This Global Health Study abroad program provides you with a chance to explore one of the most populous countries in the world’s health systems and learn the successes and challenges from firsthand experience. The structure of the program will most benefit those students seeking to continue their studies in graduate or medical school programs. The teaching and research approach will follow those used in graduate school; project expectations are designed to serve as supplemental materials in medical and graduate school application packages. For this reason, you must be a highly motivated and competitive student to participate in this program. FIU undergraduates that wish to participate must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale; these are typical minimums to be considered for academically rigorous graduate and medical schools. [Students with lower GPAs will be considered on a case by case basis].
Participating not only provided me with invaluable research skills for grad school, but it also turned out to be a life changing experience. This program set me on the path for the next stage of my life.
~ Hector Peguero, 2017 Cohort & 2018 Fulbright Scholar
Applied classroom curriculm.
This program is designed to ensure that students not only gain relevant research experience, but fulfill key requirements of their degree. Students that participate in the Global Health Study Abroad Program will be registered for special course sections of CLP 4314: Health and Illness (3 credit FIU required Global Learning Course), and PSY 4931: Senior Seminar in Global Health (3 credit required capstone course for Psychology majors; upper division elective for others). Students who have taken these courses or at excess credit limits can register for up to 5 credits of PSY 4941: Independent Field Experiences in Psychology (upper division elective).

What will you be doing while in Mysore?
During your time in Mysore you will have the opportunity to observe the multilevelresponses to a variety of healthcare issues in both rural and urban clinics, public health non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and hospitals. You will also gain hands on field experience by helping health practitioners and academics conducting research. Finally, you will develop a research project that draws upon your emerging international perspectives and experiences that will be relevant to your chosen graduate or medical school areas of interest.
GHSA Fellows have a wide choice of activities to engage in as part of the program. At a minimum, all participants will have the opportunity to: