

Vieites, V., Nazareth, A., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Pruden, S.M. (2015). A new biomarker to examine the role of hippocampal function in the development of spatial reorientation abilities in children: A review. Frontiers in Psychology; 6: 490. PDF

Sorondo, B.M., & Reeb-Sutherland, B.C. (2015). Associations between infant temperament, maternal stress, and infants’ sleep across the first year of life. Infant Behavior and Development; 39: 131-135. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Williams, L.R., Degnan, K., Perez-Edgar, K., Henderson, H.A., Chronis- Tuscano, A., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D.S., Pollak, S.D., & Fox, N.A. (2015). Identification of emotional facial expressions among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders. Cognition & Emotion; 29: 372-382. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2015). Eyeblink conditioning: a non-invasive biomarker for  neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; 45: 376-394. PDF

Barker, T.V., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2014). Individual differences in fear potentiated startle in behaviorally inhibited children. Developmental Psychobiology; 56: 133-141. PDF

Yoo, K., & Reeb-Sutherland, B.C. (2013). Effects of negative temperament on 5-month-old infants’ behavior during the still-face paradigm. Infant Behavior & Development; 36: 344-348. PDF

Fox, N.A., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Degnan, K.A. (2013). Personality and Emotional Development: Overview. In P.D. Zelazo (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, Volume II. (pp. 15-44). Oxford University Press, London. PDF

Fox, N.A., Kirwan, M., & Reeb-Sutherland, B.C. (2012). Measuring the physiology of emotion and emotion regulation – timing is everything. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development; 77: 98-108. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Levitt, P., & Fox, N.A. (2012). The predictive nature of individual differences in early associative learning and emerging social behavior. PLoS ONE; 7: e30511. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Fifer, W.P., Byrd, D.L., Hammock, E.A., Levitt, P., & Fox, N.A. (2011). One-month-old human infants learn about the social world while they sleep. Developmental Science; 14: 1134-1141. PDF

Perez-Edgar, K., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., McDermott, J.N.M., Henderson, H.A., Degnan, K.A., Hane, A.A., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A. (2011). Attention biases to threat link behavioral inhibition to social withdrawal over time in very young children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology; 39: 885-895. PDF

Degnan, K.A., Hane, A.A., Henderson, H.A., Moas, O.L., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2011). Longitudinal stability of temperamental exuberance and social-emotional outcomes in early childhood. Developmental Psychology; 47: 765-780. PDF

Hane, A.A., Henderson, H.A., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2010). Ordinary variations in human maternal caregiving in infancy and biobehavioral development in early childhood: A follow-up study. Developmental Psychobiology; 52: 558-567. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Helfinstein, S.M., Degnan, K.A., Perez-Edgar, K., Henderson, H.A., Lissek, S., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Grillon, C., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A. (2009). Startle response in behaviorally inhibited adolescents with a lifetime occurrence of anxiety disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 48: 610-617. PDF

Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Vanderwert, R.E., Degnan, K.A., Marshall, P.J., Perez-Edgar, K., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A.. (2009). Attention to novelty in behaviorally inhibited adolescents moderates risk for anxiety. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50: 1365-1372. PDF

White, L.K., Helfinstein, S.M., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., Degnan, K.A., & Fox, N.A.. (2009). Role of attention in the regulation of fear and anxiety. Developmental Neuroscience, 31: 309-317. PDF

Marshall, P.J., Reeb, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2009). Electrophysiological responses to auditory novelty in temperamentally different 9-month-old infants. Developmental Science; 12: 568-582. PDF

Marshall, P.J., Reeb, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2008). Effects of early intervention on EEG power and coherence in previously institutionalized children in Romania. Development and Psychopathology; 20: 861-880. PDF