Physics I with Calculus: PHY2048

Instructor: Prof. Jorge L. Rodriguez
Phone: 305.348.0259
Office: CP 202
Office Hours for spring:
Tu 1:30pm-3:00pm
Th 3:30pm-5:00pm 

Course: PHY2048 U03 (14633)
Room: CP 151
Class meets: TuTh 9:30 – 11:10 am 
Enrollment Cap: 149

Course Description:

PHY2048 is the first semester of the calculus based introductory physics course offered at FIU. The material covered is outlined in some detail in the Course Schedule and covers the usual material found in an introductory course on Newtonian mechanics, This includes: kinematics (the study of motion in one and two dimensions), dynamics (the study of the causes of the motion of objects through space and time) identified through Newton’s three laws of motion. Newton’s Universal law of gravity. We will also discuss rotational motion from kinematics on through the dynamics of rotational objects. We also cover periodic motion, rudimentary wave mechanics and we will venture into a basic treatment of the physics of fluids. If time permits we will explore a few topics in thermodynamics. The course is based on the text book Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics 14th Edition by Young and Freedman. I intend to follow the text book rather closely and strongly recommend that you have access to this particular text book. I would strongly encourage everyone to begin looking and reading through the text book before the first day of class. Given that Newtonian physics has been around for centuries there are other suitable texts available that may be more cost effective. But since the order and content will be taken from Sear’s and Zemansky it will be in your interest to have access to a suitable text that parallels what we will cover. Also, since you will be assessed mostly on your ability to solve problems that come from the texts and homework sets I assign I strongly recommend you purchase the aforementioned text with the accompanying MasteringPhysics (MP) license. The MP based homework will accounts for 15% of your grade so it is imperative that you purchase a license for the MP system. This license comes with the purchase of a new book. Unfortunately the textbook in its full hardcopy version is rather expensive but other less expensive options are available. For example, you can purchase a loose leaf text version or an completely online version both with MP. Both are considerably less expensive than the full new hard copy version. Remember you’ll need MasteringPhysics to do your homework Check this site for details. Also, if you have a previous edition, or a completely different University Physics text you can use that too but you will need to purchase the MP license separately.

Your are required to attend each class and are expected to read the material beforehand. I will be taking attendance periodically and this counts toward a 5% participation credit.  I tend to go rather fast so please keep up with the material and do your homework. The class schedule posted will inform you of what will be covered when. I aim my lectures at highlighting the material you are responsible for and at the start of every chapter I list the sections we will cover. I also spend a significant amount of time going over problem solving techniques that will help you do well on the exams and homework sets. Ultimately you are responsible for all of the assigned material even if its NOT explicitly covered in a class lecture. It is highly encouraged that you come to class prepared already having read the chapter to be covered during lecture. This semester I may experiment with in class short only quizzes that will test whether you have read the material before hand. Also reading ahead will prepare you and help you better understand the material presented in class.

The course is divided into sections. The conclusion of each section will be marked by an in-class whole period exam covering the preceding material. The final exam will be all inclusive but will emphasize the chapters not covered in a previous exam.

Finally, you are highly encouraged to work in groups. I have found that explaining things to others is one of the best ways to learn the material yourself. So pick a partner or two and work problems together. Your are also encouraged to cooperate on homework set but not to just copy the answers from the web or solutions manuals. Since the HW is only worth 15% of the grade cheating on homework in this way is rather pointless. Every semester people fail the class who scored close to 100% on homework sets. Obviously they learned little from just cutting and pasting solutions into their HW. Remember, working problems for yourself is the best way to be proficient and efficient problem solvers. A skill you’ll need to do well on my exams.

Problem Solving Classes:

Please be advise that special problems solving sections are available to all student taking 2048. These classes offer you additional instruction on problem solving techniques you’ll need to do well on my exams. You are thus encouraged to register for one of the sections of PHZ 2102 that corresponds to this course. Check with panthersoft for available sections and search for the one I am teaching this semester. More information is available at the link below.