Interactive Course Experiences
"This is the best way to enhance your psychology experience at FIU- you get a unique experience with academic and fieldwork. My research project examining ADHD in India. I presnted my findings at two conferences and published a peer reviewed article. This program definitely helped me improve my training and achieve my goal to enter graduate school."
~ Geraldine Cadet, 2017 Cohort, Ronald E. McNair Fellow, Worlds Ahead Scholar & 2018 Rhodes Scholar Finalist
This Global Health Study Abroad program is open to undergraduate students attending any post- secondary institution in the United States. However, the curriculum fulfills degree requirements differently across majors. Below you will find information about the course requirements for FIU Psychology Majors and Minors.
FIU undergraduate students in other programs or schools, and non- FIU undergraduate students are also welcome to participate. You are just encouraged to speak with your academic advisor about what courses work best for your degree plan. Additionally, students attending other institutions should contact the FIU Office of Education Abroad and work with the academic advisors at their home insitution to start the administrative process specific to their school's requirements.
Graduate level students interested in participation or completing clinical/ practicum hours should contact Dr. Stephens directly.
GHSA Courses
Course Descriptions

CLP 4314: Psychology of Health & Illness (3 Credits)
This course will focus on core Western psychological health content while requiring students to compare, contrast, and apply these in international contexts. This course fulfills the university wide upper division Global Learning requirement. It can also be used as an Area C requirement for Psychology majors, or upper level psychology elective.PSY 4931: Senior Seminar in Global Health (2 Credits)
This course fulfills the Senior Seminar Capstone requirement for Psychology majors (or can be used as an upper level psychology elective). Students will utlize their critical thinking and application skills through the preparation of a significant research project that integrates what they learned in for CLP 4314: Psychology of Health and the research experiences they will be exposed to in Mysore. GHSA Fellows that have not taken PSY 3213: Research Methods will be given permission to enroll for this course out of sequence.PSY 4941: Supervised Research (1 Credit minimum)
Participation in this program requires registering for six credits. Students meet this requirement by registering for one credit of Supervised Research. There are requirements associated with this credit that integrate skills gained in CLP 4314: Psychology of Health & Illness and PSY 4931: Senior Seminar in Global Health.Additionally, in cases where students are at their maximum number of credit hours and want to avoid over credit pentalities, they can register for up to 6 credits of Supervised Research. These are Pass/ Fail credits so they do not count toward credit hour limits. However, they will not provide GPA points as they are Pass/ Fail.
Non Psychology Majors & Students from other Institutions
Students are required to register for credits when participating in a study abroad program at FIU. Typically non majors and students attending other institutions use these course credits as electives. Your academic advisor and the FIU Office of Study Abroad will confirm how these credits will fit within your degree requirements.All students are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor in their major to go over how these courses fit within their overall degree plan.