I have 3 children from my first marriage and one from my second marriage. Fernando (41) is a Construction and Civil Engineer. Francisco (39) has a degree in Business Administration and Soledad (35)
has a degree in Graphic Design. Martin (12) is still undecided about his future.


My daughter Soledad and my son Francisco | Soledad, Francisco and my Fernando with me at Soledad's high school graduation party (December 2002)

My parents Clyde and Pepe

Martin taking a nap with Yoda. |

Martin sleeping with his dad, and in the arms of a proud mother (April 2008) |
Marcela is from Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic). She has a Ph.D in molecular biology and is a research
Associate Professor at Florida International University in Miami.

Just Married in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2003 |

With Marcela in Monument Valley, Arizona, 2004. |

Marcela and our friend Carolina Reisenman in Arches, Utah, 2004. |

Marcela at home in January 2008. She is 6 month pregnant of Martin. |

Taj Mahal in Agra (India) October 1998 |

Jerusalem Israel (August 1999) with my former undergraduate student Kyle Edgar |

At the University of Sao Paulo (Brasil) with several students including my former Research collaborator Abrahim Caroci (white T-shirt). |

September 2000 With my daughter Soledad and my friend and colleague Somchai visiting Khmer ruins on eastern Thailand. January 2001. |

With my friend Diego Anon Suarez in the Catavina area of Baja California, Mexico 2001 |

With my son Francisco in the Andes, Patagonia, Argentina 2001 |

Amazing Baobab trees in Western Madagascar. 2003 |

Playing futbol (soccer) in Tucson with my friend Gonzalo Rivera -left- (2002) |

Hiking in the Andes, Patagonia, Argentina with my sister Maria Jose, my nieces Malena and Sofia, Marcela and my friend Diego. 2002 |

Diving with the whales in Patagonia. With my university friends Mariano Martinez and Pepe Prado. 1983 |

In Fukuoka, Japan with my colleagues and friends Kozo Tsuchida and Yoshi Toshiga. 2005 |

My 3 kids, Fernando, Francisco and Soledad. 2002 |

With my daughter Soledad in 2001 |

With my friend and colleague Rafael Canteras in Sweden 1994 |

Visiting my friend and colleague Carolina Barillas at the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 1994

In paradise: collecting giant mosquitoes and cicadas in Key West, Florida, USA 2005. |