MAC 2311 sections UHA and UHB
Calculus I
Fall 2016
Instructor: Mr. Rosenthal
Welcome to the hybrid version of MAC 2311, a new way of learning Calculus I. The old way of presenting this course saw me lecture in class and you go home to try the homework. If you got stuck on a problem, no one was there to help you. Technology has eliminated the need for me to transfer information to you on campus. Through pre-recorded videos, you now have 24-7 access to my lectures. We will use our class time to do math, not for you to watch me do math. I, my learning assistants (LAs) and your classmates will be there to help you when you need it. I will also be available 3-4 nights each week to help you using Adobe Connect, Skype-like software that is built into Blackboard. My LAs will also have availabilities during the week to help you on campus outside of class. The phrase hybrid course simply means we will meet in class half as much time as a typical 4-credit course. It does not mean we will cover half as much material, nor does it mean you will learn half as much Calculus. Ideally, you will learn more.
Contact information: Phone : 305-348-2380, but email is the quickest way to contact me
email :
Office : DM 417-A
On campus office hours: Wednesdays 2-3pm
Online office hours: 2-3 times weekly. Check the daily schedule (linked to below under COURSE CALENDAR) for dates and times.

Text: If you only need Calc I and Calc II, you may obtain the single variable version of the book:
If you need all three semesters of Calculus, you may obtain the combined version of the book:
My class will use the WileyPlus web site for required online homework.

You have 3 options:
1) Purchase only WileyPlus access for $119.50 which comes with an electronic copy of the textbook. You will not have a hard copy of the book.
2) Purchase a new (not used) book from the FIU bookstore which comes with an access code for WileyPlus. 
3) Purchase a used text for whatever price you can find and also purchase WileyPlus access separately.
Each student will need to create an account by clicking here and following the on screen instructions. You can get 2 weeks of free access by choosing the option to use the 14-day grace period.

A student solutions manual is available, but is optional. In fact, all solutions are available here. The username and password required for access will be provided in class.

Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in both MAC 1114 and MAC 1140, or MAC 1147, or a score of 75 or better on the ALEKS Placement Exam. Students not satisfying the prerequisite will be dropped during the first week of class.
covers the material on test #1 (sections 2.1, 1.1-1.3, 1.5, 2.2-2.4 in your text) Click here for the daily schedule.
MODULE 2 covers the material on test #2 (sections 1.6, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 0.4, 0.5 in your text) Click here for the daily schedule.
MODULE 3 covers the material on test #3 (sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1- 4.4 in your text) Click here for the daily schedule.
MODULE 4 covers the material on test #4 (sections 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, 10.1, 4.8, 1..4 in your text) Click here for the daily schedule.

Accessing the videos: It is strongly recommended that you download to your computer all the videos for the semester on the first day rather than downloading them one at a time when you need them. This way you will never be unable to watch a video due to an interruption in your Internet connection. First, if you not already have the free iTunes software on your computer, you must download it from here. Once you have downloaded and installed the software, open iTunes on your computer and follow these instructions. An alternative way to access the videos is here, but the links on the right only work on PCs using the Firefox browser or on Macs. When watching the videos, ignore any homework assignments or test dates given. The videos are from a previous semester. Also, the section numbers and page numbers given on the videos do not correspond to your text. For example, chapter 3 in the videos is chapter 2 in your text and chapter 2 in the videos is chapter 1 in your text. Also, I number the videos on my daily schedule, but they are not listed by number on iTunes. On my daily schedule, I list the full name of each video and its length so you should have no trouble identifying which one to watch. The beginning of the videos have a graphic that includes a video number. You should ignore those numbers as they do not correspond to the numbers on my daily schedule.
Homework: Any class activity that you do not have time to complete in class must be completed at home. For WileyPlus homework, please pay attention to the due dates listed on the WileyPlus web site. There are no extensions on due dates; don't even ask! WileyPlus assignments can be submitted late for half-credit on the assignment up to the night before the next test. Once we have reached the night before a test, any online assignments you have not completed will receive grades of zero. Don't wait until the day the homework is due to do it, because if your Internet connection goes out, you are out of luck. When the due date says 11:45pm, that means that it is due before 11:45:00. The instant the server's clock ticks from 11:44 to 11:45, you are late. Although offline homework and classwork is not turned in and does not count towards your homework grade, you will still have to do the assigned offline classwork and homework from the text and my worksheets to be adequately prepared for my tests. For those of you using the ebook rather than a hard copy of the text, you will access your text from WileyPlus by clicking on the Read, Study and Practice tab. Select the chapter and section from the pulldown menus. The book exercises can be found by scrolling to the end of the section.
Assessing your learning: Success in a hybrid course does require that you overcome the urge to procrastinate. If you watch the required video lectures prior to each on-campus meeting, you will enable yourself to learn from that week’s class activity. I will attempt to assist you in ridding yourself of the procrastination urge by starting each class with a one-minute, one-question quiz that will be easy to answer by watching the videos, even if you don’t understand all the math explained in the video. This quiz will also motivate punctuality on your part since students arriving late will not have the opportunity to take the quiz. There will also be a second short quiz at the end of each class that will assess your understanding of the class activity that day. This class meets 16 times. Five of those meetings will have the entire class time used to take a test. That leaves 11 classes where we will have two quizzes for a total of 22 quizzes. You will be able to drop your 4 lowest quiz grades. The average of your remaining 18 quiz grades will constitute 5% of your final grade. The WileyPlus online homework will be 10% of your grade. Tests 1-4 will each be worth 15% of your grade and the cumulative final exam will be 25% of your grade.

After rounding off your average to the nearest whole number, the following grading scale will be applied:



















I reserve the right to add points to the totals of students who display outstanding class participation (during both class and office hours). I will never "curve" grades or drop your lowest grade.
I) NON-TEST DAYS: REQUIRED.  You will be able to drop the lowest of your 4 quiz grades. That will allow you to either miss 2 classes or miss one class with two tardies without hurting your grade.
No written or oral excuses will be accepted for tardiness or absence. 
II)  TEST DAYS:  REQUIRED.  There are NO MAKEUP TESTS.  If you miss a test and, in the opinion of the instructor, the absence is excusable, your final exam will count as two grades.  If the absence is not excusable, you will receive a zero on the test missed.  Be prepared to document your excuse with a traffic ticket, hospital bill, arrest form, etc.  A doctor's note is not acceptable unless it says "(student's name) was unable to attend school on (date of test)."  Tardiness is permitted on test days without penalty although you will have less time on the test than everyone else.  If you are so late that someone has already turned in their test before you arrive, you will not be allowed to take the test.

Required Materials:  A cheap ($9-$20) scientific calculator is all you need. If you are not sure how to tell if a calculator is scientific, it must have a key labeled SIN to be scientific. The only scientific calculators that you may not use are the Casio FX-82ES, FX-83ES, FX 85ES, Casio FX-115 (ES, MS, ES Plus or MS Plus), Casio FX-300 (ES, MS, ES Plus or MS Plus),  Casio FX-350 (ES, MS, ES Plus or MS Plus), Casio FX-570ES, any Sharp Write View calculator, the HP SmartCalc 300s, the TI-36X Pro and the TI-30XS MultiView calculator. Graphing calculators and programmable calculators are not permitted. If you have to purchase a calculator, I recommend the TI-30XA.  All tests must be written using pencil. Graph paper will also be needed but may be printed from this site.
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Distractions prevent students from maximizing their learning potential in class. To maintain a productive learning environment, cell phones must be turned off. The vibrate mode is not considered turned off. Cell phones must not be visible to you or me. If they are on your belt, they are visible. If they are in your bookbag or pocket, they are not. Violations of this policy will result in you will having to put your cell phone in the hallway immediately outside the class. If you are afraid it will be stolen, you may choose to leave with it, but you will not be readmitted to class that day. If this occurs during a test, and you choose to leave rather than put the phone in the hallway, all unanswered test questions will be marked wrong.

DROPS are not initiated by Prof. Rosenthal.  If you stop attending, you must drop this class yourself to avoid a grade of F. The deadline for dropping classes with a grade of DR is Oct. 31.

EARLY ALERT: In an effort to help you succeed in your academic courses, FIU utilizes an Early Alert system. Instructors are now able to notify students' academic advisors if there are concerns about class performance. If an alert is submitted, your academic advisor will send you a message via your Student Dashboard (accessed via your MYFIU page) to discuss ways to improve your performance. Please respond to any communication you receive from your academic advisor about an early alert. Our goal with this program is to help you to be successful by identifying any issues as early on as possible and working to address them.
EXTRA TUITION CHARGES FOR REPEATED COURSES AND EXCESS HOURS: The Florida Legislature has mandated a tuition surcharge for the third time a student either takes or attempts a college credit course. This charge should serve as additional motivation for you not to have to retake this course. In other words, DO THE HOMEWORK!!!!!
If you see a note posted saying that class is canceled, make sure it is on FIU stationary and wait until the starting time of class before leaving.

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT includes (but is not limited to) giving or receiving assistance on a test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not permitted, falsifying a document to obtain an excusal from a test, and using unauthorized notes on a test or quiz. A more complete definition of Academic Misconduct is given here. Penalties for Academic Misconduct range from an F in the course to expulsion from the university.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Limits, derivatives and their formulas, applications of derivatives, introduction to antiderivatives, introduction to parametric curves.