How to doWeb Page Stuff


Frontpage (FPg)

Notepad - - This is auto-invoked at home when I choose View Source on a page, but not so at FIU (netscape). Always "SaveAs" + browse, to avoid chaos. View later using Explorer (then FTP etc). See SW's email about this topic and Netscape. Also consider using solix/pico instead to avoid the ftp step.

When making a java file, be sure to save as "" including quotes, or notepad will add an invisible ".txt" to the name.

TeX - I got the latest installed with help from George K and Jose M. See CTAN?

If you want TeX to look good, you can 1) screen grab it (about two per page), save as *.gif's (or *.jpg, but these seem blurred) and add to a page as picture(s). Magstep 2 works well here. Or you can 2) convert the whole thing to pdf [easy with newest winedt/miktek package at work, but not so easy/good with solix's ps2pdf]. You can 3) convert it to html using tth [free download after asking permission] via:

Other - - You can save Word Doc's as html's, including pictures from MathGV, or whatever. (at home, see tangent.htm(l) in /images). You can view a page (home) using Explorer + Browse + Click, which opens AOL (no sign on required), tho the links won't always work, and FPg does OK at this (it's WYSIWYG).


Directory Trees



Animations MS Gif Animator is the only freeware I could find, tho some "gif constructor" has a good rep and is about 20 bucks. I rely on MWSnap a lot too.

Create about 6-10 images using Paintbrush or MathGV. Snap them carefully using the cursor and zoom on the corners. In Snap, choose File/SaveAs (Not Edit/Copy) and make them a1.gif, a2.gif, etc. in a new folder.

In MSGA, open a6.gif. Then insert a5.gif etc down to a1.gif. (I don't know how to re-order them once they are in and it's confusing to try anyway). Test using the triangle icon. Correct the delays (eg 15/100 sec) and looping options if necessary. Then SelectAll and SaveAs "a.gif" (or etc). It's ready for a webpage.

Math GV - a fat line under a thin line looks cool. Enter fatty first. The 3D was less easy to work with. Cluttered.

Paintbrush - use the crop/copy/paste option! Start in a blank area. Also, insert text and slide it into place. Can animate just a small vertical/horizontal strip, for min files. Maybe even a box? Maybe use one gif as a background and another as a sprite? Try

Blender creates jpg/targa/avi, but not gif's. I think I have to send blender's file(s) thru IrfanView [to make them gif's] . Animations must also go thru MSoftGifA for packaging. I transfered the 150 rollercoaster frames one-at-a-time (ughh!) - is there a fast way to import them? Maybe I should aim for shorter anim's!

IrfanView I don't know exactly what this program is meant for, but you CAN select a transparency color for gif's pretty easily. Reduce the number of colors in the palette if nec'y. Choose Edit Palette to find the code for your color (probably black or white). Then start to save-as your picture, but choose the gif option and make sure the transparency box is (un)checked with the right code number filled in. Warning: black shadows may become transparent this way. I can't remember if all this can be done to an animation easily.

Solix trix


Math Symbols See also "TeX" in theEditors section above

Misc Problems


Has a good reputation via Aladro and Zahedi. My Calc II students were mixed/negative about it because of major login problems. But some liked being able to "answer until they get it right" (an online hw/exam?), so that their work was easy. Sam McCool noted the chat room and the secure areas (places to post "free-use" materials, like excerpts from other books) but not the exam ability (not so secure). It sounds like a lot of work.


The most popular pages are the required ones (syllabus, HW) and the old exams. My tutorials are still experimental and not organized well-enough to be very useful/attractive.

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Updated 3/16/02.