Edited Books
Eaton, A. A. (2024). Navigating your Ph.D.: Challenges and strategies for thriving. Cognella.
Peer-reviewed publications
*denotes graduate student author, **denotes undergraduate student author, † denotes postdoc
Duran, A., McGill, C., Eaton, A. A., *Botkin, H., & Feldman, E. (in press). The gendered and sexual scripts shaping gay Latino fraternity men’s experiences of dating, love, and sex at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education.
*Dours, N., & Eaton, A. A. (in press). Using Routine Activity Theory to Predict Technology-Facilitated Violence Among U.S. Adults During COVID-19. Violence Against Women.
*Spiker, R., Eaton, A. A., & Saunders, J. (in press). Victimization by Nonconsensual Distribution of Intimate Images is Related to Lower Holistic Well-Being in a Diverse Sample of U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Violence and Victims.
Duran, A., McGill, C., Eaton, A. A., *Botkin, H., & Feldman, E. (2024). A phenomenological inquiry into gay Latino fraternity men’s views on masculinities. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
†Siegel, J., *Miller, A., †Kreiger, M., & Eaton, A. A. (2024). “Anything I Could Do to Not Have It Paralyze Me Was Welcome”: Coping Strategies Employed by Survivors of Image-Based Sexual Abuse. Psychology of Violence.
Eaton, A. A., †Krieger, M., †Siegel, J., & *Miller, A. (2024). Victim-survivors’ proposed solutions to addressing image-based sexual abuse in the U.S.: Legal, corporate, educational, technological, and cultural approaches. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
*Maddocks, S., †Siegel, J., Eaton, A. A., & *Agarwal, S. (2024). Who is Invited to the Metaverse? Analyzing media coverage of an emerging virtual world. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 27(1), 76-82.
†Rodríguez de la Rosa, A. L., Stephens, D., Montes, F., Sarmiento, O. L., *De La Vega, E., Eaton, A., Schreiber Compo, N., & Madhivanan, P. (2023). Adolescent social networks and physical intimate partner violence among Colombian rural adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.
*De la Vega-Taboada, E., Rodriguez, A., *Barton, A., Stephens, D., Cano, M., Eaton, A., Frazier, S., Rodriguez, A., & Cortecero, A. (2023). Colombian adolescents’ perceptions of violence and opportunities for safe spaces across community settings. Journal of Adolescent Research.
*Thomas, Z., *Banks, J., Eaton, A. A., & Ward, M. (2022). 25 years of psychology research on the ‘Strong Black Woman.’ Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
*Ruvalcaba, Y., *Rodriguez, A. L., Eaton, A. A., Stephens, D., & Madhivanan, P. (2022). The effectiveness of American college sexual assault interventions in highly masculine settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
Eaton, A. A., *Ramjee, D., & Saunders, J. F. (2022). The relationship between sextortion during COVID-19 and pre-pandemic intimate partner violence: A large study of victimization among diverse U.S men and women. Victims & Offenders.
†Kuchynka, S., L., Eaton, A. A., & Rivera, L. M. (2022). Understanding and addressing gender-based inequities in STEM: Research synthesis and recommendations for United States K-12 education. Social Issues and Policy Review.
Eaton, A. A., Grzanka, P. R., Schlehofer, M. M., & Silka, L. (2021). Public psychology: Introduction to the Special Issue. American Psychologist.
†Siegel, J., Calogero, R., Eaton, A. A., & Roberts, T. (2021). Identifying gaps and building bridges between feminist psychology and open science. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
*Le Sante, D., Eaton, A. A., & Viswesveran, C. (2021). How contextual performance influences perceptions of personality and leadership potential. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Eaton, A. A., Stephens, D., *Ruvalcaba, Y., *Banks, J., & Lotus House. (2021). A culture of care: How Lotus House Women’s Shelter heals program participants through genuineness, dignity, belonging, individualized attention, high expectations, and space. Journal of Community Psychology.
*Helpingstine, C., Stephens, D., Kenny, M., & Eaton, A. (2021). Adolescent girls with a history of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE): Perceptions and characteristics of social networks. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Eaton, A. A., & McGlynn, C. (2020). The psychology of nonconsensual porn: Understanding and addressing a growing form of sexual violence. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
*Ruvalcaba, Y., Stephens, D. P., Eaton, A. A., & *Boyd, B. (2020). Hispanic women’s perceptions of teenage sexting: Qualitative analyses using a sexual scripting framework. Culture, Health and Sexuality.
*Boyd, B., Stephens, D., Eaton, A. A., & Bruk-Lee, V. (2020). Partner scarcity: Highly educated heterosexual Black women and dating compromise. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Hackney, K., Daniels, S., Paustian-Underdahl, S., Perrewe, P., Mandeville, A., & Eaton, A. A. (2020). Examining the effects of perceived pregnancy discrimination on mother and baby health. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Eaton, A. A., & Stephens, D. (2020). Reproductive justice: Moving the margins to the center in social issues research. Journal of Social Issues.
Stephens, D., & Eaton, A. A. (2020). Cultural factors in young adult Indian women’s beliefs about disclosing domestic violence victimization. Journal of Social Issues.
†Saunders, J. F., Eaton, A. A., & *Aguilar, S. (2020). From self(ie)-objectification to self-empowerment: The meaning of selfies on social media in eating disorder recovery. Computers in Human Behavior.
Eaton, A. A., †Noori, S., Bonomi, A., Stephens, D., & Gillum, T. (2020). Nonconsensual porn as a form of intimate partner violence: Using the Power and Control Wheel to understand nonconsensual porn perpetration in intimate relationships. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
†Saunders, J., Eaton, A. A., & Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. (2019). Body-, eating-, and exercise-related comparisons during eating disorder recovery and validation of the BEECOM-R. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
Eaton, A. A., †Saunders, J., *Jacobson, R., & West, K. (2019). How gender and race stereotypes impact the advancement of scholars in STEM: Professors’ biased evaluations of physics and biology post-doctoral candidates. Sex Roles.
West, K., & Eaton, A. A. (2019). Prejudiced and unaware of it: Evidence for the Dunning-Kruger model in the domains of racism and sexism. Personality and Individual Differences.
*Ruvalcaba, Y., & Eaton, A. A. (2019). Nonconsensual pornography among U.S. adults: A sexual scripts framework on victimization, perpetration, and health correlates for women and men. Psychology of Violence.
Paustian-Underdahl, S., Eaton, A. A., Mandeville, A., & Little, L. (2019). Pushed out or opting out? Integrating perspectives on gender differences in withdrawal attitudes during pregnancy. Journal of Applied Psychology.
*Saunders, J., Eaton, A. A., & Frazier, S. (2018). Disordered society: Women in eating disorder recovery advise policymakers on change. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
*Saunders, J., & Eaton, A. A. (2018). Social comparisons in eating disorder recovery: Using PhotoVoice to capture the sociocultural influences on women’s recovery. International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Burns, V. L., Eaton, A. A., Long, H., & Zapp, Z. (2018). Exploring the role of race and gender on perceived bystander ability and intent: Findings before and after exposure to an online training program to combat sexual assault on campus. Violence Against Women.
*Kallschmidt, A., & Eaton. A. A. (2018). Are lower social class origins stigmatized at work? A qualitative study of social class concealment and disclosure among White men employees who experienced upward mobility. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
*Saunders, J., & Eaton, A. A. (2018). Snaps, selfies, and shares: How three popular social media platforms contribute to the sociocultural model of disordered eating among young women. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.
*Barrantes, R., & Eaton, A. A. (2018). Sexual orientation and leadership suitability: How being a gay man affects perceptions of fit in gender-stereotyped positions. Sex Roles.
*Jacobson, R., & Eaton, A. A. (2017). How organizational policies influence bystander likelihood of reporting moderate and severe sexual harassment at work. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal.
Bonomi, A., Eaton, A. A., Nemeth, J., & Gillum, T. (2017). The abuse litmus test: A classroom tool to assess power and control in on-screen relationships. Family Relations, 66, 154-165.
Eaton, A. A., Visser, P. S., & Burns, V. (2017). Prescriptions for persuasion: How gender role salience influences attitude strength and persuasive message processing. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
*Barrantes, R., Eaton, A. A., Veldhuis, C., & Hughes, T. (2017). The role of minority stressors in lesbian relationship commitment and persistence over time. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Eaton, A. A., & Rios, D. (2017). Social challenges faced by queer Latino college men: Navigating negative responses to coming out in a double-minority sample of emerging adults. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Stephens, D. P., Eaton, A. A., & *Boyd, B. (2016). Hispanic college men’s perceptions of appropriate sexual intercourse initiation strategies. Sex Roles, 77(3-4), 239-253.
Stephens, D. P., Thomas, T. L., & Eaton, A. A. (2016). The influence of masculinity beliefs’ influence on Hispanic college men’s intent to vaccinate against HPV. American Journal of Sexuality Education.
Eaton, A. A., & Stephens, D. (2016). Using the theory of planned behavior to examine beliefs about verbal sexual coercion among urban Black adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Stephens, D., & Eaton, A. A. (2016). Social networks influencing Black girls’ interpretations of Chris Brown’s violence against Rihanna. Journal of Black Psychology.
Rios, D., & Eaton, A. A. (2016). Perceived social support in the lives of gay, bisexual, and queer Hispanic college men. Culture, Health, and Sexuality, 18(10), 1093-1106.
Eaton, A. A., Rose, S., *Interligi, C., **Fernandez, K., & McHugh, M. (2015). Gender and ethnicity in dating, hanging out, and hooking up: Sexual scripts among Hispanic and White young adults. Journal of Sex Research.
Wright, D., Eaton, A. A., & Skagerberg, E. (2015). Occupational segregation and psychological gender differences: How empathizing and systemizing help explain the distribution of men and women into (some) occupations. Journal of Research in Personality, 54, 30-39.
Eaton, A. A., & *Matamala, A. (2014). The relationship between heteronormative beliefs and verbal sexual coercion in college students. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(7), 1443-1457.
Stephens, D. P., & Eaton, A. A. (2014). The influence of masculinity scripts on heterosexual hispanic college Men’s perceptions of female-initiated sexual coercion. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15(4), 387-396.
Eaton, A. A., & Rose, S. (2013). The application of biological, evolutionary, and sociocultural frameworks to issues of gender in introductory psychology textbooks. Sex Roles, 69, 536-542.
*Carol, R. N., *Carlucci, M., Eaton, A. A., & Wright, D. B. (2013). The power of a co-witness: When more power leads to more conformity. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(3), 344-351.
Eaton, A. A., & Rose, S. (2012). Scripts for actual first date and hanging-out encounters among young heterosexual Hispanic adults, Sex Roles, 67, 285-299.
Eagly, A., Eaton, A., Rose, S., Riger, S., & McHugh, M. (2012). Feminism and psychology: Analysis of a half-Century of research on women and gender, American Psychologist, 67, 211-230.
Eaton, A. A., & Rose, S. (2011). Has dating become more egalitarian? A 35-year review using Sex Roles. Sex Roles, 64(11-12), 843-862.
Eaton, A. A., Visser, P. S., Krosnick, J. A., & Anand, S. (2009). Social power and attitude strength over the life course. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 1646-1660.
Eaton, A. A., & Visser, P. S. (2008). Attitude importance: Understanding the causes and consequences of passionately held views. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2/4, 1719-1736.
Eaton, A. A., Majka, E. A., & Visser, P. S. (2008). Emerging perspectives on the structure and function of attitude strength. European Review of Social Psychology, 19, 165-201.
*Jackson, S. C., & Eaton, A. A. (2024). Stop the Show: A Call to End Performative Activism. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 36(3), 159-161.
Book chapters
*Dours, N. O., & Eaton, A. A. (accepted). Considering gender and sex in applied social psychology research. In K. O’Doherty (Ed.). SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology (2nd Ed). SAGE Publications.
Eaton, A. A., & Case, K. (2022). That tenured feeling of “what now?” Recalibration, power, and focus. Feminist Scholars on the Road to Tenure: The Personal Is Professional. Cognella.
Eaton, A. A., & Nevicka, B. (2022). Gender and the dark side of leadership. In D. Lusk & T. Hayes (Eds). The good, the bad, and the human dark side at work.
Eaton, A. A., & Warner, L. (2020). Social justice burnout: Engaging self-care while doing diversity work. Invited chapter in K. Case, W. Williams, & M. Kite (Eds). Difficult moments in teaching social justice.
Eaton, A. A., & Stephens, D. (2018). Adolescent dating violence among ethnically diverse youth. In D. Wolfe & J. Temple (Eds.) Adolescent dating violence: Theory, research, and prevention (pp. 233-260). Academic Press.
Burns, V., & A. A., Eaton. (2016). #GirlsFightBack: How girls are using social network sites and online communities to combat sexism. In Y. Kiuchi & F. Villarruel (Eds.). The young are making their world: Essays on the power of youth culture (pp. 20-45). Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press.
*Fay, B., & Eaton, A. A. (2014). Egalitarian dating over 35 years. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research, Springer.
Rose, S. M., & Eaton, A. A. (2013). Lesbian love, sex, and relationships. In D. Castaneda (Ed.) An Essential Handbook of Women’s Sexuality (Volume 2, pp. 3-28), Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Eaton, A. A., & Visser, P. S. (2008). Attitudes. In P. J. Lavrakas (Ed), Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods, SAGE Publications, Inc.