CALCULUS I hybrid version: Module 1
Monday, August 22 Watch
video 1: Review & Average Velocity (56 minutes)
Do WileyPlus assignment titled “Assignment 0: An Introduction
to WileyPlus” This assignment is not graded but will introduce you
to our homework software. 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Tuesday, August 23 Watch
video 2: Instantaneous velocity (48 minutes)
2pm-3pm: Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Wednesday, August 24 Class
on campus will begin with a one question quiz on videos 1 and 2 Most
of the class will be spent working in groups on problems Thursday, August 25 Watch video 3:
Secant lines & tangent lines (54 minutes)
7pm: Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Friday, August 26 Watch
video 4: Average and instantaneous rates of change; Intro to limits (53
minutes) Do
WileyPlus assignment titled “Video 4 homework” From
the text, do exercises 12ab at the end of section 2.1
1:30pm-2:30pm: Javier’s LA office hours in DM 417A Monday, August 29
Watch video 5: Techniques for computing limits (49 minutes) 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Tuesday, August 30 Watch
video 6: Techniques for computing limits (cont.) & limits at infinity (48
2pm-3pm: Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Wednesday, August 31 Class
on campus will begin with a one question quiz on videos 3-6
Most of the class will be spent working in groups on problems Thursday, Sept. 1 Watch video 7:
Limits at infinity (cont.) & continuous functions (45 minutes)
5pm-6pm Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A No
online office hours tonight Friday, Sept. 2 Watch
video 8: Continuous functions (cont.) (48 minutes) 1:30pm-2:30pm:
Javier’s LA office hours in DM 417A Monday, Sept. 5 LABOR DAY- NO SCHOOL 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Tuesday, Sept. 6 Watch
video 9: Definition of the derivative (52 minutes)
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Wednesday, Sept. 7 Class
on campus will begin with a one question quiz on videos 7-9
Most of the class will be spent working in groups on problems Thursday, Sept. 8 Watch video
10: Differentiation rules (48 minutes) You should skip case III of the proof that I do from 31:15 on the counter to 40:30
on the counter. I will show you an easier way to prove case III in video 11. From
the text, do exercises 16 and 21at the end of section 2.3
5pm-6pm Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Friday, Sept. 9 Watch video
11: Differentiation rules (cont.) & the product and quotient rules (52
min.) From
the text, do exercises 38, 44ac, 45c, 47, 51, 54, 61
at the end of section 2.3 From
the text, do exercises 25,
26, 39 at the end of
section 2.4
1:30pm-2:30pm: Javier’s LA office hours in DM 417A Monday, Sept. 12 Do
Find the Error worksheet
10am-11am: Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A 10pm:
Prof. Rosenthal’s online office hours using Adobe Connect Tuesday, Sept. 13 Review
for tomorrow’s first test
2pm-3pm: Stephanie’s LA office hours in DM 442A
7pm-8:30pm: Prof. Rosenthal’s office hours in PG5 room 134 Wednesday, Sept. 14 The
entire class will be spent taking Test #1
2:00pm- 3:00pm Prof. Rosenthal’s office hours |