· Institute of Parasitology, Czech Academy of Sciences,
Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 1994, 1999.
·Department of Zoology, University of Stockholm, Sweden,
·Department of Natural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de
La Plata, 1995, 2000, 2003.
·Campomar Institute of
Biochemical Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995.
·National Institute of Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1997,
·CINVESTAD, Center of Advanced Studied, Mexico DF,
Mexico, 1997, 2001.
·Department of Zoology, University of Mar del Plata,
Argentina, 1998.
·Department of Entomology Seminar Series. University of
Arizona, April, 1999.
·Imperial College, London, England, 1999.
·Institute of Virology, University of Oxford, England,
·University of Keele, England,
·University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, 1999.
·University of
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1999.
·Norwestern Research Center (CIBNOR),
La Paz, BCS, Mexico, 2000, 2001.
·Department of Parasitology, University of Sao Paulo,
Brazil, 2000.
·Department of Biochemistry, Universidad Nacional de
Cordoba, Argentina, 2000.
·Department of Parasitology, Naresuan
University, Pitsanulok, Thailand, 2001.
·Max Plank Institute, Goettingen,
Germany, 2001.
·Invited speaker symposium: Arthropod adaptations for hematophagy Meeting of the Society of Vector
Ecologists, Albuquerque, USA, 2002.
·Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 2002.
·Boston College, USA , January
·Kansas State University, USA, February 2003.
·Florida International University, USA, March 2003.
·University of Almeria, Spain, August 2003.
·Center for Biological Research, Madrid. Spain. September
·Molecular Biology Institute, Barcelona. Spain. September
·Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bariloche,
Argentina. November 2003
·Invited speaker International Symposium on Genetic Resources
and Functional Studies in Insects. Tsukuba, Japan. March 2005.
·University of Riverside, February 2006.
·University of Georgia, February 2006.
·University of Almeria, Spain. July 2006.
·CICYTTP, Argentina, May 2007.
·Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bariloche,
Argentina. May 2007.
·Center for genomic Studies, Universidad Nacional de La
Plata, Argentina, May 2007.
·Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences,
Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, July 2007.
·Department of Biology. MIT. Boston. May 2008.
·Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) October
·Invited Speaker, Brazilian congress
of Parasitology. October 2008.
·University of Florida, Department of Entomology, March
National Institute of Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico,
December 2010
Invited speaker, Symposium on Biological Research. Center of
Biological Research. University of Antioquia. Colombia, November 2010.
Invited speaker, Symposium on Science Salutation, University of El Rosario. Bogota.
Colombia, November 2010.
Invited speaker Seminar series Fralin
Life Science Institute, Virginia Tech University, September 2010.
Invited Seminar, Northwestern Research
Center (CIBNOR), La Paz, BCS, Mexico, August, 2010.
IInvited speaker, 6th International Symposium on
Molecular Insect Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. October 2011.
Invited speaker, International Conference on
Tropical Medicine. Miami, June 2011.
Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Buenos
Aires, Argentina, May 2011.
Center of Genomic Studies, University of La Plata,
Argentina, May 2011.
Invited speaker, International Symposium on Arthropod
and Helminth Science, Ilha Grande, Brazil.
August 2012.
Seminar HHMI, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, September 2012
speaker EMBO meeting Molecular and population biology of disease vectors,
Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, July 2013.
speaker China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, July
speaker Shanghai institute of plany physiology
and pathology, Shanghai, China,July
speaker, Biotech Insect Conference, Niagara, Canada, June 2015.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vectors
(Director). Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, 2000.
Proteases in Invertebrates (Director). Norwestern
Research Center (CIBNOR), La Paz, BCS, Mexico, 2001.
International Course on Biology of Disease Vectors, Ceske Budejovice,
Czech Republic, 2001. sponsored by the John D.
and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, and the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and
Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR).
Post-graduate course: New approaches in Insect research: functional
genomic and proteomic studies. Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
Argentina, 2002.
International Course on Biology of Disease Vectors, Cuernavaca, Mexico,
June 14-29, 2003. sponsored by the John D. and
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
and the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training
in Tropical Diseases (TDR).
course on Insect Molecular and Cellular Biology. Universidad Nacional
de La Plata, Argentina, 2004.
Summer School on Vector Biology, University of South Bohemia, Ceske
Budejovice, Czech Republic, June 20-25, 2005.
International Course on Biology
of Disease Vectors, Manaus, Brazil, June 3-16, 2007. sponsored by FioCruz and
the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in
Tropical Diseases (TDR).
Course on Biology of Disease Vectors, Macae, Brazil, July 2012.
Villalobos-Sambucaro MJ., Lorenzo-Figueiras, AN., Riccillo,
FL., Diambra, LA., Noriega, FG., Ronderos, JR (2015). Allatotropin
modulates myostimulatory and cardioacceleratory activities in Rhodnius prolixus
(Stal). PLoS One.
2015 Apr 21;10(4):e0124131. doi:
Lee, SS., Ding Y.,
Karapetians N., Rivera-Perez, C., Noriega FG., Adams ME. (2017).
Hormonal Signaling Cascade During an Early Adult Critical Period
Required for Courtship Memory Retention in Drosophila. Current Biology,
2017 Sep 7. pii: S0960-9822(17)31026-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.08.017
D., Rivera-Perez, C., Abdou, M., Jia, Q., He, Q., Zyaan,
O., Bendena, WB., Tobe,
SS., Noriega, FG., Palli, SR., Wang, J., Li,
S. (2015) Methyl Farnesoate Plays a Dual Role
in Regulating Drosophila Metamorphosis. PLoS
Genet 11(3): e1005038. doi:10.1371/journal.
Loof, A., Marchal, E.,
Rivera-Perez, C., Noriega, F.G., Schoofs,
L. (2015) Farnesol-like endogenous sesquiterpenoids in vertebrates: the probable but
overlooked functional "inbrome"
anti-aging counterpart of juvenile hormone of insects? Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2015 Jan 6;5:222. doi:
M., Rivera-Perez, C and Noriega FG (2015) Allatostatin-C
reversibly blocks the transport of citrate out of the mitochondria and
inhibits juvenile hormone synthesis in mosquitoes. Insect Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology. 57: 20-26.
S., Rivera-Perez, C., Nouzova M., and
Noriega. FG (2015) Coordinated changes in JH biosynthesis and JH hemolymph titers in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. J. Insect Physiology.
72: 22-27.
C., Nouzova, M and Noriega, FG. (2014) New
Approaches to Study Juvenile Hormone Biosynthesis in Insects. In: Short
Views on Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Chapter 7. 185-216.
R., Brintha, PG.,.Park,
EY., Pelsoi, P., Liu, F., Goldsmith, M.,
Ejiofor, A., Pittendrigh, BR., Han, YS.,
Noriega, FG., Sugumaran, M., Tyagi, BK., Zheng, Z., Zhu, GF., Patnaik, BB and Michailova,
P. (2014) Introduction to Insect Molecular Biology. In: Short Views on Insect
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Chapter 1. 3-56.
Areiza, M.,
Nouzova, M., Rivera-Perez, C., and Noriega FG
(2014). Ecdysis triggering hormone ensures
proper timing of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in pharate
adult mosquitoes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 54:
F.G. (2014). Juvenile hormone biosynthesis in insects: What is new,
what do we know, what questions remain? ISRN. Volume
2014, Article ID 967361,
Perez, M., and Noriega, FG. (2014). The sub-lethal larval
metal stress response of the Dengue Fever Mosquito. Physiological
Entomology. 39(2):111-119.
Rivera- Perez, C., Nouzova, M., Lamboglia, I. and Noriega FG. (2014) Metabolomics
Reveals Changes in the Mevalonate and Juvenile Hormone Synthesis
Pathways. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 51: 1-9.
Clifton, M.E., Correa S, Rivera-Perez, C., Nouzova, M and Noriega, FG. (2014). Male Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes use JH III transferred during copulation to influence previtellogenic ovary physiology and affect the
reproductive output of female mosquitoes. J Insect Physiology. 64:
Perez-Hedo, M., Rivera-Perez, C.
and Noriega, FG. (2014) Starvation increases insulin sensitivity and
reduces juvenile hormone synthesis in mosquitoes. PLoS
One 9:e86183
ME., Adami, ML., Diambra L.,
Hernandez-Martinez, S., Damborenea, C.,
Noriega, FG., Ronderos, JR. (2013). Allatotropin: an ancestral myotropic
neuropeptide involved in feeding. PLoS ONE 8(10):
e77520. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077520
Nyati, P., Nouzova, M., Rivera-Perez,
C., Clifton, ME., Majoral, JG., and Noriega
FG.(2013). Farnesyl phosphatase, a corpora allata
enzyme involved in juvenile hormone synthesis in Aedes aegypti. PLoS
ONE 8(8):e71967.
Rivera-Perez, C., Nouzova, M., Clifton, ME., Martin Garcia, E.,
LeBlanc, E., and Noriega, FG. (2013) Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3 Converts Farnesal into Farnesoic
Acid in the Corpora Allata of Mosquitoes. Insect Biochem.
Molec. Biol. 43: 675-682
Perez-Hedo, M., Rivera-Perez, C. and Noriega, FG. (2013)
The Insulin/TOR signal transduction pathway is involved in the
nutritional regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochem.
Molec. Biol. 43:495-500
Perez M., and Noriega, FG.
Aedes aegypti pharate 1st
instar quiescence: A case for anticipatory reproductive plasticity.
Journal of Insect Physiology. 59:318-324.
.Mayoral, JG., Leonard, KT., Defelipe,
LA., Turjansksi, AG. and
Noriega, FG. (2013). Functional Analysis of a Mosquito Short Chain
Dehydrogenase Cluster. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 82:96-115.
Rivera-Perez, C., Nouzova, M
and Noriega, FG. (2012) A quantitative assay for juvenile hormones and
their precursors using fluorescent tags. PLoS One 7(8):
M., Mayoral, JM., Priestap, H., Nouzova, M., Rivera-Perez, C., Noriega, FG. (2012).
Characterization of an Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase involved in
the Juvenile Hormone pathway in Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol. 42: 751-757.
M.E. and Noriega, FG. (2012). The fate of follicles after a blood meal
is dependent on previtellogenic nutrition and
juvenile hormone in Aedes aegypti.
Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 1007ñ1019.
M., and Noriega, FG (2012). Aedes aegypti pharate 1st instar quiescence affects larval fitness and metal
tolerance. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58: 824-829.
Nouzova, M., Mayoral, J.M, Brockhoff, A Goodwin, M., Meyerhof, W. and Noriega
F.G (2012). Functional
characterization of an allatotropin receptor
expressed in the corpora allata of mosquitoes.
Peptides. 34:201-208.
Sanborn AF, Heath, JE, Phillips PK, Heath MS, and
Noriega FG (2011) Thermal adaptation and diversity in tropical
ecosystems: Evidence from Cicadas (Hemiptera,
Cicadidae). PLoS
One. 6 (12) :e29368. Epub
2011 Dec 29.
Clifton M.E. and
Noriega, FG. (2011) Nutrient limitation results in juvenile
hormone-mediated resorption of previtellogenic
ovarian follicles in mosquitoes. Journal of Insect Physiology 57:
Nouzova, M., Edwards
M., Mayoral J.M., Noriega, FG (2011) A coordinated expression of
biosynthetic enzymes controls the flux of juvenile hormone precursors
in the corpora allata of mosquitoes. Insect
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 41: 660-669.
Defelipe, L.A, Dolghih E, Roitberg A.E., Nouzova M., Mayoral
J.G, Noriega F.G and Turjanski, A.G. (2011). Juvenile Hormone Synthesis:
ìesterify then epoxidizeî
or ìepoxidize then esterifyî?
Insights from the Structural Characterization of Juvenile Hormone Acid Methyltransferase. Insect Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. 41: 228-235.
Navare A., Mayoral, J.G., Nouzova, M.,
Noriega, F.G., Fern·ndez, F.M. (2010) Rapid Direct Analysis
in Real-Time (DART) Mass Spectrometric Detection of Juvenile Hormone
(JH) III and its Terpene Precursors. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry. 398:3005-3013.
Jaime G. Mayoral, Francisco J. AlarcÛn,
Tom·s F. MartÌnez,
Pablo Barranco, F.G. Noriega (2010) An
improved End-Point Fluorimetric Procedure for
the Determination of Low Amounts of Trypsin Activity in Biological
Samples Using Rhodamine-110-Based Substrates. Applied Biochem Biotechnology. 160:1-8
Mayoral, JG, Nouzova M, Navare, A and
Noriega FG (2009) NADP+-dependent farnesol
dehydrogenase, a corpora allata enzyme
involved in juvenile hormone synthesis PNAS, 106:,21091-21096.
JG., Nouzova, M., Brockhoff,
A., Goodwin, M., Hernandez-Martinez , S.,
Richter, D., Meyerhof, W and Noriega, FG. (2010). Allatostatin-C
receptors in mosquitoes. Peptides, 31,442-450
Navare, A., Nouzova, M.,
Noriega, F.G., Martinez-Hernandez, S., Menzel,
C. and Fernandez, F.M. (2009) On-Chip Solid-phase Extraction Preconcentration/Focusing Substrates Coupled to Atmospheric
Pressure Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometry for High Sensitivity biomolecule analysis. Rapid
Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23:447-486.
Jaime G. Mayoral, Marcela Nouzova, Michiyo Yoshiyama, Tetsuro Shinoda, Salvador Hernandez-Martinez, Elena Dolghih, Adrian G. Turjanski,
Adrian E. Roitberg, Horacio
Priestap, Mario Perez, Lucy Mackenzie, Yiping Li,and Fernando G.
Noriega (2009) Molecular and functional characterization of a juvenile
hormone acid methyltransferase expressed in
the corpora allata of mosquitoes. Insect
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Berry, J.P., Gantar,
M., Perez, M.H., Berry, G., and Noriega F.G. (2008) Cyanobacterial
Toxins as Allelochemicals with Potential as
Algaecides, Herbicides and Insecticides. Marine drugs 6: 117-146.
A., Zhou, M., McDonald, J., Noriega, F.G., Sullards,
C. and Fernandez, F.M. (2008) Serum Biomarker Profiling by Solid-Phase
Extraction with Particle-Embedded Micro Tips and Matrix-Assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass
Spectrometry 22:997-1008.
S., Mayoral, J.G., Li, Y. and Noriega, F.G. (2007). Role of Juvenile
hormone and allatotropin on nutrient
allocation, ovarian development and survivorship in mosquitoes. J.
Insect Physiology 53: 230-234
Li, Y., Martinez-Hernandez, S.,
Fernandez, F., Mayoral, J.G., Topalis, P., Priestap, H., Perez, M., Navarete,
A., and Noriega, F.G. (2006).Biochemical, molecular and functional
characterization of PISCF-allatostatin, a
regulator of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. J.
Biological Chemistry, 281(45), 34048-34055.
Telang, A., Li, Y., Noriega F.G., and Brown M.R.
(2006) Effects of larval nutrition on the endocrinology of mosquito egg
development. J. Experimental Biology 209, 645-655.
F.G., Ribeiro, J.M.C., Koener, J.F.,Valenzuela, J.G.,
Hernandez-Martinez, S., Pham, V.M and Feyereisen,
R. (2006) Comparative genomics of insect juvenile hormone biosynthesis.
Insect Biochem.Molec. Biology. 36: 366-374
S., Li, Y., Rodriguez, M.H., Lanz-Mendoza H.
and Noriega, F.G. (2005). Allatotropin and
PISCF- and YXFGL-amide-allatostatins
distribution in Aedes aegypti
and Anopheles albimanus mosquitoes. Cell
Tissue Research 321:105-113.
Sanborn, A.F., Heath, M.S., Heath,
J.E., Noriega, F.G. and Polly, P.K. (2004) Convergence and Parallelism
Among Cicadas of Argentina and the Southwestern United States (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea).
Journal of Zoology of the Linnean Society 83:
Isoe, J, Noriega, F. G. and Wells, M. A.
(2004) Genomics and Gene Expression in Vectors in (Marquardt WC, Black
WC, Freier J, Hagedorn
H, Hemingway J, Higgs S, James AA and Kondratieff, Eds.) “Biology of
Disease Vectors”, 2nd ed., Elsevier, 551-563.
Noriega, F.G (2004) Mini
review: Nutritional regulation of JH synthesis: a mechanism to control
reproductive maturation in mosquitoes? Insect Biochem
Molec. Biol. 34:687-693.
A., Li, Y. and Noriega, F.G. (2004). Reduced juvenile hormone synthesis
in mosquitoes with low teneral reserves
prevents ovarian previtellogenic development
in Aedes aegypti.
J. Experimental Biology 207:2685-2690
Li, Y.,
Martinez-Hernandez, S. and Noriega, F.G. (2004) Inhibition of juvenile
hormone biosynthesis in mosquitoes: effect of allatostatic
head-factors, PISCF- and YXFGL-amide-allatostatins.
Regulatory peptides. 118: 175-182.
Li, Y.; Unnithan,
S., Feyereisen, R. and Noriega, F.G. (2003)
Activity of the corpora allata of adult
female Aedes aegypti:
effects of mating and feeding. Insect Biochem
Molec. Biol. 33: 1307-1315.
Li, Y., Kuwano, E. and Noriega F.G. (2003) 1,5-disubstituted imidazoles
inhibit juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata of the mosquito Aedes
aegypti. J. Insect Physiology 49: 1005-1011.
Li, Y.; Unnithan,
C.; Veenstra J., Feyereisen,
R. and Noriega, F.G. (2003) Stimulation of Juvinile
hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata of
adult Aedes aegypti
in vitro: effect of farnesoic acid and Aedes allatotropin. J. Experiemental Biology, 206
Caroci, A. and
Noriega, F.G. (2003) Free amino acids are important for the retention
of protein and non-protein meals by the midgut
of Aedes aegypti
females. Journal of Insect Physiology 49: 839-844.
Sanborn, A.F., Noriega, F.G. and Phillips, P.K
(2002) Thermoregulation in the cicada Platypedia
putnami variety lutea
(Homoptera: Tibicinidae)
and a test of a crepitation hypothesis. J. Thermal Biology 27(5):
FG .Noriega, Edgar, K.A., Bechet, R. and Wells, M.A. (2002) Midgut exopeptidase activities in Aedes aegypti are induced
by blood feeding. J. Insect Physiology 48: 65-72.
F.G Noriega, K. A. Edgar, D. K. Shah and
M. A. Wells. (2001) Neuroendocrine factors affecting the steady state
levels of early trypsin mRNA in Aedes aegypti
. J. Insect Physiology. 47, 515-522
M.J. Edwards, L.A. Moskalyk,
M. Donelly-Doman, M. Vlaskova,
F. G. Noriega, V.K.Walker and M.
Jacobs-Lorena. (2000) Characterization of a carboxypeptidase A gene
from the mosquito, Aedes aegypti
Insect Molec. Biol. 9, 33-38
K. Edgar, F.G. Noriega, B. C.
Bonning and M. A. Wells (2000). Recombinant
juvenile hormone esterase, an effective tool to modify juvenile
hormone-dependent expression of the early trypsin gene in mosquitoes.
Insect Molec. Biol. 9, 27-31.
F.G. Noriega and M. A. Wells (1999). A
molecular view of protein-meal digestion in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti J. Insect
Physiol. 45, 613-620.
F. G. Noriega, A. E. Colonna and M.
A. Wells (1999). Increase in the size of the amino acid pool is
sufficient to activate translation of early trypsin mRNA in Aedes aegypti midgut. Insect Biochem Molec. Biol. 29, 243-247.
J.A. Veenstra,
F.G. Noriega, R. Graf and Feyereisen R.
(1997) Identification of three allatostatins
and their cDNA from the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Peptides. 18:937-942
Q. Jiang, M. Hall, F.G. Noriega and M. Wells
(1997) Adult female-specific Aedes aegypti midgut
chymotrypsin: cDNA cloning and pattern of expression. Insect
Biochemistry and Molec. Biol. 27: 283-289
F.G. Noriega, D. Shaa and M. Wells (1997) Juvenile Hormone regulates
early trypsin gene expression. Insect Molecular Biology 6: 63-66.
F.G. Noriega, X-Y. Wang, J. E.
Pennington, C. Barillas-Mury, and M. Wells
(1996). Early trypsin, a female-specific midgut
protease in Aedes aegypti:
isolation, amino-terminal sequence determination, and cloning and
sequencing of the gene. Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol. 26:119-126.
F.G. Noriega, J. E Pennington, C. Barillas-Mury,
X-Y. Wang and M. Wells (1996). Early trypsin, an Aedes
aegypti female specific protease, is
post-transcriptionally regulated by the blood meal. Insect Molec. Biol. 5:25-29.
A.F. Sanborn, M.S. Heath,
J.E. Heath and F.G. Noriega (1995) Diurnal activity, Temperature
responses and Endothermy in three South
American cicadas (Homoptera : Cicadidae: Dorisiana bonaerensis, Quesada gigas
and Fidicina mannifera).
J. Therm. Biol. 20:451-460.
A.F. Sanborn, J.E. Heath, M.S.
Heath and F.G. Noriega (1995). Thermoregulation by endogenous heat
production in two south american grass
dwelling cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Proarna).
Florida Entomologist 78: 319-328.
Barillas-Mury, F.G. Noriega and M. Wells (1995). Early
trypsin activity is part of the signal transduction that activates
transcription of late trypsin in the midgut
of the mosquito A. aegypti. Insect
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25:241-246.
F.G. Noriega, C. Barillas-Mury and M. Wells (1994). Dietary control of
late-trypsin gene transcription in Aedes aegypti. Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol. 24(6): 627-631.
F.G. Noriega and M. Wells (1993). A
comparison of three methods to isolate RNA from mosquitoes. Insect
Molecular Biology. 2(1): 21-24.
F.G. Noriega and M. Wells
(1992). Oxygen-Carrying Perfluorochemicals
Emulsions Improve Fat Body Culture Performance. Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol.
22:6, 585-590.
F.G. Noriega (1992). Autogeny in three species of Triatominae: Rhodnius prolixus, Triatoma rubrovaria and Triatoma infestans. J.
Med. Entomology 29(2):273-277.
F.G. Noriega (1990). Ecdysteroid Metabolism
and Titre in Triatominae. Invertebrate
Stoka, D. Salomon and F.G. Noriega (1987).
Reproductive Physiology of Triatominae in Chagas Disease Vectors, Ed.
R.R. Brenner, CRC press Florida. 110-124.
Stoka and F.G. Noriega (1982).Ecdysteroids: Biochemical mechanism of
20-OH-ecdysone inactivation in Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera,Reduviidae),
Acta Physiol. Latinoam.;32,321-329.