Syllabus for Calculus II, Spring 2002 - Last modified on

MAC 2312, Section 2 [#3590] - meets TRF 12:30-1:45pm, in PC 212

Professor:  Steven M. Hudson. Office; DM 419B, Phone: 305-348-3231. 

Office Hours: Tues: 2pm to 3pm; Thurs 11am-12pm; Most Fridays 2pm-2:25pm.  

E-mail;, Web Page: http:/

Text: Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Anton, 6th Edition most of Chs. 7.4 - 12.3 (but not Ch 10). For a precise list of sections, check the assignments.

Schedule:  The first homework (HW 1) is due Thursday, 1/17/02 before class; other HW will be  posted. Assuming that we meet 75 minutes per class, and make normal progress,  I will probably cancel about 5 classes (to average 200 minutes/week). These will be announced in class. The dates and topics below are tentative:

1/31 (Thur) - Exam 1, thru about Ch 8.3

2/21 - HW 4 due

2/28 (Thu) - Exam 2; (thru Ch 11.1?)

3/2 - Last day to drop the course

3/29 (Fri) - Exam 3; (thru Ch. 11.8?)

4/18  - Last lecture day; all homework etc. must be in.

4/23 (Tues, 12:30 - 3:15pm) the final exam covers the entire course.

The pre-requisite for this course is MAC 2311 (Calculus I) with a C or better. You should already know most of the topics in the Appendix, and those thru Ch. 7.3 [ review Chs 3.4, 4.4, 4.5 and 7.3 as needed] . Memorize most of the trig formulas [at least (1) - (34) and (45),(46)] in Appendix E. You should also know the numbers in Table 3 on page A44. 

Your semester grade will be based on your average exam/HW scores - not on improvement, effort, extra credit, etc. Incompletes will not be given, except in special cases such as last-minute medical emergencies.
Percentages of course grade - First 3 exams, 20\% each; Final exam, 30\%; Homework 10% total.  If there are any other quizzes (not likely), they will count into the HW grade. Each student will have a score between 0 and 100% at the end of the course. Letter grades will be assigned approximately as follows; 

 A 81-100%,   B 71-80 %,   C 61-70 %,   D 51-60 %, F 0-50 %. 

(+'s and -'s will be used). I will set the official scale at the end of the semester, after all grades are in, but will usually announce a new approximate scale after each exam.

 Various Policies:    There will about 8  homework assignments. Do these by yourself and turn them in on  stapled loose leaf paper. For maximum credit be neat, show all your work, and explain your reasoning. Homework is due at the {\it beginning} of the class. Late homework (up to 2 weeks) is worth half the normal credit.

    Each of your HW grades will be based on completeness, neatness, and an estimate of its correctness, based on a careful look at a few randomly selected problems. If, at the end of the semester, you think you have been unlucky, you can return all your HW to me for review. If you do not want your homework to be graded, write me a note this week.

    Each test consists mostly of problems similar to the previous 2 or 3 homework assignments - and a conceptual question or two, such as a True-False section, a proof and/or a definition.

The Main Rules:

Any beepers/cell phones, etc must be turned off during class.
If you cannot arrive and leave on time, see me and explain.
If you miss an entire class, get notes from a classmate.
If you must miss an exam, see me beforehand, and document your excuse.
But there will be no make-up exams.
If you turn in homework late for a good reason, write a note of explanation at the top.
If you find a grading error, write a note to me at the top of your paper and return it promptly.

I will try to identify any cheating that may occur in the course. To avoid unfounded suspicion, please show all your work, turn in any scratch paper you use in exams, and avoid sitting next to your study partners during exams.

Also, read over My Policies (the long version) so that you are not surprised by anything.


HW Lists 

Schedule - a detailed day-by-day version (still tentative)

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