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Lunch & Learn

There was always a snack or meal for us to enjoy while guest speakers presented.

Celebrating in a Sari!

Ginette and Ms.Poornima Jay looking lovely at the PHRII 10th Anniversary celebration

We've worn out the lovely Dr. V!

She goes above and beyond to share her knowledge and teach us basic patient support skills!

Mysore Palace

Waiting for the lights to go on at Mysore Palace

Coconut Water Break

Get it fresh daily and cut open while youw wait!

Meeting our University of Mysore counterparts

Dr. Indira arranged for an afternoon of discussion and lecture to experience a health communications class at the local university.

Venugopala Swamy Temple

For more than 70 years the temple lay underwater- now we get to walk around and see its beauty.

Taking a look at ourselves

Dr. Shanti and Elisa show the local Dhward region children their photos.

Getting up close and personal

Geir greets and gives love to her new friend.

Mixing right in...

We all went wide buying saris and kurtas, so we may as well wear them while we can get help putting them on!

Posing with the school kids

The health clinics were often held on the same school grounds where children attended classes.

Leaving the elephant camp

The group waiting for the jeeps to bring us back to the main road.

Sitting on top of the world.. or at least Mysore

GHSA fellow regularly hike the Chamundi Hill foot trail, which comprises over 1000 steps. But the view is worth it!

Selfie outside the Hotel

Ana, Leslie and Patricia have fresh faces before the day starts!

Discussion rural health concerns with the Tribal Chief

Dr. Indira helps translate and explain the unique health issues of the region.

Mysore Palace at Night

We arrived less than 24 hours ago, but made sure we saw the palace lighting!

Chavely interviews Dr. Ram

Dr. Ram Attur, a child psychiatrist and head of Tender Minds Clinic in Mysore always takes time to meet with GHSA fellows

More Photos: Photos 1 & Photos 2