GHSA Fellows
2017 GHSA Cohort
First Cohort of Fellows... Friends for Life!
Our first group of scholars! It a a whirlwind trip. But so much fun. These students set the bar for research excellence... and loads of laughs. Every student presented their GHSA Projects at a conference, and two students published their projects in peer reviewed journals. Further, 90% of this group went on to either graduate or medical school. We are still in touch, and know that we have made life long friends from this experience.
Geraldine Cadet
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: FIU Worlds Ahead Scholar
Ronald E. McNair Scholar
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Fabrizio Chavez
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: PhD HCI/ Human Factors
(Rice University)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Gabriella Cruz
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: Ronald E. McNair Scholar
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Sarah Filgueiras
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MS Counseling Psychology
(Penn State University)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Alba Fuertes
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MS Nursing
(University of Massachusetts- Amherst)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Rosalia Garcia
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: Physician Assistant Program
(Northwestern University)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Ginette Masters
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MS Behavior Analysis (FIU)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Elisama Oliveira
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MS in Child Education (Novasoutheastern University)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Hector Peguero
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MPH in Public Health (FIU)
U.S. Department of State Fulbright Fellowship
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio

Ana Regina Ramierez
FIU Psychology MajorRecent: MS Biostatistics
(University of California- San Diego)
Link to GHSA Research Portfolio