Peer Reviewed Articles (Last 5 years)
* graduate student author, ** undergraduate student author
- *Dankoor, K., Stephens, D. P., & Ter Bogt, T. (2025). “Girl, I think my butt gettin’ big”: The importance of “thickness” in music videos for Black and White women’s body image. Journal of Counseling Psychology DOI TBA
- Stephens, D. P., *Bravo, E., *Castillo Perez, J.S., **Valentin, K. & **Selva, G. (2024). “It’s more like the girl doesn’t really have to do anything”: Hispanic college women’s sexual initiation strategy perceptions. Journal of LatinX Psychology. Advance online publication.
- *De La Vega Taboada, E., Stephens, D. P. *Guerra, A., Frazier, S., Cruz, J.M.,& Jalali, M. (2024). "Community Fútbol Coaches Working Together to Prevent Violence and Promote Positive Youth Development in Colombia Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
- *Castillo Perez, J.S., Stephens, D.P., Hayes, T., & Ibanez, G. (2024). Examining the Relationship Between Condom Use Self-Efficacy, Sexual Empowerment, and Sexual Health Knowledge Among Latino College Men. American Journal of Sexuality Education. Advance online publication.
- *Peguero, H., Stephens, D. P., *Duong, J. & *Obee, A. (2024). Latin Transgender and Gender-Diverse Individuals’ Perceptions of Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Behavioral Sciences, 14(11): 997.
- *Peguero, H., Stephens, D. P., Srinivas, V., **Dowel, A., **Pedraza Orjuela, A. & *Castillo Perez, J. (2024). Indian Medical Students’ Perceptions of Their LGBTQ Health Training. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 15(3): 339-347.
- *De La Vega Taboada, E., **Pérez-Del Oro, J., & Stephens, D.P. (2024). Fútbol Con Corazón: The Cultural Roots and Health Promoting Value of Soccer for Latino Families in the United States. Journal of Sport for Development 12(1): 93-106.
- *Long. K.L., *Karimi, A., **Mini, A., Stephens, D.P. & Nelson, E.L. (2024). The meaning of adulthood for emerging adults with Down syndrome: Parent perspectives on relevant skills. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilties. Advance online publication.
- *Guerra, A.M., *De La Vega-Taboada, E.,Sarmiento, O.L., Banchoff, A., King, A.C., Stephens, D.P, Revollo, A.P. & Montes, F. (2024). Fostering collective action for adolescent well-being: Citizen science in a Colombian semi-rural area. Health Promotion International, 39(5).
- Dickens, D. & Stephens, D. P. (2023). Black Women’s Body Image: Implications for Identity Formation and Well-Being. Journal of Black Psychology, 49 (6): 747- 757. DOI
- *Bravo, E. & Stephens, D. P. (2023). RESISTIR: Hispanic undergraduate STEM majors’ perceptions of barriers and supports towards degree persistence. Journal of LatinX Psychology. DOI 10.1037/lat0000223
- *De la Vega-Taboada, E., *Rodríguez, A., *Barton, A., Stephens, D., Cano, M., Eaton, A., Frazier, S., Rodriguez, M., Augusto, C., & Cortecero, A. (2023). Colombian Adolescents' Perceptions of Violence and Opportunities for Safe Spaces Across Community Settings. Journal of Adolescent Research. DOI 10.1177/07435584231164643
- *Dankoor, K., Stephens, D. P., & Ter Bogt, T. (2023). Drip Too Hard? Commercial Rap Music and Perceived Masculinity Ideals and Actual Self-Evaluations among Black U.S. and Dutch Adolescent Men. Sexuality & Culture, 27, 55- 77. DOI 10.1007/s12119-022-10003-9
- *Rodríguez, A., & Stephens, D. P., Montes, F., Sarmiento, O.L., *De la Vega- Taboada, E., Eaton, A., Schrieber Compo, N., & Madhivanan, P. (2023). Adolescent Social Networks and Physical Intimate Partner Violence Among Colombian Rural Adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. DOI 10.1080/10926771.2023.2238631
- Stephens, D. P., **Pierre, J. & *Helpingstine, C. (2022). Black mothers’ perceptions of barriers and motivators for initiating adolescent dating violence discussions with daughters. Journal of Black Sexuality & Relationships(9)1 & 2.
- *Helpingstine, C., Stephens, D. P. Jayakrishna, P., Pramathesh, R., Madhivanan, P. & Ramarao, I. (2022). Anti-human Trafficking Service Professionals in India: Challenges and Barriers to Service Provision. Journal of Human Trafficking. DOI 10.1080/23322705.2022.2066874
- *Ruvalcaba, Y., *Rodriguez, A. L., Eaton, A., Stephens, D. P. & Madhivanan, P. (2022). The effectiveness of American college sexual assault interventions in highly masculine settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 65.
- *Kiplagat, S., Khan, A., Sheehan, D., Jaykrishna, P., Ravi, K., Trepka, M., Bursace, Z., Stephens, D. P., Krupp, K., & Madhivanan, P. (2022). Evaluating the moderating role of Accredited Social Health Activists on adverse birth outcomes in rural India. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. DOI: 10.1017/S0021932022000037
- *Kiplagat, S., Ravi, K., Sheehan, D. M., Srinivas, V., Khan, A. Trepka, M., Bursac, Z., Stephens, D. P., Krupp, K., & Madhivanan, P. (2022). Sociodemographic patterns of preterm birth and low birth weight among pregnant women in rural Mysore district, India: A latent class analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science. DOI: 10.1017/S0021932022000037
- Eaton, A. A., Stephens, D. P., *Ruvalcaba, Y., **Banks, J. & Lotus House (2021). A culture of care: How Lotus House Women’s Shelter heals program participants through genuineness, space, high expectations, dignity, individualized attention, and community. Journal of Community Psychology. Special Issue: Actionable Research for Understanding and Addressing Homelessness. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22579
- *Helpingstine, C. E., Stephens, D. P., Kenny, M. C. & Eaton, A. A. (2021). Adolescent girls with a history of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE): Perceptions and characteristics of social networks. Child Abuse & Neglect, 115. DOI 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105015
- Stephens, D. P. & Eaton, A. A. (2020). Cultural factors influencing young adult Indian women’s beliefs about disclosing domestic violence victimization. Journal of Social Issues. doi: 10.1111/josi.12385
- *Boyd, B., Stephens, D. P., Eaton, A. A. & Bruk- Lee, V. (2020). Partner Scarcity: Highly Educated Heterosexual Black Women and Dating Compromise. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. doi: 10.1007/s13178-020-00493-3
- *Rodriguez, A., Stephens, D. P., Brewe, E., Ramarao, I., & Madhivanan, P. (2020). A Network Analysis of Domestic Violence beliefs among young adults in India. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi 10.1177/0886260519889923
- *Ruvalcaba, Y., Stephens, D. P., Eaton, A. A., *Boyd, B. (2020). Hispanic women’s perceptions of teenage sexting: A Qualitative analyses using a sexual scripting framework. Culture, Health and Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2020.1767805
- *Barton, A., *McLaney, S. & Stephens, D. P. (2020). Targeted Interventions for Violence among Latinx Youth: A Systematic Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. doi 10.1016/j.avb.2020.101434
- Eaton, A. A. & Stephens, D. P. (2020). Reproductive justice: Moving the margins to the center in social issues research. Journal of Social Issues. doi: 10.1111/josi.12384
- Eaton, A., Noori, S., Bonomi, A., Stephens, D. P. & Gillum, T. (2020). Nonconsensual porn as a form of intimate partner violence: Using the Power and Control Wheel to understand nonconsensual porn perpetration in intimate relationships. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. doi: 10.1177/1524838020906533.
- Black Women's Body Image
Journal of Black Psychology, Vol. 49, Issue 6
Co Editor: Danielle Dickens - Reproductive Justice
Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 76, Issue 2
Co Editor: Asia Eaton
Book Chapters
- Stephens, D. P. (2023). Cultivating Communities: A Feminist reframing of Networking in Academia (pp. 185- 199). In K. Richmond, A. Zelin, I. Settles, and S. Shields (Eds.) Feminists and the Road to Tenure: Transforming the Academ . San Diego, CA: Cognella.
- Stephens, D. P. & Maryapan, L. (2019). You are Never Not a Leader: Informal Leadership & Women of Color in Academia. (pp. 57- 72). In A. Bonomi and C. M. Rennison (Eds.) Women Leading Change in Academia: Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Glass Cliff, and Glass Slipper. San Diego, CA: Cognella.
- Eaton, A. & Stephens, D. P. (2018). Adolescent Dating Violence Among Ethnically Diverse Youth. (pp.233- 251) In D. Wolfe & J. Temple (Eds.) Adolescent Dating Violence. Netherlands: Elsevier.
- Stephens, D. P. (2012). The influence of mainstream Hip Hop’s female sexual scripts on African American women’s dating relationship experiences (pp. 69-83) In M. Paludi (Ed.) The Psychology of Love. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
- Stephens, D. P., Patil, V., & Thomas, T. L. (2012). STI prevention & control for women globally: A reproductive justice approach to understanding women’s experiences (pp. 117- 144). In J. Chrisler (Ed.) Reproductive Justice: A Global Concern. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishing.
- Stephens, D. P., Phillips, L.D. & Few, A. L. (2009). Examining African American female adolescent sexuality within mainstream Hip Hop culture using a womanist- ecological model of human development (pp. 160- 174). In S. Loyd, A. Few and K. Allen (Eds.) Handbook of Feminist Theory, Methods and Praxis in Family Studies. Newbury Park, CA: Sag