of Chs 5, 6, 8, 10 and early 11.

Brief Schedule:  See  the Schedule and Homework page for more complete and up-to-date info. Most of the key dates will be on Thursdays.

8/25/20 - First lecture, Tuesday, 2pm to 3:40pm.
8/27/20 - Diagnostic Quiz. Other quiz dates TBA (tentatively Quiz 1 is 9/10/20).
9/1 - HW 1 is due (for the list of problems, for HW2, etc, see the Schedule).
9/17 - Exam 1. 
10/15 - Exam 2. 
11/2 - Last day to drop the course - but check this date yourself.
11/12 - Exam 3.
12/1 - a general deadline (see Schedule)
12/3 - Last lecture.
TBA - the final exam covers the entire course.

Your semester grade will be based on your average exam/HW scores - not on improvement, effort, etc. Incompletes will not be given, except in special cases such as last-minute medical emergencies. Percentages of course grade - Three exams at 15%, 20% and 20%; Final Exam 25%; [but see "Update" below] Quizzes 10% total; Homework 10% total. I may allow the final to replace a low quiz grade. Each student will have a score between 0 and 100% at the end of the course. You can ensure the grade you want by achieving these percentages.

 A 85-100 %,   B 75-84 %,   C 65-74 %,   D 55-64 %, F 0-54 %. 

but +'s and -'s will also be used from A- to C+. I will set the official scale at the end of the semester, after all grades are in. It will be no higher than this one, probably lower. I will usually announce a new approximate scale after each exam, on the exam key. If interested, you can check out past semesters on my exam page.

: The prerequisite for this course is Calculus I [MAC 2311], with a "C" or better. This includes a reasonable knowledge of trig identities, antiderivatives and parametric equations.

You are expected to spend roughly 10-15 hours a week outside of class, on homework and reading the corresponding sections of the text and seeing our LA as needed. DO NOT fall behind! The lectures are intended to give you a light introduction to the material, with attention to the rough spots. The reading and HW may go a bit beyond the lectures. You are expected to ask questions, especially of our LA or in my office, or by email.

You will need to visit various pages in this website, mainly to get the HW assignments, and perhaps to practice with old exams. Even if you miss a class, you must keep track of all due dates, exam dates and ranges, any changes to the schedule and my policies. You may use a calculator/etc for your HW, but usually you won't need one, and will not be allowed one during quizzes or exams.

Policies:  There will be approx 6  HWs, mainly intended to help you learn the material, but they also count into your grade. Do them by yourself and turn them in on  stapled loose leaf paper. For maximum credit be neat, show all your work, and explain your reasoning (your own, not copied). Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Late homework (accepted up to 1 week late) is worth half the normal credit.The HW will be graded briefly by our learning assistant, based mainly on a few selected problems. By the end of the term, your average HW grade will probably be pretty accurate, but if you think not, you can return all your HW to me for review. The HW should usually be returned to you within a couple of days, in time for the next exam, but I'd suggest making a copy in case it gets delayed. If you do not want your homework to be graded, send me an email during the first week of the term and save my confirmation email.

Each 100 minute exam will consist mostly of problems similar to the previous homework assignments and perhaps a conceptual question or two, such as  True-False, a textbook proof [I usually provide a list to study] and/or a definition. I expect each quiz to be similar, but limited to a few topics, lasting only approx 15 minutes with a lecture afterwards.

I may give a little extra credit for visiting your LA regularly or by helping the class, catching web mistakes, for example. This is not intended to have a major effect on your grade, but it often helps in borderline cases.

The Main Rules: These can affect your grade. I do make a few exceptions, but you will need to contact me.

Arrive on time and do not leave during the lecture. If you cannot comply, explain!
Know and comply with FIU's rules durnig COVID, on face masks and social distancing.
Phones, laptops, etc must be turned off during class.
No electronics, notes, etc are allowed on exam days.
If you miss a class, get notes from a classmate [it is not yet clear whether any classes will be recorded].
If you must miss an exam, see me beforehand, and/or document your excuse, to get fair treatment.
I rarely give make-up exams, and very rarely give incompletes.
If you turn in homework late for a good reason, see me, and write a note of explanation at the top.
If you find a grading error, write a note to me at the top of your paper and return it promptly.

Additional Exam Rules: If you bring any electronic devices (such as cell phones, airbuds, calculators, etc), you must leave them with me before the exam. Arrive early if possible so we can settle and start on time. Keep your eyes and hands on your desk at all times. No hats or hoodies are allowed. Seats may be assigned. No bathroom breaks. Bring a photo ID to class on exam days, though if there are no objections, I may simply take group pictures instead. If you do not follow these rules you will get a zero. You may also face charges of academic misconduct and/or cheating. If you cannot follow these rules contact me at least 24 hours in advance to discuss them.

To avoid unfounded suspicion, show all your work, turn in any scratch paper you use in exams, and avoid sitting next to your study partners during exams. This covers the basics, but read over My Policies (the long version) so that you are not surprised by anything. I may have to change some policies (for example, if we do not get a grader for this class, or if the early exam scores are abnormal). I may participate in FIU's Early Alert System by informing an advisor if you fall behind.


Schedule and HW 

Help  - advice, solutions, tutoring at FIU, websites, online help. Pls let me know about any broken links, obsolete info, etc.

Exam Page - practice quizzes, answer keys, etc 

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