Suzanne Koptur's Quilts

This is a fun page that I have been planning to make for years.  I have always loved fabric, sewing, and quilts, and love the history and variety of quilts from different places.  Now that I have made a few quilts of my own, and have a number of quilt tops still to be put together, seems like a good time to start documenting the history of my own quilt production.

My First Quilt - for JJ

JJ's sailboat quilt
T-shirt quilt for
JJ's high school

Nancy's Quilt

Luba on Nancy's quilt
70s fabric mix
for second time
around beginning
quilting class
(by machine
this time)

The Kitty Quilts -

Sam's and Mary Ann's

Mary Ann's kitty quilt
30s fabric flower
rescue quilt

Paper Quilts for Teaching Ecology

Species Interaction Quilt
Moth quilt
from Josie

Quilters who have inspired me

still choosing a photo for this spot...

Quilt Artists I love

Stacy West self portrait detail
Atala butterfly
inspired applique
quilt top